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My first non-eater.....

I think that poo looks like the poo of a snake who doesn't have anything in their system. I'd swear that there are urates, too- I'm as sure as I can be without having seen it in person. I agree- the rat looks too fresh to even have been down for a second- the tail's still curled, even. Still- Nutribac won't hurt.
First things first, I would not consider breeding her until she has completed a 3 mth quarantine(min) and you can determine she is health/safe to put with one of your males. If that is indeed poop on the mouse, then yes it does not look right and I agree it needs to be checked with a fecal float at min(another reason not to be worrying about breeding her this season and focusing on her health and quarantine for the health of your other snakes).

My herp vet told me to collect the specimen as quickly as possible after the snake gave it(had to be still wet) place it in a ziploc bag and refrigerate until I brought it to them. If worst came to worst they could give the snake and enema and get a fresh sample for me. Both option were done with one of my snakes.

Temps - I would get an infrared temp gun and check your temps with it, to see if you thermometer is working correctly. I have now experience with any of the equipment you have listed above. As you already know many corn snakes will not eat if they do not have correct temps for thermoregulating. Each different piece of flexwatt or heat mat will need to be regulated and adjusted accordingly as they will not regulate exactly the same.

Yes Kathy Love sells NutriBac on her website and you can use PayPal if you do not access to a credit card.

There is no reason you could not try out large pinkies if you do not have any Peach Fuzzies or small Fuzzies. You could even go to a pet store and buy one or two to just try out with this girl.

As for checking her mouth, Kathy advised me that if you just carefully use a finger nail and gently slide it in between her lower lip and upper lip and then pull down with it, while holding her right behind the head and having someone hold her body, then you should be able to manage to get her mouth open to see in it. Some people say use a credit card but Kathy told me that credit or debit cards can cut there gums and lips.

My thoughts on the scales are that with out being able to see them, it could be anything. My snow when going into preshed often has a few scales that will look like they have a thin wrinkly film over them that lifts or flakes off.

Hope that helps.
Ok. I will ask him all of those questions. Does she have the NutriBac on her website?

Ok. Can I use Large mice pinky's? I don't have any PF's on hand, but i have one or two bags of pinky's for my hatchlings.

Ok. Does the feces have to be really fresh? If so, how do I collect it if she is not eating?

Ok. Same question to you as to asbit regaurding the pinkys... what should I do about breeding season though? I really don't want to breed her when she is not eating, and its coming up fast. (im trying march and april this year because last year with my other snake she would not breed in march but april was the jackpot)

what should I do about that?

Yep, Kathy has it on her site, like Tisha mentioned.

I suppose you could use the pinkies, however, I think she'd be more inclined to eat something slightly larger, a big fuzzy or a hopper would be good. If you can get to a pet store, try something like that. My female that doesn't like to eat during this season will pretty reliably take a hopper when it is offered.

Tisha answered the poo question (very well I might add :)).

Breeding season...well, if she is a healthy weight, has good muscle tone, and you can get a few small meals in her, then by all means, breed her. If she is AT ALL thin, then don't...get her eating first, fattened up a bit, and then breed her. You can always wait until May or June (when a lot of females will be double clutching anyways) if you have to. I concur on the quarantine, make sure she's been in isolation (and have that fecal done) for at least two months, three is better, before putting her with a male.
well, another refused meal today..

am going to order some nutribac now and put it in her water.

And i still really don't know how i can get a fecal on her if she is not pooping.
The vet can give her a enema, one of my snakes had to have an enema because I could not get the sample. A good herp vet can do it right there at the office and then have a very fresh sample.
She shed on Friday and I tried feeding her yesterday, and she ate!!!!! I will start her back on regular sized meals next week. She ate a large pinky mouse for me this week. :) thanks for the help guys!!!
Oh good! Looks like she was just in blue and you missed the cloudy part and did not know :) I know you said this is an adult snake, but what do you mean by adult? My 08s eat every 7 days and my 05 every 14. When I tried feeding my 05 every week I was getting refusals every other time. Once I switched to every two weeks he got to eating just fine. :)