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Not a snake, but...


New member

I got another spider!! Lol
This is Charlotte Manson, my new Mexican BloodLeg. If you can't tell by her bald butt, she's kind of a jerk!

But she's gorgeous and I am so excited to have her. God, I love my Pet Shop job!
O.O She throws her hair? Wow, I didn't know tarantulas did that.

Oh yes, that's one of the first things they do in defense and all tarantulas have hairs to throw. When you get hit with it it feels like you've got fiber glass all in your arm. I'm itching at some now lol
That's kinda funny lol But she is a beautiful little fuzzball. Can you hold her at all?

I can hold her yes, but it all depends on her mood. Sometimes when you disturb her even a little she's immediately throw those hairs, and sometimes, she just...will climb right up your hand. She's a bipolar one lol
lol well at least she has character. I never kept a tarantula, I had thought about a rose hair but never actually made the commitment.
Gorgeous gal! Gotta love those urticating hairs... Lol! I haven't been hit square-on yet (thankfully my little golden knee has never flicked), but I have made the mistake of sticking my hands in bedding full of them bare-handed... At my last pet store job, we had a male B. smithi who was always flicking hairs if you bothered him. Not. Pleasant.
lol well at least she has character. I never kept a tarantula, I had thought about a rose hair but never actually made the commitment.

I've just recently gotten into the tarantulas and I'm hooked. They all have their own personality much like our snakes. My pink toe is real slow, and oddly in a way, almost has a sweet disposition. Real shy, but very easy to handle. Then this girl here is a diva who wants no one to bother her! lol
Gorgeous gal! Gotta love those urticating hairs... Lol! I haven't been hit square-on yet (thankfully my little golden knee has never flicked), but I have made the mistake of sticking my hands in bedding full of them bare-handed... At my last pet store job, we had a male B. smithi who was always flicking hairs if you bothered him. Not. Pleasant.

Thank you! I am very pleased to have this girl!

And I can relate. We have an A.Chalcode at my store whose always flicking them too. Beautiful spider, but no one will buy him because they think he's mean :[ (he kind of is lol)
What would you suggest as a beginner? Rose hairs I've read are smaller and pretty gentle, I've seen plenty in pet shops around here too. I don't really know the first thing about pink toes, I think I read they are gentle. Of course they are all different but in general as a species what do you think? Of course if I were to commit to one I'd do my hours and hours of research first, I love researching and learning about my animals. All my friends think I'm so weird lol.
What would you suggest as a beginner? Rose hairs I've read are smaller and pretty gentle, I've seen plenty in pet shops around here too. I don't really know the first thing about pink toes, I think I read they are gentle. Of course they are all different but in general as a species what do you think? Of course if I were to commit to one I'd do my hours and hours of research first, I love researching and learning about my animals. All my friends think I'm so weird lol.

Whenever someone who has never owned a tarantula comes in and wants one, I always recommend Rosehairs or PinkToes. Rose hairs are a bit more docile and slower, whereas the PinkToes are a bit more quick and easily startled and are very jumpy. Both are pretty nice though as far as temperament are concerned. There are over 800 species out there, though.

Curly hairs are nice too, along with Mexican Red Knees.
That's awesome, I thought the red knees were a bit more irritable. How about your featured girl here, do you breed them or just enjoy them as 'pets.' She's so fuzzy lol and I can't get over that bald pink butt.
Lol I just enjoy them, the only thing I'd even think about breeding SOMEDAY (far in the future lol) are corns. And unfortunately this species isn't much of a beginner spider. She's not as mean as the really mean ones, but she's not much of a sweet heart.
I SOOOOO want to get back into T's again... had to give them up because my kids were scared... Now that they're a bit older, I may get a couple of Brachys... and maybe ONE Poecilotheria... I'm convincing the wife... we'll see if she goes for it or not. LOL.

I currently have a "supposed" male Grammostola rosea (Rose hair) given to me by a teen who didn't want it any more... He's great, but pretty bland. LOL.
What would you suggest as a beginner? Rose hairs I've read are smaller and pretty gentle, I've seen plenty in pet shops around here too. I don't really know the first thing about pink toes, I think I read they are gentle. Of course they are all different but in general as a species what do you think? Of course if I were to commit to one I'd do my hours and hours of research first, I love researching and learning about my animals. All my friends think I'm so weird lol.

I HAVE to put in a good word for the Chaco Golden Knees. That's what I picked for my first tarantula, and I'm so glad I did! S/he (hopefully she) is incredibly docile. I got her as just a little spiderling over a year ago; now she's around 2" or so legspan and just beautiful! From what I've read and heard, "incredibly docile" seems to be pretty standard for this species, too. :)

Rosehairs are supposed to be good beginner Ts, at least from what I've heard. My experience with them is limited to those at my old job (mostly tiny slings and flighty mature males), though, so I wouldn't know. IIRC, Curly hairs are also supposed to be good beginners... I've only held one (big adult female), and she was very docile.

As far as red knees being irritable--the one I spoke about in my last post was one. (Brachypelma smithi = Mexican Red knee) He was definitely a more nervous spider, but I don't know whether that's standard for B. smithi or not.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful tarantula with us. Next time someone is irritating me, I'm gonna throw my butt hair at them :sidestep:
what a beautiful mexican fire leg i had one a few years ago . it was tiny

my girlfriend has been dying for a t recently. but yours is just amazing!