Access Systems Technician
Hello! I was at my local petshop today and seen that the anery hatchling they picked up at least a month ago still hasn't eaten. It seems weak and is very thin and dehydrated. It was cohabbed in a very large enclosure with poor hides and improper heat provisions. I talked with them and they agreed to let me take it home because they tried everything they could, and it will die unless some other steps are taken. So far I gave her a short soak and set her up in a small critter keeper with water and hides. I'm afraid if she doesn't eat within a few weeks she will die, as she may not have had a meal for months now, if ever. When should I consider tubefeeding? They said no hard feelings if she dies, either she dies here or there they fear for the worst... But I'd rather try than just let her fall apart.