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New snake, taken from horrible conditions :(


New member
First a little back story. I work in a pet store and there was a customer who would buy a live mouse on a regular basis and one day he says to me, kind of joking, "Want a snake?". This was several months ago, back when I only had one snake and hadn't really considered getting another, so I said, "I already have one". He seemed a little disappointed, so I said if he was giving it away, I would probably take it. He said he might just give it to me and left. So then he came in again and wanted to know if I would seriously take the snake and I said I would. He said he had to check with his daughter first and long story short, he ended up saying that his daughter still wanted it. So that was that.

Fast forward to today, his wife comes in and says she just wants to get rid of this snake and will I come pick it up today. I say sure, I'll be right over after work.

So, all I know about this snake is that he's a corn, he's around 10 and he eats live. I get there and they bring out a 10 gallon aquarium with the snake in it. There's sand for substrate!!!! All that's in there is a water dish and a hide that probably fit him when he was a hatchling, but there's no way he fits in it now. But he actually seems really small for a 10 year old snake. :shrugs: I'm still in shock; I've never seen a snake kept in such wrong conditions.

Anyways, here's the tank I received him in and some pics of him:




Incidentally, this snake is the reason I ended up at this site. I came here to ask how hard it would be to switch a 10 year old corn from live to frozen and ended up staying, which probably greatly influenced my adding so many new snakes to my collection in the past several months. :crazy02:
Was/Is the snake healthy otherwise? How long have you had? Just today? How does the skin look?

Two more questions: Do you know how to switch from live? Have you fed yet?
I just brought him/her home a few hours ago. He seems healthy so far. He's in blue, so I'll be better able to see his skin once he sheds, but it seemed OK, which is odd for a live fed. I won't be feeding him for probably 2 weeks, at which time I will simply offer an F/T mouse and with any luck, he will just take it. If not, I'll try again in 2 more weeks.
WOW, he's lucky he came to you!

I'm sure you know, but just in case: remember to quarantine!!
In the front corner, that's some fake sunflowers. Back corner is the snake. ;)

I'm thinking that if he was so clueless about the proper conditions for the snake, that he probably wasn't aware that you could kill the mouse first. But I guess it's possible.
Wow, glad you rescued the poor guy! He looks gorgeous in blue, don't you wish they'd stay that color sometimes? Looking forward to seeing him out of blue. :)
I had a "rescue" happen like this too, was over at a friend of a friends and he had this gorgeous king snake in a 50 gal tank with nothing but the most disgusting wet newspapers you can imagine and a small tupperware of filthy water. The smell was incredible, I had no idea snakes could stink that much. Was the guys daughters snake and she had gone off to college and lost interest in her. Talked him into letting me take her for $50 :p
@Bartholomew: Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard. I'm still fighting with my snake Grrr on switching to frozen. He'll now take pre-killed but only if I zombie dance it. Seeing as he's my biggest snake, I still get a little jumpy when he latches on. It's not as bad as trying to get some of my smaller adults to eat with the zombie dancing. Many of my adult snakes have terrible aim. I don't know how they ever killed a mouse that was still alive.

Then there's another one of my snakes who knows what a f/t mouse is and will eat no problem, but if I try to give a freshly killed mouse, it will look at me like I'm nuts. Then I have to do the zombie dance at least twice and then she's got it. This is the same snake that I keep wondering if I should sell because she strikes at me. Go figure.
Wow, glad you rescued the poor guy! He looks gorgeous in blue, don't you wish they'd stay that color sometimes? Looking forward to seeing him out of blue. :)

Yeah, I remember the first time I saw my other amel in blue and I thought it was so cool looking.

Looks like he's well-fed, at least! I bet he's going to think he's gone to heaven!!

Yeah, there is that at least. I was thinking the same thing...he's probably thinking he's gone to heaven. I just feel bad for him that he's in blue, so he can't even see what the heck is going on. I gave him a margarine tub with a hole so he could get in it and he's hiding behind it. LOL

Here she is all nicely shed:




And the best pic of all....her eating a f/t mouse after having been on live her whole life!!! :dancer::dancer::dancer:

He looks so much better after shedding. Hurray for the easy switch to F/T! Kudos for rescuing this poor guy. The way he's been kept is awful. Thankfully a knowledgeable human came to his rescue. :)
Beautiful! I LOVE amels. Sooooo WHY were they getting rid of it???? And what are you going to name him/her????
