sacr3d bl0od
New member
You know this is the first time i read this. And it got me thinking a few things. 1-That you won't have a 100 success rate, 2-Getting 2 snakes to mate is hard, 3-I might want to go get my little snake sexed lol.
hi thank you for your advice she has just laid 25 eggs today and is now also in a separate tank like i said before we took all 3 snakes to vet and was sexed was told all boys so wasn't expecting baby's lol iv read a lot of info of the internet and to be totally honest a lot of it contradicts it self, according to the reptile vet today it was a double clutch she had, plus if i don't ask a question i wont get an answer lol hence me asking you as you seam to know a great deal about snakes and as i said before im not a breeder but have been around snakes all my life![]()
she said it was sperm left over from last breeding session i explained she shared her viv with 2 other corns and she said she may have been caught again and to remove her, im not sure how to do a thread so was reading others and yours seamed to have the best advice on it i join this forum for advice yesterday when i saw just 3 eggs but thank you for the advice you have given and offered. katalina
Also, make sure that 300g is muscle and not fat. A flabby female with poor muscle tone can have problems laying, even if she's technically the "right" weight.
Not a breeding question but how can I help my Rubi build muscle tone?