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New snake, taken from horrible conditions :(

It's irritating when you encounter any animal that was kept in such poor conditions. Unfortunately I think there's a big mentality of "Oh, it's just a snake, it'll be fine". You always hear and see dogs and cats...even birds and small animals that are in horrible condition, in horrible living conditions. But snakes and other reptiles tend to be overlooked and nobody cares. I'm glad you got a hold of the snake and can give him a better life. Looks pretty even in blue.
Beautiful! I LOVE amels. Sooooo WHY were they getting rid of it???? And what are you going to name him/her????


Well, it was a couple who had gotten it for their daughter when she was younger, but she has gone away to college. The father was feeding it, but didn't really want the snake any more. The daughter didn't want him to get rid of it, but I guess the mother must have put her foot down. She was afraid of it and wouldn't even go in the room it was in. LOL And I've named him/her Sandy! :duck: