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my biggest hold back

I knew for a fact before I got Travis, that the excitement of getting a snake would die down after a while, But I knew I would never get bored of it, I wouldn't stop taking care of it because the initial excitement wore off, I had to think about what I was doin, I was preparing to look after an animal for a good 15+ years, And I knew it would become part of the family and I would love it and take good care of it. Usually with some pets, if I gave them names, it took the rest of the family a good couple of weeks to actually call it by its name. Already my family call Travis .. Travis, like He's one of us :D
I know I've gone on for a bit.. lol But yeah, So Even though I am fully aware that the initial excitement will wear off, I know I won't love him any less :)
LMAO forgot to put sumthing - BASICALLY, If you're even having doubts whether you can keep the interest, and are thinking you may lose interest after a while, Do you think an animal like this is for you..?
I think you should get a hypo lavender het bloodred.

Now, cornsnakes are alot like cars in the fact that they depreciate over time:eek1:. Let me check in my Cornsnake Guide for the het blue book value........ah yes!.........Here it is! In one year, that snake would be worth approximately 1/2 of what you paid. If it helps you with your decision any, I'd be willing to buy it from you if you do, in fact get bored, but hey, that's just the kinda guy I am.:cool:
if i go to the expo and i dont see what i want im gonna have to order... online. im trying to avoide getting a small meger snake. lol.
Whatever happens in the end, i hope you realize that this is an investment, with everything you will have to BUY for this snake; tank, uth, substrate, food, and anything else. If you dont have a job/money and from what I read earlier, well, I just hope you are going to be able to take care of this snake and give it a proper home to live in.

Also :-offtopic but can you please try and write more legibly, or even use the spell check. This is a forum not a chat room where you can get away with what hardly passes as an excuse for the English language. Because trying to read your earlier posts was, shall we say, excruciating?? I'm surprised i even continued to read after the first post.
Would you please humor me with a response?

Joker said:
Would you like to enlighten me further on this statement before I make any foolish statements I may regret later?
I guess your not going to answer some of the questions we asked you earlier?
Please I certainly HOPE your not going to attempt to do what some of us were thinking. Misrepresenting yourself for monetary gains is FRAUD and is NO was to build yourself a reputation.
By not responding to the question leaves me with two possibilities
1. I was completely out of line and you would never attempt to do what I was assuming.
2. You were going to do exactly what I was assuming and are now embarrased by such a decision.
Plenty of people here will go a LONG ways off of their beaten path to help others with their animals but I for one will not be an assistant to such behavior.
Im sure hoping I jumped to conclusions and you can tell me Im wrong about this.
hediki said:
im trying to avoide getting a small meger snake. lol.

What does this mean? :shrugs:

Also it's very important that you buy the snake yourself & not from defrauding people out of their money because that is illegal. You can go to jail for this. Buy your own snake & don't look for hand outs.
Preita said:
What does this mean? :shrugs:

Also it's very important that you buy the snake yourself & not from defrauding people out of their money because that is illegal. You can go to jail for this. Buy your own snake & don't look for hand outs.

what i mean was thin i want a snake with some body. last time i went to the expo the snakes were kinda small so im hoping that there a tad bigger. and i just scaned through some onlines site no snakes i want sold out.... :sobstory: ok i wont do the fonding thing i have money anyway just wanted to know if it was wring :rolleyes: :shrugs:
Joker said:
I guess your not going to answer some of the questions we asked you earlier?
Please I certainly HOPE your not going to attempt to do what some of us were thinking. Misrepresenting yourself for monetary gains is FRAUD and is NO was to build yourself a reputation.
By not responding to the question leaves me with two possibilities
1. I was completely out of line and you would never attempt to do what I was assuming.
2. You were going to do exactly what I was assuming and are now embarrased by such a decision.
Plenty of people here will go a LONG ways off of their beaten path to help others with their animals but I for one will not be an assistant to such behavior.
Im sure hoping I jumped to conclusions and you can tell me Im wrong about this.

lol. it was just an idea i didnt know if it was legal or not i herd it was didnt beleave it so i decided to ask. lol
PssdffJay said:
Whatever happens in the end, i hope you realize that this is an investment, with everything you will have to BUY for this snake; tank, uth, substrate, food, and anything else. If you dont have a job/money and from what I read earlier, well, I just hope you are going to be able to take care of this snake and give it a proper home to live in.

Also :-offtopic but can you please try and write more legibly, or even use the spell check. This is a forum not a chat room where you can get away with what hardly passes as an excuse for the English language. Because trying to read your earlier posts was, shall we say, excruciating?? I'm surprised i even continued to read after the first post.

ummmmm... savings....allowances...... previous setup.... :shrugs: . money isn't an issue, just didn't like my job so i quit and started to work with animals for free.
I can't believe your going to let what dean said change your mind about the snakes. I think he typed before he thought it over. I'm sorry you've given up the hobby before you even started :(
You've been talking about getting a snake for as long as I have been here.

You ask these random questions in many forums about things that are just so....farfetched it's very reasonable for people to question what in the world you're doing.

I will say that I have you on ignore because I cannot stand to read your posts. The spelling and grammar is atrocious and it physically hurts my eyes and brain. I have NO problems helping you, or anyone else out with any questions, so long as the question is legible and actually is a real question.

If you're going to let what a few people on a message board say about you owning a snake deter you from getting one, then you don't really want one to begin with. It's that simple. You browse and post on this forum enough that you should know general husbandry practices and most common things that come up here. You know about the search feature as well as the FAQ's.

If you SERIOUSLY want a snake and aren't just making posts for attention/responses, then do your research and get one. I paid $15 for my amel, and I've gotten normals for $10. If you're concerned about size, I'm sure you can find an adult at a show for cheap. Many times extra males are sold off at shows for far less than $100.
hediki said:

Boo hoo. ;)

i change my mind i can live with out .expos can refuel my physical experience with them

Why not? I fulfill my need to see tigers by going to zoos. I ain't bringing one home. :)

Prieta said:
I can't believe your going to let what dean said change your mind about the snakes. I think he typed before he thought it over. I'm sorry you've given up the hobby before you even started

You're wrong about this one, my friend. I thought over everything I wrote prior to posting, and I don't regret a word now. I really didn't intend to offend him, but I couldn't really give a crap if he gives up on the hobby based on one old man's opinion of his motives. I was writing to him man to man. When I was a 17 year old male, I would not have appreciated being babied. I applied the golden rule here. :)
Joejr14 said:
If you're going to let what a few people on a message board say about you owning a snake deter you from getting one, then you don't really want one to begin with. It's that simple. You browse and post on this forum enough that you should know general husbandry practices and most common things that come up here. You know about the search feature as well as the FAQ's.


Must agree there, do what YOU want not what others tell you to do! If i listened to "kno it alls" (not name calling anyone on this forum..dont worry) from the other forum i go on, i would not only NOT have my burm, but i also wouldnt have my RTB's either. If you kno what you want, and you want it bad enough and are willing to take care of it for its entire life, then NOTHING no body says can change your mind, nothing. Take it from experience :rolleyes:

I actually enjoyed reading this thread, even tho some of it was hard to read :grin01: I must say i dont have the BEST spelling/grammar on forums/chat/etc, but atleast you can understand what im saying and i have fully functional sentences. :sidestep:

Hedeki, do what you want. But think for a second, If you are haveing doubts, should this REALLY be something you should get into right now? Will you be able to pay for food? Will you be able to pay a vet bill at "the drop of a hat" if something seriously goes wrong? When you get an animal, you make a comitment to that animal, to love it and take care of it for THE REST OF ITS LIFE! In many animals it can be from 5-40 YEARS. Can you do that? Or will you get bored, and dump it off for someone else to take care of. Will you "forget" about it one too many times and therefore resulting in the animal getting injured? neglected? Let me tell you, from the one snake so far that i rescued in such a horrible condition, the previous owner DEFINATELY has a name for himself in the reptile world, that WILL stick with you the rest of your life. Once a reputable breeder, always a reputable breeder, one time an irrisponsible keeper, ALWAYS an irrisponsible keeper.

Well anyway, i think you get my point...lol