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OFFENSIVE POSTS!! Think of everyone please!

I can't speak from parental experience, but I can tell you that a a teenager, my younger brother was a nightmare. He never did anything that hurt others, but with the dumb stunts he pulled, it was more by luck than judgement (his lowest point was burning down his school gym).

If it's comforting, he's now a forty year old who has been in steady employment since leaving school at 15 with minimal qualifications. He's worked his way up to owning his own business (he's a plumber) and has a much nicer home than I'll ever be able to afford.

He's a loving and devoted husband and father, who would bend over backwards to help any of his family - including the parents who in his teen years he claimed were "making his life hell".

So it seems to me that what young people are in their teenage years, often doesn't reflect on the sort of person they grow into.

I hope yours are just going over the normal bumps in the road. Rest assured that their characters have nothing to do with the names you gave them!
This post is not meant to be critical at all, merely contributing my opinion.

Instead of actively trying to censor things on the internet, which may be a fool's errand anyway (I'm a computer programmer and I know better than most how easy it is to circumvent a lot of those internet protection programs - teenagers will actively defy you and the harder you try to keep some things from them, the harder they'll try to get at it just because it's forbidden), why not let something like your son running across something inappropriate as an opportunity to engage him? Teach him how to handle these things and why they're wrong.

At some point your son will pass completely beyond your control. Would it be better for him to realize his sudden freedom and seek out all the things he was not allowed, or for this 'new-found freedom' to actually be a small step and not as significant?

Obviously there are many things about the internet that he should not be seeing but if all you try and do is block him instead of trying to educate him, he WILL find this stuff on his own.
Help, I can't find the thred..I want to be offended :rolleyes: ,can someone help me find it. I feel I'm the only one who hasn't seen it. :shrugs:
I know things have been sorted through this thread but I would still like to voice my opinion..

Im 15 years old and I have been here about 7months, I have been active almost everyday and I have never seen any kind of language or anything that has made me think (thats offensive) links to other forums or websites are links to them.. whatever is there is nothing to do with cornsnakes.com however eventually i'm sure if you told a mod or if you pmed the member and they were a contributer i'm sure you could pm them and they would remove the link from there post..

In 7 month I would have to say you hear more from school and on the street, by more i mean offensive words, then on here..

this is just IMO I'm not getting at anyone or anything, my parents did check out this site a few times and they are also very thankfull for the information i have got from this site..

Pet Corn Snake said:
this is just IMO I'm not getting at anyone or anything, my parents did check out this site a few times and they are also very thankfull for the information i have got from this site..


Good for them, and good for you. They respect your judgment but also want to know what you are doing and have a right to, in turn you respect their desire to know what they are doing and understand the need for them to do that.
your overuse of caps lock is offending me.

heatherfeather30 said:
OH MY GOSH! IT WAS A LINK THAT WE ACCIDENTALLY GOT ON TO. I don't even think we realized it happened.

I APPOLOGIZE TO ALL! (except the ones on the link)

I DO WANT TO BE PART OF THIS EDUCATIONAL WEBSITE... I just didn't realize I was on another link. The three of us were reading/searching for pics of "ghost corns" and this post popped-up. Well my son loves paranormal anything so somewhere between going in/out of kitchen stirring some stew, they must have gotten onto a link.


But other than TELLING / DEMANDING my son stay clear of LINKS... is there anyway to prevent it? He was laughing and when I came in and read what he was laughing at I really wasn't happy.

tricksterpup said:
I am glad I didn't posts Dean's Roymunsonssnakeranch.com link.. whew.. that would have been a blunder.
No, it's cool. I put one of those age-confirmation thingies on the site to control access to the filthiest, most wretchedly disgusting material. The stuff is so shameful and immoral that you have to be 31 to enter. I figure, no kid would ever lie about their age just to access smut, right? :grin01:
My last post on this subject.

For those of you who want to know what I found offensive look up: adventures at "haunted house" which is currently on page 3 right now. The very first post has a link at the bottom. That was where the mistake happened. I heard my son say "cool" from the kitchen and they must have clicked-on that link.
My ex-husband, my son, and myself (on & off) were showing his dad how great this website is for information on our corns. Well once we were on that link... I didn't realize it. It appeared to me looking over their shoulders that we were still on cornsnakes.com.
The offensive posts that my ex started yelling at me about were #40 and #41. The quotes were offensive to both of us, and I was really caught in a chaotic moment with my ex. And no he wasn't out of contol yelling either. He and I are very good friends but work hand in hand with parenting. He was upset and now we both know that is was NOT cornsnakes.com
As far as the parenting advice. Thank you all. Everyone has very valid points. That is why they say "it takes a village to raise a child". After his stay in the burn center we automatically had to see a counselor. At first I didn't like the idea, but it turned out to be the best thing ever for us as a "family" and we have gotten much closer. Plus, together, we are on the same page with privileges, consequences, school issues, etc. Everything is good for the most part. But my teens are just that... teens. I remember how fun it was and how free and invincible I felt. The counselor reminds us when we get too "close minded". So anyways I hope this should give everyone the link if they want to see what offended us, and to those who gave the parenting advice I appreciate it because everyone who wrote had valid points.
Sincerely, Heather
I understand your frustrations at being a parent in this new modern technology world but from the way you freaked out I thought someone posted inappropriate pictures instead of saying the F bomb and Cursive of Poop. Heck, I just had a talk with my stepson, who is about the same age as yours, on those words and he says he hears them all the time in school from his friends and other class mates. Heck, I remember going to a Catholic school and hearing those words in the hallways, I never learned those words from my family it was all from school. Kids will say them to each other. I think if you make it an issue the kids will see that. I just tell the stepson its OK just do not say them around adults and I also explain to him that intelligent people do not use words like that. There are other ways to express yourself.

But about Cornsnakes.com this is a great place to learn about corn snakes and to gain some new online friends. Now if you see us teasing each other about stuff its cause we have grown found of each other here and a mutual respect for one another.
I can handle F-bombs, poop jokes galore, etc.

What I couldn't tolerate were the remarks I read about rape, abortion, and if you go through the entire posting from that link you will see that it was more than swearing, and juvenile joking that was posted.

We live in a world where as a nurse I have seen so much trauma done to human beings, both male and female, that at times I question our humanity. Thank goodness for my faith.

Yes I over-reacted and should have made sure B4 accusing the cornsnakes website.

But being "in the trenches" I've seen such horrible things. I am offended that some people would make such comments. I helped deliver a 13 year old's baby who was a gang member. Guess how that child was conceived? And doing even a few shifts in an emergency room will change a person's view of the world. And some people think snakes are evil, dangerous creatures? Nobody tops the species list like the human race.
I have avoided joining sites like that, I did see the site a few nights ago although I was just looking at the haunted house pictures rather then what other people were writing.. I understand that working in a place were you have to deal with things that people make jokes of must be very annoying and frustrating.. Imagine being a police officer and seeing those jokes.. there are many sites out there that are forums and are based for teens, teens go there, joke around and don't think about any viewers other then the members of that site witch are teens and must also share the same sence of humour as them witch of course we dont being a mature board and having more older experienced members.. it all comes down to not thinking about what your saying , at one point we all learn to think before we speak...

Im not trying to stand up for anyone or justify there jokes just offering my understandment.
heatherfeather30 said:

You are one very cool young man. You talk with the maturity that some males never seem to achieve. You deserve that recognition. Kudos to you!


Thank you heather, I only wish my name was Damien though, that is the name of my Big baby corn, I'm George, I guess your fairly new here and I think this is the first time we have actually spoke through the forum, so.. nice to meet you :D
heatherfeather30 said:
My last post on this subject.

For those of you who want to know what I found offensive look up: adventures at "haunted house" which is currently on page 3 right now. The very first post has a link at the bottom. The offensive posts that my ex started yelling at me about were #40 and #41.
I hope this should give everyone the link if they want to see what offended us, .
Sincerely, Heather
Thanks for helping me find it I can now be offended like everyone else and not feel left out.
I'll admit that I did not read this entire thread (I'm cooking dinner at the same time), but, so far, the parental controls hubby has placed on the children's computer seems to be doing a decent job. At 7 and 9 yrs old, they tend to stay on certain types of sites...Nickelodeon, Disney, Neopets, etc. My daughter is exploring a bit more but I've seen certain sites get blocked during her exploration. It's usually due to an ad for another site that she comes across. We have forbidden a few sites meant for children because they don't monitor the ads placed on those sites, leading to more adult-oriented sites. We've also insisted she let us know exactly what sites she is visiting and never to use her real name, address, etc anywhere in the computer. I know things will change as they grow, but as it's been mentioned, if things are explained to them instead of strictly forbidden and not explained, they will find a way to get their curiosity satisfied. I would rather they learn the correct answer/explanation from us than perhaps an incorrect one from a classmate.
I'll start by saying maybe the immaturiy of my age or my experience tells me each parent does what they think is best for thier child. I had a very sheltered life, I went to Catholic school and an all girls Catholic high school in Milwaukee, what I didn't know and didn't learn at home or in school hurt me. Within reason I believe what you don't know will hurt you. How can one be in the world and aware if they don't know about rape, abortion, &*&^^%words. Yes some of these things are disgusting and yes I think kids have access to things they shouldn't, but know knowledge is a dangerous thing.
My grandson goes to Catholic school because my daughter wants to protect him. On a trip to the coast when he was 10, we learned things about sex we had not heard before. We were schocked, my son-in-law is a high school teacher, and my daughter works at a high school. So much for protecting him, but not thier fault, it is the way it is.
I worked in an emergency room for five years and saw plenty, but this experience only reinforced my opinion my children would know more than I did.
Heather I am sorry you were offended by this, and really don't know what to say. I read the post and links from the begining and posted myself. It is as I implied in the beginning of this post, you have to do what is best for your child and your life experience, but it is not incumbent on this forum or the internet to monitor your child. The moderators on here do a good job at keeping it g-rated, but I suspect the thread got out of hand before they got to it. just my .02 worth, susan