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Miami Eggs!


Keeper of scaley things.
Ok more like egg. She shed last week, has been going nuts crusing around all week and this morning she laid one egg outside of her box and is now buried in the box. How long should I wait for more eggs before I start to worry?
Yeah I just peeked on her through the plastic and she glared at me so im leaving her alone for the night.
with any luck..she'll pass the rest overnite and you'll wake up to a wonderful surprise!!! be sure to post pics of the clutch!!!!
So far the one we do have is a good one. But it looks so lonely in the incubator.
I just went thru this myself....I had a female with 14 eggs in her..she laid 2 the first night.....10 the next 24 hrs..the last 2 got stuck..and on the 3rd day i called kathy love...she walked me thru a procedure using a sexing probe inserted into the cloaca..to circle the egg closest to the vent to loosen it up..it popped right out...waited another 24 hrs...and had to perform the procedure again on the last egg....9 good ones out of 14. I Hope your girl doesnt have to endure this. fingers are crossed that she passes them all over night.
UGH!!! Murphy has been real busy this year!!! well, hopefully you won't have to worry about it. chances are she'll be fine. my girl was only 325grams & 1 1/2 yrs old :) young but fertile!
I just checked on her and nothing. She is still laying in the box under all of the moss. I picked her up and it looks like the eggs may have moved down a bit so im going to check on her again this afternoon.
I also called the local vet just in case I do need to take her in and the reptile vet is only there on Saturdays.
ok...from here on in..i would suggest that you not handle her,move her or bother her in any way. Kathy's advice to me was..if nothing has been layed in a 48hr period then its time to act. Just leave her to it...no checking on her or bothering her. While you wait...check out the thread "first hook-ups for me" theres ALOT of good info/advice in there On a similar situation.
ok will do! She is also in a spot where I can peek in without having to move her or anything so I will do that once a day just to make sure she is ok.
Yeah...also...I will try to get some more experienced people to respond to this thread to set your mind at ease.
I feel like this right now :bang:

No way im going to be able to concentrate on homework today. I guess my anery spoiled me by having no problems at all.
I peeked through the side of the tub and I see another egg! Im going to leave her alone until right before I go to bed (like 1am cst) and hopefully she will finish by then.
great!! As long as the eggs keep moving..your in good shape. Stick to the plan..she should be fine. How many eggs is she carrying?
I was bad! I peeked! OMG.




15 eggs! Though I am not sure on the single one she had yesterday. It looks a bit odd when it candles but im keeping it just in case.
WOOOOOO!!!!!!! Congrats on a HUGE clutch!!!! they are all out?? right???
If they are sleep easy tonight.....you deserve it!!:cheers: They all look Fertile & healthy!!! the first one....when you candled it....did it glow red/pink...or white/clear??


LOL....i knew you would (peek)...we all do!!!
It was redish pink but had this weird formation near the one end like the shell hadnt formed all the way on the inside. Maybe it was just the way the fluid was sitting.

I left the eggs in there for now and I will take them out before I go to bed. She didnt seem to want to be bothered so im thinking she might not be done just yet. Then again if I had just laid 15 eggs I think I would be a bit pissy to!
LOL...yeah..your probably right there!! No harm in letting mom have a moment with her new eggs. As for the red/pink glow.....seems that if they glow red/pink it's viable..if it glows white/clear it's probably not going to make it....thats what i was told.....and sure enough...1 of my eggs candled white/clear...but stayed nice & plump for 21 days....then started to dimple in and turn an ugly brownish color.