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New Beauty from BHB Enterprises (Lotsa Pics!)

BHB Okeetees are locality okeetees so they will have more variation in their black border thickness than Abbotts or Love okeetees. Beautiful snake!
The Okeetee BHB has in a photo gallery of the collection (guessing it's a breeder) looks so "standard" Okeetee it'd be hard to tell if it's an Abbott, Love, Serpenco, Locality etc...I'd hazard a guess and say if you received an Okeetee from BHB it is an Okeetee :)...He can definitely afford to toss one in as an extra time to time...
Thank you, and thanks for the info. I am excited about him. I think his color and bold checkers will make up for his lack of thick borders. I should update this thread every month or so to show his progression. He's up to 25 grams and eating his double pinks like a piglet. I wonder how old he is? Is every 7 days often enough?
I've heard the Abbotts are mean. True?

My Anery is evil... I'm thinking its probably a possibility no matter what morph you've got ;)

And my Anery has so many belly checks that its almost like the 'check' part is the grey and not the black! Is this common? I guess I never knew that the belly check is such an indicator of what the morph is...
My only "mean" corn is that amel Peach. The Okeetee is a sweetie, I wanted to call him Jafar at first but he's never even shook his tail so I renamed him Yoshi. She is half rattlesnake though!! I've gotten a head-butt from her but mostly just feign-strikes, rattling, and defensive posing. It's only when she's in her tub. Maybe she just feels cornered.
Peach is mean? My Peaches head butted me once the first week I had her and that was it. My okeetee took a bite out of my mom though, tries to poop on me every chance she gets and rattles sometimes when nobody is even near her just for the fun of it!
Yeah, she wasn't very defensive at the show or even during the first few days I had her. Just flighty. I think she must have gained confidence though...

At least she doesn't musk because that's 1000x worse than a bite.
That guy has some great colors! I agree it doesn't look like a typical Okeetee, but I have some pure Abbotts with thin borders, so who knows? I guess only Brian knows, huh? Good luck with him!