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Never give up on eggs!


Captain Titsworth
On June 12th my Caramel female laid a clutch of 12 eggs. She buried them under the aspen, and they were rather dry when I found them.

This photo is from June 14th.


The center egg tore as I was removing the clump from the tub. Soon it deflated and white mold started spreading outward from it. I tried listerine and antifungal powder, with minimal success. The mold kept going and going.

At day 50 the mold and fuzzy was getting worse. I resolved to give them 75 days, then toss them.

Yesterday, day 63, something amazing happened. A nose!!


I was blown away when I saw this little one starting to emerge.

This morning I was greeted by a second nose from one of the really scuzzy looking eggs. Both babies seem to be slitting the eggs with no problems and are working their way towards emerging.

I'll post pics as the babies emerge.
Good job not giving up even in this situation, I hope it rewards you with healthy and beautiful children :)
Still no babies all the way out yet.

This is a photo of the baby that went buck-wild with his egg tooth. I'm calling him "Chain Saw". You can see the other pip in the background. We have dubbed him "Fungus."

A third egg has pipped!!!


It's an amel!!! This is what I was hoping for! It confirms the mother is a caramel het for amel. I am beyond excited! This is the egg I knew looked good all along.
We have stared calling the amel baby "Teak." My boyfriend, TK, prompted me to check on the babies one more time before bed and we found the surprise.

Still no fully emerged babies, but 3 pips from this clutch is a miracle.