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Morph ID?


Quick Learner
This little thing is in my local Petsmart, along with an anery stripe and I think a normal. Wasn't really sure about it, seemed a little pinkish. Unfortunately, you can't really see the pink in the picture. Not to mention, it's taken with my cell phone. Any help would be nice. If its something worth it, I will pick it up.

Looks like a very pretty little ghost... *maybe* strawberry anery, but much more unlikely. What a looker!
I do see it as a light pinkish color... if That is the true color? I would pick it up just out of curiosity hehe :) very interesting find!
Very pretty, I would just be very careful picking these guys up from big chain pet stores. Some may come with illness, mites, and/or parasites. Some have even been known to up and die. So if you do pick one up quarantine, quarantine, quarantine and following strict quarantine procedure. I would even get a fecal done at the vet.

Not to discourage you from buying from these big chain stores. We all have done it. I just can bring myself to do it anymore especially with the ones around where I live and the conditions they are kept in. I cant even allow myself to go inside.
I really don't want to pick it up because it's Petsmart, but ughhh. There is the anery stripe in the picture too. The pressumed ghost tried to tuck his head under the body of the stripe. I'm pretty sure the temp was high too. I just feel terrible. Maybe if my UTH bundle deal thingy gets here soon, I may pick it up.
I really am not sure. The poor thing wasn't moving, nor responding to my movements near the tank. :/ I really wish I would have got a shot of the other one that was in there. I think he is a normal, but my gut says he has too much red for it.
I usually dont buy from pet stores period! Unless you can tell that they really Do know something and keep things like they should. But as a general rule, I just dont because with all the snakes I have its very hard to quarentine properly.... now, that being said... LOL I would probably pick this one up just because its kinda unique but it would be staying with someone else for atleast 2-3 months. :) I love the unusual!
A quarantine is fine in another room, or am I mistaken? I recently had my roommates move out so Tyras and my boyfriends unnamed chameleon are in the extra room. Could I just put the pressumed ghost in my bedroom?

AHMAHGOSH! I'm so becoming a reptile lady!
Quarantine in another room for a few months. Submit a fecal test to the vet. Wear disposable gloves when feeding cleaning and use a new pair of gloves for each snake. Do not share food items from one to another. Do not share water bowls.

You do NOT want an episode with crypto like I had that caused me to euthanise all my juvies and hatchlings because a petstore snake I bought showed up with crypto almost a year later. I was lucky and none of the euthanised animals (which were in direct contaminatory path) were positive so my general hygiene was sufficient, but I'm not taking chances any more.
Those precautions are sensible for any new reptile addition. :/ Costco sells non-latex disposable gloves quite cheaply.
Wahhhhhh I wish I was anywhere near a Costco. I have gloves though(amateur hairstylist).

Yes, quarantine forever(or so it feels). We made sure of that when I got Tyras, since my roommate at the time has a gorgeous albino colombian boa.

On another note, what does crypto really do? And how do you tell if they have it? Just in case purposes.
Crypto is a nasty nasty thing. Snakes that contract it can show signs within a couple months.... or have it their whole life without signs, being a 'Typhoid Mary' in your collection.

Clinically it shows up as regurges several days after the initial meal, weight loss, and a swollen stomach that makes it look like they still have a meal despite the regurge. They might also have mucoid feces, but not always.

The parasite is transmitted via fecal-oral and often via prey items or water bowls. It's exceptionally hard to kill in the environment. It inhabits primarily the lining of the stomach and can lead to severe inflammation, which is what causes the swollen appearance and the regurges.
Well thank you for the information on it. I think I'll be paranoid now. But at least its better than careless.
Don't do it... they will get rewarded for not taking care of their animals. File a complaint.
All it takes is one snake to wipe out a collection. That _almost_ happened to Megan. With a snake that had been quarantined! Luckily, her routine hygiene prevented the spread. A typical pet keeper or small breeder may not follow such strict infection control precautions.

BUT- you _should_ isolate any new snake, no matter who is the source, no matter "how big a name" or "how many books published" or "how good a friend" the breeder is, for a minimum of 90 days. During those 90 days, you must maintain strict isolation from other animals, including no shared feeding bins, feeding utensils, water bowls, handling the isolation snakes last, etc.
I agree. I will admit I have gotten a couple of snakes from big chain stores. My very first corn Piglet came from Petco. He was skinny and had mites. I nursed him back to health. Took him to the vet and he is happy and healthy. We got lucky with him. We have Lilbit as well that is a Petco buy, My husband fell for her beauty and sad puppy dog eyes and had to go back and "save her" and gave her to me for Valentines Day but has since claimed her as him. She has been in isolation since. Even though, she has been to the vet. She has had a fecal. She is fixing to be moved into the rack system.

I just purchased two snakes from Nanci and as much as I know how well Nanci takes such good care of her snakes. Delilah and Mi Corazon are in quarantine. Not that I don't trust Nanci but it is just procedure. They both are happy, healthy, beautiful and have great personalities.
Dittoing the sentiment. I have two groups of Daytona pickups in QT now, and have snakes paid for that I can't even TAKE until I get everything settled. And the snakes from Nanci I trust as much or more than the trusted sources these came from. But I still have to set up a whole new rack; which means brand new tubs, water bowls, etc. It seems unnecessary, but I have seen how a mite infestation can spread. It's HORRIBLE and I can only imagine something worse. If I had to euth my collection, I'm not sure I could keep doing this. I treat new snakes like unprotected sex. It probably isn't likely, but the risk can outweigh the reward. And Petsmart is probably a street walker in this analogy.