Honestly, all of the perks associated with a Contributor membership are simply incentives for members to spend the money to help out here. Many would do so regardless, but some just need that little extra REASON to spend the money, even if it is just the smallest of nudges.
There is also the issue that I retired my reptile breeding business, and quite frankly I could not afford to run this site (and my others) if they were operating in the red. The income from SerpenCo is GONE, and I can't be as frivolous as I used to be with my spending habits. Just because I enjoy setting up and running sites doesn't mean I can spend money doing so any longer. I have already dropped one of the servers that I was leasing to tighten the belt a bit. Yeah, this all seems like a lot of fun and games, but get your server hacked into or have to fight off a DDoS and see how much fun you are having then.
It is also my hope that the sites will continue to operate in the black and help Connie and I have a modestly comfortable retirement without having to choose each month between buying steak or buying deodorant to balance the budget. :rofl:
Personally, I think the requested contribution is quite modest, all things considered. It's certainly not like I have any illusions of getting filthy rich with this stuff. Suppose we had 1,000 paid members here, which isn't ever going to be very likely. $25,000 per year? Big deal. That doesn't go all that far these days.
Seriously, all you need to do is to PROOFREAD your posts and use the spell check, and you will really seldom need the edit function if the $25 is an insurmountable burden.