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My Normal just layed eggs...need any advice please...


New member
So over the past two weeks my normal female would not eat and looked rather large, and was moving around her tank constantly, so i woke up this morning and find 5 eggs in her hidebox with her wrapped around them.....She is 36 inches, sub adult, year and a half old. The father is a rather white amel, she only clutched 5 eggs, all look healthy and fertile....i made a incubator out of a tupperware container and lined it with moist paper towels, and put a low watt heat pad under the tank....can u please let me know if the eggs look fertile to you, their rather small, but then again so is the mother.....any advice will help....


mother with father above



Yeah, separate your snakes IMMEDIATELY!

That snake is not anywhere near big enough to be laying eggs.
the eggs being fertile is the last of your problems right now...i'd be worried about that female double clutching...you're lucky the first didn't kill her to be quite honest...SEPERATE enclosures for multiple snakes....
easy fellas. mistakes happen and this was one of them. that being said, i have to agree with the two post above that you need to seperate the two of them and watch her closely, b/c damned if those were some big eggs to be coming out of a snake of her size.
Honestly, I would dispose of the eggs and try again when she's big enough, after you've done more research on breeding, housing, etc. Sorry you're not getting more positive feedback, but this sort of situation wouldn't happen if the snakes were kept separately. It's an unnecessary risk when co-habitating.
Yeah, what they said. Your male doesn't care that she just laid eggs, he may be hooking up with her or at least trying to on a regular basis which will only be stressing her out and possibly cause problems for her as she is too small to be laying eggs. Seperate enclosures for each animal.

As for the eggs, they look like they may be fertile. Personally, I used sphagum moss. About an inch on the bottom, place eggs on top and then another layer over top. The moss should be soaked and then wrung out so that no water drips when you squeeze. If you're using heat, 82 degrees seems to be the suggested temperature. That was enough for my eggs for 62 days. In fact, 1st snake pipped about 1 hour ago.:crazy02: (Coming soon to a thread near you!)

Most important, my 1st paragraph and what the 1st two members posted. For her sake, separate pronto!

Good Luck!
typical comments from this site..people are more willing to be negative and un helpful then to give some real advice.......
MelvinOne said:
typical comments from this site..people are more willing to be negative and un helpful then to give some real advice.......

:roflmao: :rolleyes:

Also typical of this site, people posting, hearing what they don't want to hear, and ignoring the good, real advice that was given.

You want your snake to get eggbound, or lose too much body mass from double clutching at her size, fine, be my guest. They're your animals, do what you please. The eggs do look fertile, but as I stated before, the health and well being of the female should be first on the list. I wish you luck incubating the eggs, cause with the attitude you're showing you're gonna need to replace a snake or two pretty soon.

Also, I reread my post cause I thought maybe I said something I didn't realize. I also read the other posts. I didn't really see anything negative. Nobody really bashed or flamed you...just stated the obvious. But, ok :sobstory:
MelvinOne said:
typical comments from this site..people are more willing to be negative and un helpful then to give some real advice.......

Oh we're so sorry.

Your snakes look perfectly healthy. Your maybe 200 gram year and a half year old was definitely ready to breed. That's why you got such a huge clutch of 5 eggs.

Continue to co-habitate. It's okay for the snakes, especially your female. I'm sure she likes the attention that the male is giving her.


Take the advice like an adult, please. Nobody is here to bash you or be negative. You are at serious risk of losing your female. You don't have to believe us, but just leave them together and let her double clutch and you WILL run into severe problems.

Is the advice negative because it wasn't what you wanted to hear? Did you want people to tell you that you didn't do anything wrong and that it's fine for an undersized female to breed?
MelvinOne said:
typical comments from this site..
Typical comment from someone in your position. Apparently you valued these people's advice enough to ask for it in the first place, so why even make a comment like this? Like they said, boo-hoo that we're not jumping for joy that you've got an accidental clutch, you're lucky the female's still alive.
MelvinOne said:
people are more willing to be negative and un helpful then to give some real advice
[GrammarNazi] You're absolutely correct. People were negative and unhelpful, then proceeded to give some real advice.[/GrammarNazi] ;)
MelvinOne said:
typical comments from this site..people are more willing to be negative and un helpful then to give some real advice.......
At this point of your female's development, I can't think of any more helpful advice than what was given.

As for the eggs, incubate them, if you must. There are many threads on proper egg incubation if you'd like to search for them.


p.s. - Cut the passive/aggressive crap. You'll get nowhere with it.
you guys should be thanking me, i gave you some material to be negative about, and of course you responded with negativity.....ohh and thanks for all the repeat responses about double clutching, that was a great oppurtunity to be negative multiple times on one repeating point....congrats to everyone who proved that this site is full of negative people....i simply posted a thread seeking info, and now i have 10 responses...most of them being negative.....
Negative how? Advice was given, as you asked. Even advice on how to incubate the eggs. What you percieve as negative is people speaking up out of concern for your pets and their welfare. We all love corn snakes and it's sad to see a too-small female have to go through the ordeal of laying eggs. Some of us have lost or almost lost females to egg-binding and we are trying to HELP you from what we already learned by making the same mistakes or seeing them made by others.
Please take the advice, think whatever about this site but do seperate those snakes as soon as you can.
MelvinOne said:
you guys should be thanking me, i gave you some material to be negative about, and of course you responded with negativity.....ohh and thanks for all the repeat responses about double clutching, that was a great oppurtunity to be negative multiple times on one repeating point....congrats to everyone who proved that this site is full of negative people....i simply posted a thread seeking info, and now i have 10 responses...most of them being negative.....

Are you sure that you're 24?

If you don't like our answers and think that we're too negative, go somewhere else.
MelvinOne said:
you guys should be thanking me, i gave you some material to be negative about
Did you really expect irresponsibility to receive positive comments? :rolleyes:
MelvinOne said:
oppurtunity to be negative multiple times on one repeating point
Kind of like your repeating point about us being evil negative people. Everything's not peaches and cream, especially when you've made the mistake of allowing your apparently underweight snake to get pregnant.
MelvinOne said:
congrats to everyone who proved that this site is full of negative people
Thank you, congrats on thoroughly convincing me it'd be a waste of time for anyone to give you any worthwhile advice, since apparently it's not good enough for you.
MelvinOne said:
....i simply posted a thread seeking info, and now i have 10 responses...most of them being negative.....
Okay then. Congrats on the eggs. Good luck dealing with them, you have about 2 months to prepare.
MelvinOne said:
you guys should be thanking me, i gave you some material to be negative about, and of course you responded with negativity.....ohh and thanks for all the repeat responses about double clutching, that was a great oppurtunity to be negative multiple times on one repeating point....congrats to everyone who proved that this site is full of negative people....i simply posted a thread seeking info, and now i have 10 responses...most of them being negative.....
To the contrary.

We should be ignoring you, for:
  1. posting an elementary question that is basic to standard husbandry practices,
  2. acting as if you deserved nothing but happy-happy-joy-joy responses, and
  3. being an total passive/aggressive putz when you got responses that you may have not wanted to hear.
Getting the responses you did proves nothing. I've had more contact with most of the respondents than you, and they're not negative - they may have a lower tolerance than others for poor husbandry and breeding practices, and are very opinionated and vocal about it.

It's as if you presume that anyone who says something that you don't want to hear is a "hater". Save that for those who appear on Maury Povich, take the advice given, dust yourself off, and learn from it.

Yeah, you posted advice seeking info. Info is what was returned to you. It's a shame your fragile ego can't handle it.

granted i'll agree that there are entirely too many people on this site who have forgotten how it was to be a beginner, and there are a few who believe that their way is the only way. The advice that was given was right on the money. you need to seperate the two snakes, and do a little more research into incubation. you have to take most of what's written with a grain of salt. there's no one right way to keep animals, but there sure are a few wrong ways, and i think most people will agree that keeping two relatively juv. snakes of opposite sex is one of the wrong ones. just seperate them, and be done with it.

this has already gotten further out of hand than what it should've been. both sides need to lighten up.
:sobstory: cry me a river. I'm sick of people asking for advice, getting the advice they didn't want, and getting all ticked off about it...this is the sunlog thread all over again. Red teh katy manula, i is sur theer is plentie of advise in it for u.