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Oh please now!

Kali I'm on day 48 and I couldn't be more eager for the buggers to hatch. I hope yours pip soon! The less waiting the better... :crazy01:
my clutches, oddly, seem to be taking progressively longer to hatch. first clutch started at day 54, second at 63 or 64, third is on day 65 and nothing. this is exactly the opposite of what i would expect, seeing the earlier clutches had more cooler temp days due to the weather and the later clutches have incubated closer to 82-83 for their entirety. hoping for some pippied today! but like someone mentioned, i'll probably be gone this weekend, so they'll probably wait til then.
Em I hope yours don't wait too long! I started to get eager from day 50. Loooong days since.

Erika, that's indeed kind of strange. Just goes to show they'll just do as they please..
I realized that I am loosing it las night when I had a dream about them hatching and almost all of them were dragons. I think one was a snake. Weird dreams I expect with this kind of anticipation but dragons really?!?
That is so great !! :D:D
I wouldn't mind hatching a few dragons, but snakes are very welcome too :)

Yah, there seems to be a chance that you think a lot about your clutch lol
LOL!!,..yeah, I have a hypo lavender x hypo/het lav./poss. het anery clutch that is at day 57 now, so I am in the same boat.. :sobstory:



Nice pair you got there!
Lol all over the world people are fretting over clutches of snake eggs :laugh::laugh:
Nice pair you got there!
Lol all over the world people are fretting over clutches of snake eggs :laugh::laugh:

HAHAA!!, ain't THAT the truth!!!

Over the years, I have pretty much taught myself to try to forget about them hatching though, but when it gets REAL close, it is still a bit tough to do sometimes. It is very similar to the......"waiting for the pot to boil" analogy! :laugh:

I have some very special Lampropeltis projects that are guaranteed to have me on the edge of my seat as well this season.....ARRRGH!!! :D

good luck with heads poking out soon! :cheers:

Boiling water. PERFECT analogy there.
With that difference that the stupid pot won't take weeks to boil.
Oh what are we doing to ourselves.

Still nothing here. I swear those little buggers are laughing in their eggs! "there she is AGAIN" !!!
Boiling water. PERFECT analogy there.
With that difference that the stupid pot won't take weeks to boil.
Oh what are we doing to ourselves.

Still nothing here. I swear those little buggers are laughing in their eggs! "there she is AGAIN" !!!

True!,....water wouldn't take weeks to boil. Let's go with the..... "like watching grass grow" analogy instead. :D

today is only day 55 for me 13 eggs, last year my 1 egg out of 24 that was viable hatched the night of day 57 early day 58 at 3 am im hoping they hatch around the same time cause its more exciting this year cause I have lucky 13 lol
*sigh* Mine are real lazy! not a nose in sight!
So? I've been looking, but can't find any pics? Where are your pippies? Until mine hatch, I'm going to have to live vicariously through you guys. Well? Pics?? :D
day 65 yesterday and pippies started late last night. 7 little noses this morning...parents were anery stripes het hypo/amel but oddly all 7 are aneries so far! hoping for some ghost/snow noses when i get home!
Hey!! What about mine???
Lol, oh well, tomorrow is day 65 for my clutch, we'll just think that will be the day then.
And Erika? pics? pics? pics? :D