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Millicent - Amelanistic/Reverse Okeetee (Progression Thread)

the waterfall is wonderful, but however it is a GIANT hassle to clean, so i have now taken it out and given her a bigger water dish. the exo terra vivs come with small holes in the back to run cords through, and a little slider that slides over the holes to close them.

they get really slimy really quick, and to clean it i had to dig the cord out of the substrate and take off the lid, so yeah. wasn't too into it, though it looks REALLY nice
alright ladies and gents, i haven't updated this in FOREVER, but today i decided to take her out for a few shots, considering i caught her shedding the last 2 inches of her tail. so here is milly, in her 500+ gram glory, and her lovely new skin!


532 grams!


Milly hula hooping!


hangin' out in our lovely red maple tree - i plan on taking her back out there later when the overhead sun is gone


hangin' out on our railing


LOOK HOW BIG SHE IS! i can't even believe she used to fit right in the palm of my hand!


and last but not least, another hand comparison shot
I love your pics!!! Beautiful snake! I have an R.O. that weighs about 17 grams right now. It is nice to see how yours has progressed.
I thought I posted something on this after seeing the 533 grams... but I guess it didn't take. Talk about growth explosion! A little over a year and 500 grams?? Amazing!

EDIT! My bad... I went back and looked at the dates... MUCH more than a year... almost a year and a half. Sorry!!!
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I can't believe how huge she is! She far surpasses the size of my 07. Thanks for updating us.
haha yes she is definitely over a year old, probably more like a year and 9 months. i got her in december 07, and she was around 9 grams. our hatchlings are now hitting 9 grams and they are almost 2 months old. so not entirely sure of her hatch date. but she is growing really well, the only time she refuses a meal is when she's in blue, and even that is really, really rare.