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New member
hey guyssss......im trying to feed my snake its not eating.......im leaving in 2 days.......its like its scared of it ........please i need help....i have 2 mice lefft and both of the mice were de-freezed..i cant go to the pet-shop...... and i dont have money...... what do i do.....i try feeding it the de-frozen ones or whattt.....please guys.........i love my snakeeee sooo muchhhhhhhh....
When was the last you fed it? How long are you going away for? A snake can go for weeks without food. It is NOT ideal thing to do. Is there someone who will be taking care of it while you are away? To check on water and such?
Jimmy C.
no no nothing

no one will takee care of them ok i know they can go for a long time without food.......but why is it doing this it never did.....im soo worried........ i need to make sure its ok before i leave..... ..... i ran out of mice.....i have two but like i took them out of the freezer then back in.............man im soo pissed......why is it doing this .......
You have to have someone looking in on it while you are away. How long is your trip?
I would be concerned too about feeding it and haveing it get sick while you are away.
What happens if the water spills or if it deficates in its water dish,you need to have someone check in on it. If you are going away for just a few days I wouldnt be too concerned. But if it'sd for a couple weeks you could come back to a dead snake.
Something to think about, it could be just not hungry.
Jimmy C.
if you love your snake, you would get somebody experienced to look after your snake, so it gets the best treatment etc. while you are on vacation. :confused:

Well for 1. Trying to fed your snake everyday since it refused food WON'T help!!!

If your snake refuses an offering, STOP, leave it alone and try again a few days to a week later.

Secondly, all these people are correct, your snake will not die from starvation as snakes can go quite some time without food. But you MUST have someone give it fresh water and check on it if you will be gone more than a few days....

Third, we read your post the first time when you mentioned it has never done this before, that has nothing to do with it, and great feeders sometimes go off food too. It doesn't matter how much, when or why he ate in the past.

He may be shedding and he doesn't want to eat or any number of various reasons. But trying to make him eat constantly everyday will stress him out more than not having a meal for a few weeks would.

If I was you, and I was going on a trip for a week or so, and my snake was refusing food, I would RELAX, get someone to check in on him and give him fresh water and paper, and then try again when you return home. This should give him the time he needs to rest, relax and get hungry.

well im going for 10 daays

hey im going for ten days is that alot of what............im really like scared and confused ...i even have a coachwhip...........
Hey Abuyoussef,
Relax I have a snake that did not eat for just over 2 months. I kept trying, he didn't eat so I fed another snake instead. Then one day he ate no big deal. I also have a friend who has a newly hatched Corn that has not eaten yet and it has been almost 3 weeks.
I still would not refreeze a defrosted mouse.
10 days you must have someone check on it to make sure that it has clean water.
Good luck,
Jimmy C.
thanx guyssssssss

thanx guys ffor supoporting me ......im leaving tommorw in god's will....... im giving my snakes to the pet store...for 50$ ........ ... cool huh ...i hope to get some corns from france....... summugling that is ...:)
No offense

But I hope you decide to do lots of research before making your corn "family" grow much bigger.

It takes a lot of reading to know whats going on, and you need lots of information on corns so when something like non-eating happens you will not freak out and lose it because you have read about the situation and know what to do.

who is lookin after all your other animals? thats what is bothering me so much, you panic about your snake but you fail to mention your fish etc. yet snakes can go much longer without food than snakes.
Ash, he already said he was giving the snakes to a pet shop to look after them.
Who <b>is</b> going to take care of your fish and turtles? Also, are you going to SELL your snakes to the petstore, or are they BOARDING them for you? If you do love your snakes, then I would think it would be better to find someone to look after them...instead of giving them up. Owning an animal requires responsibility. You shouldn't just dump them when they are inconvenient or when a better one comes along. I don't mean to hurt or upset you...just to educate you a bit. I hope everything works out well!
I've only read about this

Hey Man!

The only help I can offer, I have only read about and not tried. I am a new herper with nothing but head knowlege unfortunately. I have read that if you cut open the head of the mouse to expose the brain and let a bit of blood flow that will work about 75% of the time. It also said to wait a day or two of not trying to feed it before you try this method

Hope this was not bad info i was reading.

Good Luck:confused:
That is very good info actually. It's nice to see someone who did their homework! Lol. But Abu is already gone on his "vacation" so it's not doing him any good till he gets home. He'll probably read this when he gets home. Well, that's assuming he DOES get home because he's apparently trying to smuggle snakes across the border....
for goodness snakes . . .smuggling corns !?!?!?!

what is he thinking . . . .he can into so much trouble for doing that couldnt he???

I don't know what he's thinking...I don't know if he even is thinking
I hope he doesn't actually try it. No matter how rare corn snakes are in his home country it doesn't make it all right for him to try to smuggle them in.
I don't even understand HOW he's going to do it? Is he going to take them in his hand luggage on the plane or something cos that all gets x-rayed (plus there's no air). And if he puts them in his normal luggage then they're gonna get tossed around and hurt (plus there's no air). And if he puts them in a box with a label saying 'Fragile: Livestock' and with holes all over it or something then they're gonna know what he's got. Hmmm.
well he can't put it in his regular luggage b/c the luggage compartment under the plane where the people's bags and things go is like..pressurized and gets super cold (I think..I read it on a sign while I was waiting in line and they had a list of things you couldn't have in your luggage for that reason. like aerosol spray cans and stuff cuz they can explode) so the corns would die
I guess he could hide them in a pocket of his shirt or something but..man that's risky.
"Excuse me sir, why is your pocket moving on its own?"

Oh yeah, there's a special part of the hold which is just like the cabin that they use for animals and things but you'd need to fill in forms, I'd imagine.

Yeah, corn in your pocket would be risky. It might get out and slither all over the place causing a riot or something. Lol.

Jus wondering: You know how some people experience extreme pain on planes because of the pressure(me)? Well, can animals feel that?? I've always wondered. And babies, they always cry on planes but you can't tell if it's because of their ears popping.
Sorry to get off topic.
