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OH YEAH! Petco bonus

What an awesome find! The petcos around here actually have some cool snakes too. They had a blood red and a lavender a couple months ago, and I've seen some cool zig zags like yours but none THAT cool! Congrats!

I got my little Cornelius at Petco *pets him* and he's... my preciousssssssss
Does this work for the Non-Seers?

What a beauty. Every once in awhile, at the beginning/end of corn snake "season" Gourmet Rodent will actually send PETCO some decent looking corns (and scary just out the egg, possibly non-feeders as well). That is how I got my motley, cube stripe and opal (which died two months later).
I could not find it.. ..

This guy came from PetCo years ago... Mite infestation and everything.. He is probably next to the biggest corn we have around here.. Not bad for $24.99


Yes it's great to find something or even to see something different and what a great price :)

Thanks everyone for looking. Not sure why some can see him and some can't?? But I do have him on my album *~All Mine~*

His name is Seth and there is also one there of him crawling down the rose quartz too :)
What a beauty. Every once in awhile, at the beginning/end of corn snake "season" Gourmet Rodent will actually send PETCO some decent looking corns (and scary just out the egg, possibly non-feeders as well). That is how I got my motley, cube stripe and opal (which died two months later).

YOU FOUND AN OPAL?? WOW you must have been double taking asking if your eyes where lying LOL ..Sorry to hear that about your guys :( These guys eat like pigs but are not tiny hachling looking either.
-sigh- i got my Coral from Petco, which she was the healthiest and the strongest and the friedlyist i foudn there, then a year later i found my lilly who is just as friendly and WAYYY healthlyer than Coral was when i first got her and then i gave Coral some TLC and now she is in perfect health and has NEVER striked at anyone whether she was mad or not, Petco up near me have some poor living conditions for their reptiles and such, i don't recomend getting a snake at petcos more towards breeders and Petsmarts (i got Lilly from Petsmart)