I just got back from the vet....
She looked at him and said he is looking alot better.
I asked her how much longer he needs to be on the antibiotics, and she said that she likes to see these guys on it for 3 weeks, especially since the wire was so old and rusty.
Then she asked me if I had fed him this week, and I said no. She said I should because "needs food to heal".
I said that I was afraid of the possibility of a regurge, and she said that he "could" regurge, and still be ok, but it was important to see if he could eat.
I asked her if the incisions in his neck would cause scar tissue that would prevent his throat from stretching to engulf prey. She said that parts of his throat may be affected, but he could always eat multiple smaller food items if that was the case.
So...driving home I got the bright idea to feed him a pink when we got back, and skip his meds until tomorrow night. When my hand got infected this spring (and it was BADLY infected) antibiotics took care of it fast. So I reasoned that missing a few doses should be ok, as long as he's digesting....
So I thawed a pink.
I left him in his kritter keeper travel cage, and took out the paper towel so it wouldn't stick to the pink. At one point he was nose to nose with the pink....but he didn't eat. My boy who has NEVER refused a meal.....I left the pink in with him and went to work. I'm terrified, even though the vet said not to worry if he doesn't eat. Just try him again in a few days. But until he eats, I don't know if he's going to make it. I'm in knots right now. I'm praying the pink is gone when I get home tonight....
I'm sick to my stomach that he suffered this at all.
I so much wish I could go back in time to when he was ok.....
He's a GOOD sweet boy, and he never deserved this.
He was also the foundation for 2 projects I was starting, plus the only male I have that is compatible with Carmen, my caramel motley.
I can't afford to replace him if I lose him....(as if that's even possible...)