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Peppermint Chimera

The reason I asked is because I see black specks- I'm well aware of what a chimera is. What do you think the other morph is? "Just" cinder? Is hypo involved? The differently-colored part doesn't seem dark enough to be cinder, to me.

It's Cinder Nanci! ;) No anery involved here. :cheers:
Very nice Tom. Clearly does not fit into any of your projects. Please tell me this is NOT out of that peppermint female I gave you a couple years back. I'll get busy setting up a viv for it. Thanks, dp
Very nice Tom. Clearly does not fit into any of your projects. Please tell me this is NOT out of that peppermint female I gave you a couple years back. I'll get busy setting up a viv for it. Thanks, dp

Thanks Dave! This one is from a Canycane/het cinder gal. The Amel/ het Cinder,Stripe gal you sent me slugged out 1st clutch & then deposited 8 eggs in a second clutch. Waiting to see if there's a Tessera Striped Peppermint or two in that one.