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Morbid Topic, something to think about.

tom e

New member
About a week or so ago, Jen and I were driving to LA. As often happens on a drive through crummy traffic, things were really moving and then pretty suddenly came to a stop. It was a pretty sharp halt, and Jen's a good driver, so there were no problems for us (I think it was an accident up ahead a ways)..
Anyway right as we were narrowly avoiding an accident, it occured to me that if something ever happened to me, nobody in my family would know what the heck to do with my critters. My dog would have a good home with my brother I'm sure, but none of my family can be thought of as snake people.

I meant to post about this at the time, but I forgot. I'm just curious, does anyone here have any documents that direct their families with their reptiles if something should happen?

Have you guys ever thought of this before?
I do not have anything written out anywhere about animals, but I have instructed my dad that if something were to happen to me he keep what he wants, the rest he is supposed to call a good friend of mine who has more snakes than me and with give them to him, or have him sell them for my dad.
Looks like Fluffy may be cause of death, lol.

When you think about it, some of these animals can live a long time. Even ignoring tragedies, lot's of us could be outlived by some of our pets.
I have someone who has agreed to take my snakes. I really need to make a big sign that says how to get in touch with her!

I'm a little worried that I might die alone at home and no one will ever know.
Tony gets to keep whatever ones he wants, and sell everything he doesn't. He knows how to get on here under my username, so he could post for sale ads, and even "donate" some to certain people.

I have someone who has agreed to take my snakes. I really need to make a big sign that says how to get in touch with her!

I'm a little worried that I might die alone at home and no one will ever know.

Nanci, DYK that if you go missing for more than a day on here, I'm SURE someone is going to call and start freaking out? And then Katie and I would storm your house. (I'd promptly get torn to pieces by Bella, but I'm sure Katie would be able to get in and out just fine. LOL)
Looks like Fluffy may be cause of death, lol.

When you think about it, some of these animals can live a long time. Even ignoring tragedies, lot's of us could be outlived by some of our pets.
I'm having all of mine buried with me Pharoah style.

/that's a joke.

My wife has been instructed to contact my aquarium club. They're all animal lovers so I'm sure that some of them will find homes for my critters.
When I was at the vet yesterday, they actually had a pamphlet about this. I don't remember if I grabbed one or not - but it had a card you could carry on you and one to keep at home with who you want contacted about your animals. It also had contact numbers for organizations that help people add this kind of stuff to their wills. If I don't have it - I will have to get one next time I am there and post the info here.
Very true thought Tom, I even worry about what may become of my dog, should something unexpectedly happen to me. I haven't even thought about writing a will, and if I left my reptiles to anyone it would be my brother, same with my dog. But other than him, I wouldn't know where to go.
My mother loves my dog, and my pet reptiles, but I'm not sure the snakes would be something she could properly care for. Someone from here would probably be the best bet, I just don't know anyone here well enough to have it documented in a will.
Probably like most, I don't think too much about that. But you never know when you're time is up, and preparations should be made to ensure our pets will be cared for after a tragedy. It's especially hard for reptiles too, seeing even family that likes them probably wouldn't have any clue how to care for them. Plus reptiles can live much longer than most pets, so it's especially difficult to re-home them long term.
When I was at the vet yesterday, they actually had a pamphlet about this. I don't remember if I grabbed one or not - but it had a card you could carry on you and one to keep at home with who you want contacted about your animals. It also had contact numbers for organizations that help people add this kind of stuff to their wills. If I don't have it - I will have to get one next time I am there and post the info here.

Woah! Great idea. I guess I'm not a bit surprised that I'm not the first to think about it. Reading everyone's responses, I'm probably the last, lol.
When I was at the vet yesterday, they actually had a pamphlet about this. I don't remember if I grabbed one or not - but it had a card you could carry on you and one to keep at home with who you want contacted about your animals. It also had contact numbers for organizations that help people add this kind of stuff to their wills. If I don't have it - I will have to get one next time I am there and post the info here.

Well, we know that your herps would be safe for a while! But Tony wants to know if he can have Gus. LOL.
And the greybands... and the normals and Miamis... and anything else that Joe doesn't want...
Well, we know that your herps would be safe for a while! But Tony wants to know if he can have Gus. LOL.
And the greybands... and the normals and Miamis... and anything else that Joe doesn't want...

There is probably a bunch of stuff that Joe wouldn't want - especially the normals and Miamis. Although he might fight Tony for Gus!
I would be more worried about my cats. I think Joe and Jeff would keep Kiska, and I would hope Gabriel - but I just don't know for sure. I know they would keep Sierra (my wolf mix) but I can almost guarantee that the GSD would get the boot.
I can picture Jen keeping Grendel, if she was comfortable with the husbandry. But I know she wouldn't have any interest in the corns, unless she caught the bug between now and then. She thinks they are pretty but doesn't have any interest in breeding so having multiple snakes does not compute with her.

I like your idea Robbie about having login and password for here written down somewhere in important papers.
My wife has been instructed to open the snake cages and mouse cages and then open all the doors and windows to the serpentarium and see what happens....

Just kidding.
My boys will definately take on the herps, Rosie and the cats, I think they'd be too squeamish for the F/K feeders though and would have to rehome them and change the mouse farm's status to pet only squeakers.
I like your idea Robbie about having login and password for here written down somewhere in important papers.

Actually, I'm auto-logged in to this site, and several other herp forums. LOL. But yes, Tony does know my password and screenname on every site I'm on, so he could easily contact anyone he needed to.
Funny you should mention this when I got sick 2 years ago the hospital made me sit down with someone and jot down a medical directive and pseudo will. My kids will get all the animals happily:)
I have full instructions on what to do with my snakes, who to contact for each species and their phone numbers. I also have instructions as to what to do with the horses. I did this years ago. I'm afraid I'm a realist when it comes to death and dying.
There is probably a bunch of stuff that Joe wouldn't want - especially the normals and Miamis. Although he might fight Tony for Gus!
I would be more worried about my cats. I think Joe and Jeff would keep Kiska, and I would hope Gabriel - but I just don't know for sure. I know they would keep Sierra (my wolf mix) but I can almost guarantee that the GSD would get the boot.

Well, since we're talking about many years down the road here, we might be allowed to have dogs by that time. :D Any of your animals are more than welcome here.
I've thought about this alot too. It terrifies me to think of anything happening, but its even scarier to think of that would happen to the reptiles. I keep an online database of EVERYONE which I update constantly. All files are picture coded, and include species, sex, age, feeding, and temperment. I even went as far as to include purchase prices and in depth genetic info. Also, everyone is in a labled bin. If its not labeled, they're not in it. I encourage hubby to do snake chores with me so he will learn to recognize everyone. In the even that something should happen to me, I do have a very experienced friend that has agreed to take everyone if my husband is not up to the challenge.