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Definitely drive!

We drive all over the country to expos, sometimes with snakes and sometimes without. We drilled air holes in a big cooler and put wheels on it to take snakes to the shows.

If I had just a few snakes, I would get a cheap styro cooler, as already mentioned. I would put the snakes in bags / pillow cases. AND I would carry a large canvas shoulder bag to put them into whenever I go into a restaurant or shop. Nobody will ever know what is inside it, lol! And you will know exactly what temps they are being subjected to.

you could always leave "Big Cat" with me...i'd ship him to ya..I PROMISE!!!! :)
(You had to know this was coming!)
Kathy, that restaurant bag is a really good suggestion, thanks!

Rich...you so funny! ;)

Lol, I've gone into places with them in my GFs purse or friends purse.. Quite entertaining if they are big enough to move stuff around.

As for the trip, I know it might seem common sense, but keep them away from the sun. Windows like to magnify it, and overheat them rather quickly.
I've used a big purse or a small cooler several times when, for whatever reason, I've needed to have a snake with me while I had errands. They work well and I've never been hassled for them and nobody else needed to be freaked out.