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Odd bumps in my corn. PICS INSIDE!!! PLEASE HELP!!

Well.. I spent 2 days with my nose burried in my vets reptile books (shes a PhD DVM hehe.. those books are good =D) I found 3 possiblities in the books

1) Gas bubbles in the digestive tract, can be OUTSIDE the the DT in the surounding tissues, should dissipate overtime.

2) Pockets of salmonella as mentioned already

3) Gatsroentalitis (sp could be wrong =P) where the intestines have moved inside the snakes abdomen, and are twisting or bunching causing fecal blckages and gas bubbles.

When I looked through the online VeTech files (Canada wide system where you can access vets' files from anywhere in the country) I found 311 cases of GE in snakes in Canada last year, 197 cases of salmonella pockets, and 14 cases of gas. Good news? GE is very easy to see on a decent x-ray, and can be fixed without surgery.. just using massage techniques =) Can be fixed via surgery also by suturing the intestinal tract into a proper position, but its a long surgery and gunna cost $$$$ unless you live near a veterinary teaching hospital (they love to do stuff like that for free, in Canada anyhow) The salmonella pockets can be treated also, but most of the vets' files I read said they just left it. And the gas pockets can be drained if they are external to the DT, the internal DT ones were just left alone.

If you find its none of the above, the PhD DVM dept at my school suggests you take your baby to a bacteriolgist and see if they can help.. those little bacteriums that we all love so much can be naughty sometimes ~,~
Update: Fed her 3 pinkies on 10/19 and 3 more on 10/24 and she has kept them down!!! Woo Hoo!! I havent seen the buldge in at least 1 day!! Im gonna try 1 fuzzy this Saturday and if she keeps it down ill give her 1 every 5 days for about 2 or 3 weeks and if everything is well ill try and move it up to 2 each feeding!
jamesbernatchez said:
Update: Fed her 3 pinkies on 10/19 and 3 more on 10/24 and she has kept them down!!! Woo Hoo!! I havent seen the buldge in at least 1 day!! Im gonna try 1 fuzzy this Saturday and if she keeps it down ill give her 1 every 5 days for about 2 or 3 weeks and if everything is well ill try and move it up to 2 each feeding!
Once you switch to fuzzies, you should not feed every 5 days. You should feed every 7-10 days...especially since she has been having some problems with regurgitating.

i took zeus to the vet today. first thing the vet said was he looks underweight. when examining him, she said there seems to be 2 soft lumps in his stomach area. an x-ray was done, but she didn't seem too concerned about the lumps (they were not solid). next time he regurges, i'm bringing it in for lab work.

i just fed him a hopper today. he ate it immediately. we'll see if he holds it down.

2-1/2 years old?!

Hello, I am CornDazzle. Please tell me how you know of your snake to be 2-1/2 years old...have you had him/her that long or did you mean months? Your snake is way too small per age. I have an orange creamsicle cornsnake...beautiful they are...but mine was a hatchling in mid-May and she (I like to think it's a she) was @ 12 inches long. Today is late-October (5 months later) she is.........(hold on I am trying to measure- lol)...30 inches and definately eating sub-adult mice. As for your original Q: A vet is your best answer.
but she didn't seem too concerned about the lumps (they were not solid). next time he regurges, i'm bringing it in for lab work.

When you get them tested, I would definitely get the contents of the lumps tested for samonella. Samonella pockets can be either clear or semi-solid in X-Ray...

yes ive had her for that long....actually almost 3 years now that im thinking about it. Ill have to get a pic of her next to something. Take a BIC pen for instance....her neck is just a tad bigger than the diameter of the pen(im at work and trying to remember how big she is) Im gonna try and feed her a fuzzie tonight and see whats up. Ive been checking her out each day and sometimes the lump is big and some time its hardly noticeable. It doesnt bother her when i touch it to check it out and she seems perfectly content....no odd behavior. Yes she is small and what not but it also depends how much you feed her and how often. Ive also read that depending on the region that they come from, some only grow to be 3 or so feet long. I also read that females a smaller and thinner than males. (feel free to correct me if im wrong) When i first got her i was only feeding her 2 pinkies every week or so(got that info from the store) I see after reading alot that she should have ate more.

At the same time, my g/f has a snake and its maybe a little younger than mine. She followed the same feeding as me (maybe a little more often as sometimes i would go 10 days between feeding) and hers is almost 2.5x as thick but only maybe 1 or 2 inches longer!! Hers is a male judging by the fact that males are usually bigger and looking at the base of the tail. It also didnt lay eggs(i know not all females will lay eggs). If i get another snake down the road ill try and feed it a bit more often then i did with Charlie(thats my snake now by the way) Other than that i always clean the tank and there is always fresh water and i take real good care of her!! Hopefully everything is well with her and all i can do right now is keep an eye on her. If I think something is odd ill be bringing her in for an xray. When we brought her to the vet he did a fecal and said if he found anything he would call.....he never did. Im sure everything will be fine and she will grow up healthey and strong!
*** Update ***


the lab test from the regurgitated mouse tested positive for cryptosporidiosis. has the vet done a test for this on your snake? if not, you should talk to your vet about it.

well i havent broughta regurgitated mouse in yet. I fed her twice, each time 3 pinkies and she eats them no problem. i tried another fuzzy wednesday night and she just regurged it sometime thursday night/friday morning! What can i do?? I already threw it away(i had to go to work) She keeps 3 or 4 pinkies down no problem but both times i tried a fuzzy she regurged it! Any ideas???
How are you warming them? Perhaps the fuzzy was still a little frozen in the middle? I know my exs boa regurges her bunnies if they are even a little cold in the middle ~,~ (and at $10.95 a bunny.. its annoying)
they are in realativly hot water for about 20 minutes and then i let them sit for a minute incase they are too hot!!! they arnt that much bigger than the pinkies i feed her...im stumped. if she regurges again im gonna see about getting it checked for crypto.....the symtoms sound just right unfortunatlly. she eats but hasnt shed for a while and doesnt seem like she is gaining weight. And she has the soft lump that changes from day to day! Well see!
Whats the treatment for Crypto... other than the test phase medications? And is it fatal? ~,~ Hate to ask in light of the situations, but its something to know.
Theres really no cure and you should destroy the animal so it doesnt suffer! :( Im gonna feed her 4 or 5 pinkies each week and see if she gains weight and sheds. Maybe she just doesnt like the fur on them cause she is so used to pinkies. Well see....
yeah that would be fun. sitting there with a razor and shaving cream....lol!! im gonna wait 10 days and feed her 4 pinkies...

Ill try and get a pic of my girlfriends male....its really pretty. its white, pink and yellow!!!!

I'm sorry to hear your cornsnake is not recovering... I would seriously recommend having the vet investigate what it is your snake is suffering from more thoroughly (like with a culture or fecal)... especially if you have other reptiles and/or intend to get more reptiles in the near future.

It's always possible that your snake is suffering from cancer, too... in which case it's not contagious, but still fatal.

Thanks Kat for the kind words.

If she regurges again im gonna try and get it examined. Hopefully its nothing but all the symtoms look like it might be crypto. I dont have any other reptiles, but when we take out with my girlfriends snake we always make sure to wash our hands.
jamesbernatchez said:
Thanks Kat for the kind words.

If she regurges again im gonna try and get it examined. Hopefully its nothing but all the symtoms look like it might be crypto. I dont have any other reptiles, but when we take out with my girlfriends snake we always make sure to wash our hands.

although your snake hasn't been diagnosed with crypto i would keep other reptiles away. i've already moved zeus to another room away from our boa.

as soon as i found the regurge, i placed it in a ziplock and stored it in the fridge. the next morning i took it in for lab work.

it was good to finally know what the cause of the lump is, but then again, i'm very sad to hear about the test results. :cry:
