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Moving a few out

I just received a '10 1.0 Butter and a '10 0.1 Golddust from Tara and couldn't be happier with them, I would recommend getting corns from her anytime.

Hey Tara, just wanted to update you on the ButterXGolddust pair we got from you, they are doing well. Eating great, and have shed twice each. Actually the butter has shed 3x (twice in one night) if you can believe that. I am starting to think it is just a case of mistaken identity by my parents. But they are pretty positive that both sheds were from him. Within 8 hours, I thought it may be from an infection or something but he is perfectly healthy and the sheds are perfect.
Hi Curtis! I'm glad they are doing good for you.
I'm not sure what's going on with multiple sheds there - most of his sheds have been pretty regular but he is a butter, and butters historically have issues with shedding from time to time. When he was in his first year, he had a time where he went through something similar too. I think it's just a butter thing.
Thanks for the update! I like hearing about my previously owned kids. :)
hello Tara, i was wondering if your 2009 Female Lavender was still available, if so how much for shipping to 13118? thank you phil
hello Tara, i was wondering if u seen my last post and if your 2009 Female Lavender was still available, if so how much for shipping to 13118? thank you phil
I would send her a PM rather than posting on the thread. A PM shows up when you log in, the threads don't.
Hi Phil, sorry I didn't see it and haven't been on for a few days (local fair has kept me busy as my son shows poultry).
Thanks Alicat for bumping this!

She is still available and gaining her weight back quickly after laying her eggs.
I have been shipping through Reptiles Express and from my place (98367) to yours is $60.