Sorry about that. Still haven't gotten down the way morphs and colorings work with snakes in particular. Was a tad bit confused as i wasn't 100% aware that caramel becomes more apprent with age as when i purchased my sbake from the breeder they also had baby caramels for sale but it makes sense as the breeder said he was HET for caramel stripe and possible het for a few different morphs including anery, amel and there was actually atleast 4 morphs they indicated possible het for. Sorry for me being so newbish. my first corn. Im much more familiar with leopard gecko morphs lol but thats an entire different speciesGekkos, though there is a possibility of emoryi influence, I'd almost virtually rule it out. Though your white balance is off in that recent head shot, you can tell yellow is coming in where his hatchling/juvenile gray background is. The brown blotching is also a characteristic. If you reference the photos I provided above, you can see the "turning of the corner" the coloration starts to take with age. In post #18 ( you can see recently hatched vs 1 year later does.
I still think he's a caramel corn; pretty confident in that.
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