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New Blizzard


sammy snake begins with S
hey guys not been on here for aaaages but im hoping you can still help me.... i bought a new corn snake this morning not much smaller then sammi but i was wondering if it is a good idea to introduce a new snake in the viv at this time of yr, i dont have either of them sexed n fom what i have rad in books dont they start getting frisky about this time of yr?

im hoping thy will be ok im just scared to leave them this early in the same viv together in case one attacks the other

so please adv all you wise snake charmers out there lol

ps sammi is great now, has shed twice in the past couple of mnths lol and seems really happy
How old and what size are these snakes.
90% of people here are going to tell you not to put them together at all. You might even get flamed for this post.

If they are under 2 feet long, It shouldn't be a problem, if they are over two feet make sure they are the same gender before you put them together, now is a bad time of year for opposite sexes as it's breeding season and at a small size egg binding is a real risk. Adults of opposite sex should not be housed together. Make sure you have enough hiding places for both of them to use and not be together if they don't want to be. Corn snake attacks are not really something to worry about but make sure you feed them separate, eating accidents are probably the number one reason to avoid co-habitation, as in two snakes eating the same mouse and one antecedents swallowing the other snake.
The only acception for keeping two snakes in the same cage would be if it's two females. If you had two males they might start to fight and it won't be pretty. :puke01: Also with the opposite sex and under two feet you are still gambling.
Aside from the cohabbing; the new snake must be quarentined for at least a month if not longer before being introduced to the rest of the collection, especially if they are going to come in contact with each other.

I say no, its not a good idea.
Jimmyman28 said:
If you had two males they might start to fight and it won't be pretty. :puke01:
Have you ever seen male corn snake combat? I'm just wondering about your comment, and especially about your choice of the "puke" emoticon. You make the comment so decisively that I have to assume you have experience. When I was uninformed enough to cohabitate corns, I saw a lot of male combat. There's nothing scary, "un-pretty", or puke-inducing about it. It's basically a limbless wrestling match. The worse that can happen is that one male might bite the other, but even that was very rare. :shrugs:
I haven't personally experienced it. I have just seen a lot of vivid pictures and the after poop. I just think it's nasty, I'm sorry next time I won't use the puke guy.
they are not over 2 ft only bout as long as the standard computer keyboard which i think is just over 1 ft,

sammi is really very timid and i doubt he would fight, whereas the blizzard who is new is very fast and easily excitable. i dont know either of their sexes and this was something that i asked the pet shop owner about and he said that it would be ok for them both to be in the same viv... so long as i dont feed them together (which i wouldnt anyways)

initially i was worried about mating and now that u say about them fighting im even more scared.... they have met and have been together all day today and there has been no problems from what i can see, i fed sammi this morning and i think he is just happy sleeping, the blizzard (yet to be named) (ps all names welcome) has just been investigaing from what i can see there are loads of tunnels under the aspen lol

but they each have a hide and they seem ok i think i will just keep a very close eye on them for this next couple of weeks and as soon as i see any rivalry then im seperating them.

they have even shared a hide together and although i know sammi is timid he didnt seem too nervous as he was when the blizzard was first introduced.

so am i right in saying that if they are introduced at this young age then they should be able to grow together and be happy snake friends (i pray to god that this happens) they are both only about 7 months old both of them.

i hope they will be ok

all opinions welcome on this situation thank you
Ok, so you're going to feed them separately. Are you going to give them a bath to remove prey scent before putting them back into the same enclosure after a feeding session? Are you always going to feed them at the same time so that it's less likely that one will eat their stinking-of-mouse cagemate after a feeding? I've cohabitated, and I've seen one corn latch onto another that had just finished eating a mouse and still smelled of it. If one of them pukes, an event made much more likely by the stress associated with cohabitating these solitary animals, will you know which one puked so that you can take appropriate corrective measures? You're worried about rivalry and fighting, but believe me, this is the absolute least worrisome consequence of cohabitation.
dragar said:
but they each have a hide and they seem ok i think i will just keep a very close eye on them for this next couple of weeks and as soon as i see any rivalry then im seperating them.

they have even shared a hide together and although i know sammi is timid he didnt seem too nervous as he was when the blizzard was first introduced.

so am i right in saying that if they are introduced at this young age then they should be able to grow together and be happy snake friends (i pray to god that this happens) they are both only about 7 months old both of them.

i hope they will be ok

all opinions welcome on this situation thank you

I don't think giving each of them a hide makes cohab any "more" okay. More than likely, you won't see any rivalry. Snakes don't think like humans, so they aren't going to spend their time glaring at eachother from across the viv. Also, sharing a hide together doesn't mean they'll "be happy snake friends", it means that they both prefer the same hide.
Did you even read what I put about quarentine? If the new snake has some sort of illness or parasite (which many wont show in snakes untill they are very sick, hence why such a long time needed to quarentine them) your other snake can and will most likely catch it because they are together; I'm not saying that it is a sick snake, but you never know and the best way to keep them healthy is to prevent them from getting sick.

No, if they grow up together they wont be 'friends'. You need to stop giving snakes emotions other social animals have. Snakes do not care about other snakes other then to breed, infact when other snakes are around they see them more as a compitition then a companion; when they curl up together they arnt cuddling, but competing over the spot. Now if you have a male and a female it is very unwise to house them together, do a search and you will find a ton of stories of males breeding females too early, which can kill the female.

Why do you want to house them together? It really should only be left to those who have a lot of experiance with the species, not to people just starting off and guessing at things. Now if you want to house them together as safe as possible, you need to quarentine them for a good month to make sure they are both healthy and feeding (the other snakes can be a big stress to shyer ones), and you absolutely must have a complete extra setup on hand incase you do need to seperate them. There is no benefit housing them together, and if your going to do it responsibly your in for more work and stress yourself then if they are seperate.
right ok well after what i have seen on here i am going to seperate them definatley i dont want either of them to get hurt and obviously i dont know enough about them to be able to do it right.... in fact im gunna go get another settup this morning for the blizzard so that sammi is happy and the blizzard doesnt bully him....

i did know about washing him after feeding, that mmuch i did know and i thought that if they were young they would be ok together but obviously not....

obviously iv done a very bad thing and i need to sort it out asap

sorry :cry:
hey no need to cry! that's why you came here, for advice! i'm glad you decided to rectify the situation before (hopefully) any problems developed. you will be much happier (and so will your snakes, sorry for giving them a human emotion lol) with them being seperated.
Good news, now you'll have a better chance of having 2 healthy snakes to enjoy.
It's hard to get good advice from shops selling pets. I've overheard people being told plecos make good community fish for a small tropical tank, when they grow absolutely huge and need over-the-top fitration to deal with their eating habits. In some cases the shops just don't know any better, but I suspect some of their bad advice is just so they can secure a sale.
By coming to a forum like this, asking advice, weighing it up and making informed decisions, you're well on the way to becoming a herper now!
woo i shelled out £130 for a proper viv for the blizzard and all i seen him do all day is dart about climbing and moving very very fast as if he was really really excited or panicking im not sure which, i took him out and held him for a while and then put him back in and he ok now i think it might have been something to do with changin the vivs so fast :shrugs:

oh well i got healthy snakes now

oh is there any particular way of sexing snake by looking at them. i know they dont have genitalia like our but i thought the females reproductive bits more bulgy? i know that i should get them probed to know for sure but i have heard people say that you can sometimes tell by looking at them


cheers veryone
dragar said:
woo i shelled out £130 for a proper viv for the blizzard and all i seen him do all day is dart about climbing and moving very very fast as if he was really really excited or panicking im not sure which, i took him out and held him for a while and then put him back in and he ok now i think it might have been something to do with changin the vivs so fast :shrugs:

oh well i got healthy snakes now

oh is there any particular way of sexing snake by looking at them. i know they dont have genitalia like our but i thought the females reproductive bits more bulgy? i know that i should get them probed to know for sure but i have heard people say that you can sometimes tell by looking at them


cheers veryone
Congrats on doing the right thing! :cheers:

If you post GOOD photos of their lower thirds, from well above the vent to the tail tip, we could take educated guesses. But the smaller the snake, the less reliable these guesses would be. But it's a fun game, so give it a shot. :)