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Oh, horses. D: [yay horse stories!]


The Serpent Son
So I was at a riding lesson yesterday, on my usual lesson horse, who happens to be a barrel/pole/general speed QH. Well, he was pretty much half asleep, plodding around with his nose nearly dragging the ground, which is how I like him best ;P

Well, my instructor tells me to ask for trot, so I did, and whoa did he perk up. It was like he suddenly remembered he's a Barrel Horse Of Doom. So I did half a lap of trot, and then I pretty much have to hold him back as he remembered he has legs.

Well apparently he got sick of being held back, because he just broke into a canter. I had absolutely no experience whatsoever in cantering speed horses, and this horse has a massive canter. So as I'm holding on for dear life, I look over and notice.. Hey, there's a fence. So, being the general idiot I am, I thought it'd be an okay idea to do an Unscheduled Dismount onto the fence.

This was my Bad Idea of the day. I got onto the fence alright, but it all went so fast I didn't even realize wtf happened until I was on the ground. I quickly stood up and realized that I'd taken down the whole fence and was bleeding from my chin.

I've been finding plenty of interesting bruises all day today. It's been great fun, but it also hurts when I try to move. D:

(For the record, my instructor put me right back on him)

Now let's hear your horse stories. :D
My Appy wouldn't step in mud or water to save his life. He could be going full speed ahead and slam on the brakes to avoid getting his wafflestompers wet. I had some serious bruises from the saddle horn after he pulled a few of those moves. He would also pass gas only when I was picking out his rear hooves.
The only time I was dumped was an accident and not my horse's fault. We had quite an aggressive workout and he needed to be walked to cool down. I rode him in his pasture just to keep him walking until he was cooled down. He was completely pooped, I was completely pooped. He's always very predictable and pretty mellow while in his own pasture so I felt safe in taking my feet out of the stirrups and letting go of his reins. He was just circling the perimeter of his pasture and I gave him a little nudge everytime he thought about stopping. After enough time had past he stopped right next to the fence, I decided to see how long we'd been walking so I lifted my arm to see my watch.... so mind you, I'm atop horse, no feet in the stirrups, no hands on the reins, one arm up in the air.... and at that very moment my horse turned his head and accidentally touched his bit to the hot wire on the fence. Of course this sent a shock right into his mouth and the next thing I remember I was looking at my horse's rear end thinking, "I'm gonna fall", and promptly hit the ground. My baby is only 14 hands so I really didn't get hurt, I felt more for my horse than myself, but he somehow understood that the "shock" didn't come from me and after running the length of his pasture, decided to come back to me. :)
nagini said:
Well apparently he got sick of being held back, because he just broke into a canter. I had absolutely no experience whatsoever in cantering speed horses, and this horse has a massive canter. So as I'm holding on for dear life, I look over and notice.. Hey, there's a fence. So, being the general idiot I am, I thought it'd be an okay idea to do an Unscheduled Dismount onto the fence.

This was my Bad Idea of the day. I got onto the fence alright, but it all went so fast I didn't even realize wtf happened until I was on the ground. I quickly stood up and realized that I'd taken down the whole fence and was bleeding from my chin.

I've been finding plenty of interesting bruises all day today. It's been great fun, but it also hurts when I try to move. D:

(For the record, my instructor put me right back on him)

Now let's hear your horse stories. :D

Wow, you're lucky you only had bruises. A friend's Curly this summer decided to dismount his rider and the guy ended up with two or three cracked ribs... ouch.
I dunno. I've got a lot of "harmed by horses" stories, but my family ran a breeding farm. I just had more opportunity than most to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But the best story didn't happen at the barn. It happened in the ER after I was run over by a cranky mare. I'm lying on a guerney in the hallway on my stomach and nurse after nurse, resident after resident walks past me, stops, looks at my back, and says, "Did you get run over my a horse? Because your abrasions are perfectly horse shoe shaped."


"Wow! Hey come look at this!"

And all I wanted was to have a doctor come treat me instead. Took forever.

(But my back was fine. Just bruised like ripe fruit.)

Being a nurse myself, my laast fall and subsequent back pain gave a few of my colleagues the opportunity to wet themselves laughing and try to keep straight faces as they advised me to try harder to stay on next time. The Dr didn't approve of riding and told me sternly I should wear body armour type protection.
diamondlil said:
Being a nurse myself, my laast fall and subsequent back pain gave a few of my colleagues the opportunity to wet themselves laughing and try to keep straight faces as they advised me to try harder to stay on next time. The Dr didn't approve of riding and told me sternly I should wear body armour type protection.

LOL, I remember when I was thirteen and broke my leg. I wanted to start back up riding and my mother said we had to ask the doctor. She just naturally assumed the guy would say no.... but he became my idol, when he said as long as the horse didn't mind, he didn't see why not :D Of course, my little Arab gelding didn't mind at all.

Oh and the break wasn't from a horse, but from a semi... I ran out in front of the poor guy. I definitely wasn't paying attention to what I was doing that day.
I used to shoe horses for a living. I got a kick once right to the quad that took me totally off my feet and threw me up in the air. I had a perfect hoofprint there.

I bailed off a horse once. It was a three year old Arab, on his first camping trip. He freaked out over some crunchy leaves and took off bucking and running. I was afraid he'd go into the trees, so I bailed off, and of course held onto the reins, but he was going very fast, and I got dragged. My brain just wouldn't send my hand the signal to let go, though. Finally I whacked my head into a tree, backwards, and I let go, and was in a little crumpled ball at the foot of the tree. (Had a helmet on!!) And then he came back, running and bucking, wanting me to save him. So I stood up to get out of the way, and discovered my leg was broken!

The funniest ER horse story I heard was a naked woman, who had a broken back, who had been out in the barn playing Lady Godiva and fallen, and been unable to move or get dressed before the paramedics came to get her. How embarassing.

When we were kids, my brother, sisters, and I would go riding every saturday. When I was 5 I was FINALLY allowed to go riding with the rest of the kids. The stables had this shetland spawn from hell( I mean pony). Anyway, we all saddled up, and I was in my glory. Had my cowboy boots, western shirt, jeans, all decked out! So, we head out, there was a gate we had to go thru to get to the trails. Everything was great, till we got through that gate, the hellspawn decided he was gonna take a different way then everyone else at a full gallop! I'm hanging on for dear life trying like heck to reign the hellspawn in. First my feet came out of the stirrups, then my boots fell off, then I went off and had the wind knocked out of me. The next week mom asked if I wanted to go, and of course I said YES!.lol.... Got the the stables and found out they got rid of hellspawn during the week.. I was the second kid that pony had done that too! From that day on I rode a white horse named Silver(you can guess what I would say everytime we were about to gallop).
Nanci said:
I used to shoe horses for a living. I got a kick once right to the quad that took me totally off my feet and threw me up in the air. I had a perfect hoofprint there.

Hey Nanci,

I trim my guy myself, simply because it's easier on him when he doesn't have to do all four at one (old aches and pains from his futurity days) and he doesn't come looking for a fight, like he does with strangers. I didn't realize just how physically demanding it was until I had to get under him with my bad back. I dated a farrier for a couple of years and he made it look so easy :)

The only time I ended up with perfect hoofprints was when a miniature stallion reared up at me while I was returning him to the breeding barn after a private viewing for the owner of the place I was working. Mr C didn't allow chains or whips to be used on in his presence, so I had to smile and bear it. The staff at the breeding barn treated the guy like a big dog instead of just a small stallion.

When I took my shirt off, I found two perfect hoofprints on the inside of my upper arm in purple.

I got my revenge when Geromino ended up at the training barn and on my string because they needed his stall in the breeding barn. I put his little butt to work and started driving him. The owner of the place was delighted when he heard and ordered a harness and buggy for him. They put him to work doing tours when VIPS came to the farm :D
Ponies aren't always the best kid horses. My daughter got a retired 18 year old Arab broodmare for her first horse, when she was four, and then a 10 year old Arab Western Pleasure Regional Champion when she was 10. (She was a _lovely_ horse to ride, and Kelly was showing in 4H. The funny thing was, Fire was a pampered princess her whole life, and the first time we took her camping, it rained. She just stared up at the sky like she couldn't figure it out at all! And yes, she had a fancy New Zealand rug.)

I have a similar story....I was riding a friend's retired roping horse, Black (he's black with a big white blaze...gorgeous!). I went out with my mom and two other people who were visiting that day too. His owner put his tack on, and I didn't think anything of it. She said the bridle was his and no one else used it. She even walked him out and then re-adjusted his saddle again. Having not ridden in forever, and being a new-be, I wasn't going to check it over in front of her. So we all went out riding in the woods, and the corn-field. Black was kinda fiesty, he didn't want to stop....at all. Whenever we stopped, I had to walk him in circles...it was like he had no breaks! I couldn't figure out why...mom was giving me tips on what to do...nothing worked! I didn't think much of it. After a while, Mom and the other two ladies wanted to call it quits, but I didn't. They headed towards the barn and I headed in the other direction. He was fine for a bit until we were on the other side of on open field, and suddenly he saw the other 3 horses going to the barn. That made him mad, he wanted to go too, but I wanted him to go the other way. I tried to steer him away but he walked towards the barn anyway. I couldn't understand what was going on....I am not this bad of a rider! Why won't he listen? So fine, I thought, I'll go back to the barn and ask his owner why he's being so naughty. So then he started trotting.....then cantering.... and I couldn't slow him down! Then, suddenly, to my horror, I realized I had absolutely no control of this horse, he was galloping full-speed (as in "I'm a roping horse and I'm gonna show you what I can do!" speed) across the field and I was absolutely powerless (I'd also never galloped before!). Mom was yelling "pull him back!" "turn his head"! But I couldn't, I knew he had the bit in his mouth. Even worse, he was headed straight for an old wooden wagon and he showed no signs of slowing down. I remember this in slow motion....I was picturing myself breaking my neck on it if he stopped, falling off him if he jumped cause there was a ditch on the other side, and then him falling on me, and then I pictured myself in the hospital LOL. As he neared it, I felt him slip out from under me to the right, he was doing a 90 degree turn at full speed. Somehow, I kept my foot in the stirrup and held the saddle just long enough to clear the wagon by INCHES and I rolled into the ditch! Everyone was freaking out.....but when I sat up, I just started laughing! That was the first time I had ever fallen off a horse. And I wasn't hurt at all! Since I rolled instead of falling straight down, there wasn't really much of an impact. I walked back to the barn, and the owner of the horse came outside and jokingly asked if anyone fell off....."yes!" we all said. She was terrified, she always thinks someone's going to sue her for something an animal did. But even if I was hurt, I'd never blame it on anyone but me. She caught him and I told her how naughty he was being. I got back on him and she had me walk circles around her. He still wouldn't stop. She was confused, she said he is always perfect for everyone else. So she checked his bridle to see if anything was wrong.....sure enough, the chin-strap was so loose, that the bit wasn't doing a darn thing! I was lucky he listened to me at all while we were riding before. She appologized up and down...I wasn't too worried about it. Unfortunately, he had those really expensive shoes with the pads underneith, and he lost one. I never got to ride him again. I really don't know why....she knew it was her fault, but she just kept telling me I was too inexperienced after that.

I did end up getting my own horse eventually, even had two for a couple months (both apps)....then I got laid off and had trouble finding a new job. Now I haven't had one for 5 years. :cry: But I am getting one this summer. I keep tellling everyone that because, dammit, I AM this time! And it's going to be permanent too! I have half the money saved that I want to have before I go looking. It's going to be an app again. I have loved apps all my life, I don't think that will ever change :) People think I'm obsessed with snakes, or frogs, or just animals in general because I have so many.....but deep down, I am completely, totally, and unconditionally obsessed with horses. That is the only thing in my life that I know will NEVER change.

Wow, that was long....sorry for the novel. Good thing I'm not on a horse forum or I'd have writer's cramp.
LOL... You wouldn't believe how happy I was to hear they had gotten rid of that pony the next week. After having the opportunity to ride Silver(part AQHA) he was the horse for me every saturday after that. I think we rode 5 yrs after that, and I think I only had to ride a different horse 3 times in those 5 years.
When I was about 15 I took riding lessons near where I used to live in Ohio. I rode this beautiful little Arabian stallion named Freebie. He had the smoothest, most perfect gates of any horse I have ever been on.

There was a gal who owned a horse at the stable there...I can't remember his name, just that she always called him Alpo (as in a threat to make him dog meat if he didn't behave!).

One afternoon we were having class in the outside paddock and this gal had taken Alpo for a ride out in the woods that surrounded the property. Apparently he was startled by some deer and threw her and came running back to the barn at full speed. He decided to cut through the paddock and our riding lesson on his way there which of course excited all of our horses.

My little Freebie decided he was going to follow Alpo on his wild run to the barn and took off before I even realized what was going on. Here I am holding on for dear life at a full gallop through the paddock, across the yard and heading right for the barn. (I had only ever been at a canter previously!)
We were just about to the barn and Freebie changed his mine about going in and turned on a dime to head the other way and I just slid/fell right off the side.
I only had a few bumps and bruises. One of the other girls in my class was luckier...she was only about 8-9yrs old...tiny girl...and rode this huge Thoroughbred mare. She got bucked off and also only ended up with bumps and bruises. Of course the teacher put us right back up to finish our lesson so we wouldn't be afraid the following week.

I haven't had much opportunity to ride since those lessons when I was a teenager. I miss it and envy everyone who gets to own or work around horses. They are such beautiful animals!
When I was growing up, I begged and begged and BEGGED to have a horse. My parents finally found two old geldings that neighbors wanted to get rid of, so we acquired them.

The shorter of two became "my" horse and I don't think you could find a better "kid horse"; Pete just wanted to stand still, thanks, and I don't remember him being afraid of anything. He was kind of a Eeyore..."oh, it's raining...well, it'll keep my stench down, I guess". I loved my Petey!

Smooth gates: One of the people for whome my mom regularly cleaned owned a Tenneessee walker (probably didn't help my horse fetish). I can't remember the horse's name, but he was a big guy and colored like a palomino. And to ride - felt like you were sliding on glass - soooo smoooooth. The horse was a real sweety too. But I have to say, he looked totally weird when you watched him, hehe.
I have to say that I have NEVER fallen off a horse. Each time I hit the dirt, I was THROWN off by the horse, but I never FELL off! And I did, on the rare occasion, JUMP off a horse. It has really been over 10 years since I've been on a horse. I haven't owned a horse since starting college almost 30 years ago, and the last time I rode was when I was performing in the Weeki Wachee Springs Birds of Prey show. These pics were taken during that time. Sorry for the quality...taking digital photos of actual photographs in an album in my closet doesn't lend itself to the best of pics.


  • Me & Cirrus - 2.JPG
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I haven't owned a horse since starting college almost 30 years ago, and the last time I rode was when I was performing in the Weeki Wachee Springs Birds of Prey show.
Man..horses and birds of prey...two of my favorites in one shot...you were so lucky!! Love the pics!!
Susan said:
I have to say that I have NEVER fallen off a horse. Each time I hit the dirt, I was THROWN off by the horse, but I never FELL off! And I did, on the rare occasion, JUMP off a horse. It has really been over 10 years since I've been on a horse. I haven't owned a horse since starting college almost 30 years ago, and the last time I rode was when I was performing in the Weeki Wachee Springs Birds of Prey show. These pics were taken during that time. Sorry for the quality...taking digital photos of actual photographs in an album in my closet doesn't lend itself to the best of pics.

Nice pictures of the pictures. Curious how long it took the horses to adapt to all that wind around their heads?

Not saying a word about those tennies :D
Weebonilass said:
Nice pictures of the pictures. Curious how long it took the horses to adapt to all that wind around their heads?

Not saying a word about those tennies :D
I actually trained 3 different horses to perform in that show (2 otheres were already trained when I started). It just took patience and alot of carrots and apples. I would say it took about a month before the horses didn't shy at all when the eagle flew to me.

And I didn't pick the uniforms. And this was the best one they chose!