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Oh no, not again! My baby...


New member
I am starting to feel it is me, Shadow had eaten F/T one gram pinkies. One every 6 days. Fed him on Sunday, left him alone till Wednesday, took him out for 15 minutes to get him used to being handled. He was 5 grams before feeding about 13 inches long. Friday morning he had not moved from where he was, he was dead :( I am very sad again. When taking him out, I would let him start to move then get him to go onto my hand, as opposed to picking him up. This was from the same clutch as Casper,who died after 4 days in my, what would seem care. Cool side of tank is 70-72, UTH is on a dimmer and was around 81-82, I test the temperature with an infra red spot reader. Aspen as a substrate, two homemade coconut shell hides, washed and baked for 20 minutes at 250 in the oven. I noticed after he ate he never sat in the warm side, with the light on during the day the inside temp was around 75-76. He did his pooping 3-4 days after feeding(ate 4 times) had him 4 weeks. I noticed what looked like a tiny bit of blood from one nostril. I still would like to have a corn, are the ones I had too small for a beginner? Should I try to find one a little bigger, or should I not bother with trying to be an owner. I am very confused and upset, any help and suggestions would be helpful, sorry for the post again.
I'm really really really sorry for your loss! To be honest, I don't see that your doing anything wrong. You temps look good. You substrate is fine. You feeding schedule looks good. I don't know. Honestly, I don't think we will ever know, unless you want to have a necropsy done.

The only other thing I can think of is something genetic. To have two small corns, of the same clutch die like that has me thinking that they may have been predisposed to something, but thats difficult to tell.

Then on the other hand, baby corns can be difficult and some do pass without warning or reason.

I think you should take a little time and if your up to it, find another baby. Maybe try another source or a corn that is a little older/bigger, that has been established.

Again, I am really sorry for your loss!

First off I am sorry for your loss! I don't see anything wrong with your setup and temps etc!

I do agree with Wayne, you shouldn't give up! Sometimes babies just don't make it. Maybe an established baby would be a good choice for the next snake. Maybe something a few months old. Good luck!
You could just be having bad luck, but just in case I'd check all your environmental factors.

Did you clean the tank with anything toxic? Did you spray any toxic chemicals/fumes into the air or burn candles near it? I don't know if these things would kill a snake in only a few days, but I'd check anyway.

I wouldn't give up. Your setup sounds like it is fine. I might go for an older, bigger, more established snake the next time around if you are worried (maybe a yearling). You might have just gotten a baby that was destined to not make it. With an older snake you can be more confident.

Good luck!
I will try to find a little more established baby, about how big should they be after 6 months to a year, again he was only 5 grams before feeding. I will try a different source. The floor is cleaned with swiffer wet, the bottom of the tank tank is 3 feet off the floor, nothing but water is used to clean the outside of the Viv. Before I try again the contents will be washed in the dishwasher with a bit of bleach, the inside of the Viv will be cleaned with rubbing alcohol and rinsed with water. I have a saltwater tank in the same room. If there is a chemical issue in the room it will definitely show there first. Fish and corals are far more sensitive to the chemicals in the air. Thank you all so far for your help, it really means a lot to me.
I don't believe you did anything wrong.
Sounds like it could be genetic if they were from the same clutch.

After a year, I'd say they would be around 20-30 grams. It all depends on the individual snake. My biggest '09 is almost 50 grams and my smallest is around 30 grams. They are on the same eating schedule.

Keep trying!
If you don't mind me asking, where were your snakes purchased?
I would definately avoid going to the same place for another baby.
And I would highly reccomend most breeders on this site. Even if you have to pay for shipping, a healthy feeding properly sexed snake is worth it!

Some of the leftover 09s might not be the most exciting new morphs, but a nice well established yearling might be a wonderful addition to the family!
I don't believe you did anything wrong.
Sounds like it could be genetic if they were from the same clutch.

After a year, I'd say they would be around 20-30 grams. It all depends on the individual snake. My biggest '09 is almost 50 grams and my smallest is around 30 grams. They are on the same eating schedule.

Keep trying!

You know, now that I think about it...5 grams is really really tiny for being nearly a year old. I think new hatchlings weigh that much....I think something was wrong with your baby from the start...
If the two that passed away were from the same clutch, I'd be looking at genetics more than environmental causes. Especially if a yearling was only 5 grams. That's unnatural for a snake that old to be that small. That's why I'm thinking there may be something in the genes.

Please don't give up! Look for a larger, more established snake from another breeder.
I agree- a baby that small is _so_ fragile. It's very strange for two from the same clutch to die so fast. You'd do a lot better with an older snake. There are tons of adults that people are willing to part with. Too bad you're in Canada- I just did a really nice snake match-making here in the US. Similar situation, a baby that died for no apparent reason, which is VERY discouraging. Now that person has a nice, healthy, beautiful adult.
You know, now that I think about it...5 grams is really really tiny for being nearly a year old. I think new hatchlings weigh that much....I think something was wrong with your baby from the start...

No, it was not a year old, there is some confusion here. It was from Big Al's in Canada, if anyone has a Canadian place in the GTA area I would be more than willing to drive a couple hours to get quality. It was that young, maybe a couple months, so I was told.
To me, it sounds like maybe the clutch just didn't have the best genetics for living, if more than your corn died from that clutch.

However, I always think that getting older animals is a better choice; you KNOW they've been eating because they SHOULD be bigger than the little worms they hatch as. And, nature seems to make a few that, if wild hatched, would be food for other animals, and no matter what you do, will never grow to be healthy.

So, don't let this get you too down; you did what you could. Just wait until you feel comfortable getting another corn and pick one out that is pretty to you, and bigger. I know that Pet Supermarket and PetCo and try to special order morphs of snakes (including corns), and sometimes they get older, bigger animals in. PetCo DOES do special orders; if you're told they don't, remember that employee's name and go find the manager. Or, you could always check what is posted here for sale, or on FaunaClassifieds.
I agree- a baby that small is _so_ fragile. It's very strange for two from the same clutch to die so fast. You'd do a lot better with an older snake. There are tons of adults that people are willing to part with. Too bad you're in Canada- I just did a really nice snake match-making here in the US. Similar situation, a baby that died for no apparent reason, which is VERY discouraging. Now that person has a nice, healthy, beautiful adult.

That sounds funny, too bad I'm in Canada. I don't mean anything disrespectful, and don't take it the wrong way, it's just that my parents made me in Canada and I chose to stay, ha ha ha!
To me, it sounds like maybe the clutch just didn't have the best genetics for living, if more than your corn died from that clutch.

However, I always think that getting older animals is a better choice; you KNOW they've been eating because they SHOULD be bigger than the little worms they hatch as. And, nature seems to make a few that, if wild hatched, would be food for other animals, and no matter what you do, will never grow to be healthy.

So, don't let this get you too down; you did what you could. Just wait until you feel comfortable getting another corn and pick one out that is pretty to you, and bigger. I know that Pet Supermarket and PetCo and try to special order morphs of snakes (including corns), and sometimes they get older, bigger animals in. PetCo DOES do special orders; if you're told they don't, remember that employee's name and go find the manager. Or, you could always check what is posted here for sale, or on FaunaClassifieds.

I will do that, thank you!
You're very welcome. If you're buying from someone you can actually meet in person, ask to see the snake eat.
Also, since weight and length of the snake can sometimes be deceptive, try to get a corn that is eating fuzzy mice, or even hoppers. My first corn was being fed pinkies, but she was ready to take small fuzzies/huge pinks when I got her. And the corn I got yesterday may be able to eat hoppers, but so far, neither have given me any problems.
I've lost 3 "baby" snakes to date. The first I found dead with its skin half shed. No clue what happened. The second got out and got smooshed under a blanket that had fallen off a bed. The last was my jungle corn. Got loose and has not been seen. My cat goes nuts over string-like stuff so I fear he may have gotten that one either that or the snake got in the heat ducts and is the noise I hear in there at night. I can't get to the ducts to search :(

Honestly losses happen, as the same thing has happened with two from the same clutch I would be prone to think there was something wrong with them and look elsewhere for my next. I would also be more likely to look at yearling or adults that are in need of homes as opposed to hatchlings. Simply because adults are better established and are more durable than the little ones. They take change better. With your next snake regardless of size I would use paper towels as bedding until the animal had been there a few months to be sure there are no health issues. All of mine are on paper towels until they have been through 2 sheds for me then get switched to shredded paper.

I am very sorry for both your losses and do encourage you to try again from a different source.
I know of a breeder in the GTA, he seems very nice and im expecting my first snakes from him in the next few weeks :) if you interested I could give you his email.
It seems kind of weird that two babies from the same clutch would die. You seem to be doing everything right, so I don't think it's you. I would think there was something genetic that killed them. I don't know what it would be, but I really don't think this was your fault. I wouldn't give up and would get another one, this time from someone else. If you're picking it up, really look at it and make sure it is in good shape before you buy it.
I know of a breeder in the GTA, he seems very nice and im expecting my first snakes from him in the next few weeks :) if you interested I could give you his email.

That would be great, I just sent you a PM, I will wait for an answer, I would be willing to go to the London area also. I am between Toronto and London.