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Northern Water Snake


New member
It's my birthday and I went out with my boyfriend looking around in my pond. Normally when you walk up to the pond you hear a bunch of frogs jump into the water. We didn't hear that this time and my boyfriend says, "Hmm, somethings wrong here." Then I look down and see this little head sticking up out of the water. Well I guess we know what was wrong now! :rofl:

I'm really happy to have caught this little guy. He's so small for a water snake that I think he may be a yearling. Anyway, my pond used to me much deeper and I had a couple of queen snakes and a very large female snapper that came ever summer and laid eggs in my yard. But my mom started trying to fill the pond in a few years ago until she ran out of dirt. Now the pond is rather shallow and all my snakes and turtles left... So you can't imagine how happy I am to see snakes coming back!

I have cleaned him up and have him in a sterilite with a hide and a big water bowl. Going to let him calm down and take some more pictures later before putting him back into the pond.

Here are the pictures I have so far:


Well I was going to take some nice pictures of him today while the sun is out but he had other plans. Only managed two shots before he took off into the pond. Good thing I decided to do the pictures right beside the water.


Toad for my birthday!

Great pictures, thanks for sharing. Oh and happy birthday!

Thank you so much!

Tonight I took pictures of the Fowler's Toad that lives under my back porch. He's been sitting under that last step as soon as the sun goes down for the past week.




OOh, Happy Birthday, and fun herping! You should name the toad lol, it looks like he'll be a regular for you!
Nice pics! I have never caught a water snake...yet!

Maybe I'm just lucky but I caught another one last night! This one was a tiny baby. I thought the first one was small but this one was about the same size as a 3 month old corn snake, just a little bit fatter. Pictures this time around are crappy because my boyfriend wouldn't help me by holding the light in the right spot. I always use a flash light at night along with my camera flash so that the pictures don't look washed out.


Oh forgot to mention, but be prepared to be musked! Both snakes musked me like crazy when I caught them and boy does it stink! Worse than kingsnake musk.
No, I know the photos were of NWS. But you mentioned in your original post that you also got Queen Snakes. That's what I was responding to. :)
I have a buddy doing dissertation work on diamondback water snakes (Nerodia rhombifer). We catch tons out at a fish farm. Fiesty nasty buggers, but so fun to work with.
Nice looking NWSs and awesome shots of the toad. I love to catch water snakes and have been know to leap from a canoe like the crocodile hunter after something. They are all pretty angry little fellows though. I've only caught a few that havent bitten me.