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My babies are finally here!! 8D


New member
After waiting since Christmas with several unexpected delays, my little corn babies have finally arrived early yesterday morning and I am soooo excited!

I started out wanting to get two...ended up with three xP

They all came from Don at SMR. These pics are not the best and are in really crappy lighting, but it's all I managed to get before I set them in their new homes. But I plan to get better pics next week after they eat :3

First up is my candy cane male named Ecthelion

Next is another male, this time a butter (who is soooo tiny!) and his name is Dúnadain

And finally my female creamsicle okeetee. She is a yearling and MUCH bigger than the other two! (BTW, I do understand that she is a hybrid ;3) Her name is Thëodwyn

Those of you who are Tolkien fans will understand where the inspiration for the names come from :D

Now to wait through the longest week of my life until their first feeding!
Beautiful bunch! And creamsicle really isn't a hybrid, they're the same species. You just wouldn't want to breed it to corns and not disclose it's an intergrade. I wouldn't breed it to corns at all, but the important thing is she's a BEAUT! That candy cane is gonna be smoking, too! As you can see, Don produces 1st class snakes.
BEAUTIFUL! I also got 3 gorgeous corn babies from Don, last week. Like you, I started out with 2 and added a third a few days before shipping!

That creamsicle okeetee is stunning! I got a reverse okeetee, extreme okeetee, and an amber.
Thank you for the comments everyone!

I definitely have high hopes for the little candy cane, I absolutely love Don's snakes. The two little males are somewhat active, they come out and slip and slide and stretch over the glass trying to find a way out lol. My creamsicle just chills in her warm hide and will poke her head out every so often to watch me :D

Next week is going to take forever to come!

@elrojo- oh, and here I always thought the creamsicles were considered hybrids. My bad :)
Love your new ones... AND love the LOTR names you chose for them! :) I'm particularly fascinated by the Theodwyn! Want to see more pics of her as she grows!

So I finally got more, and better, pics of my babies. There are a lot so enjoy! xD

First is Dúnadain the adorable butter:

Okami came over to say hi, lol



"Hello dere!"

He has such a nice, light coloring..



Next is Ecthelion the stunning candy cane:

Tongue pic! xD


He is the squirmiest lol

And finally Thëodwyn my gorgeous creamsicle okeetee:
My mom was holding her here and I got a nice shot of her colors, and tongue!


She is just so pretty



And now she's had enough lol

"I come from the land Down Under!" (I know, I know, but I couldn't resist xD)

Aaaaand...that's all for now! They're all so adorable <3
I've never been a huge fan of the creamsicle look, but I have to say that yours is seriously gorgeous! I just love those thick borders and the bright yellows!

Your other two little guys are adorable too, of course - you definitely chose some nice morphs. :)