Alien Lover
Nearly all of my vivs have ID tags on them from Degei. So each snake is identifiable. And I guess the person who gets the snakes can just have my laptop and the Degei database...
Who wants Bella???
I think, although I had arrangements for the pigeons, the person who has sworn to care for Mr. Bird till the end of his days and I have drifted apart. It's probably best for them to just be PTS. Dill is simple to care for, for me, but he's pretty special needs. I'd feel bad, asking someone else to take on a one-paralyzed-leg flightless bird. That can't live in a cage.
Who wants Bella???
I think, although I had arrangements for the pigeons, the person who has sworn to care for Mr. Bird till the end of his days and I have drifted apart. It's probably best for them to just be PTS. Dill is simple to care for, for me, but he's pretty special needs. I'd feel bad, asking someone else to take on a one-paralyzed-leg flightless bird. That can't live in a cage.