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Please Please Help!!!


I am the corn snake kid!
I LOST TRINITY!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!! I put her away to nights ago, after holding her for about a half hour. I closed the lid, adn went back to the computer. Last night, I fed my snow, adn put her back. Im not used to sieeing Trinity either, as she is usualy burried. But thismoreing, when i came to feed her, i coundt finder her anywhere!! I dug thouhg the mulch and everything, but i couldnt find her!! Are there any snake traps that i could make to help me catch her?! Iv tore up our whole basement looking for her!! I put out soem water, incase she gets thirsty. I completey destroyed my room looking for her, but no luck. PLEASE help me. Any way of helping me to find her, tips or tricks or anything besides sitting on my ass hoping she coms back into my room. PLEAS PLEASE PLESAE HELP!!!! I LOVE MY TRINITY AND WOULD DO ANYTHING TO GET HER BACK!! :sobstory:

-Thie kid who lost his favorite snake
Hi there......
Put some coke bottles around with pinkes inside.....
When was the last time trinity was fed?? If trinity is hungry, then the bottles may work.You dont even need the bottles....you could just scatter the pinkies around,(in secluded spots around the room). You could also brain the pinkies for more scent....
Also put out your heat pads or warm hotwaterbottles, (not boiling water, just warm), on the floor in dark corners with hides...
Also look at things again which you had in your viv. Sometimes they can manipulate their bodies inside objects, so you cant see them. You can shake objects and nothing come out, but your snake could still be in there.
Let me know how you get on....
Try to stay calm..... :)
All right thanks. Trinity was fed about 5 days ago...And all i had in the viv were some rock adn little paper towel roles.
Hope you have plenty of pinkies!! Start putting them out!!
You're in for a busy night.... Your room is going to be transformed into one big viv....
Let me know how you get on.... :)
aw heck, I'm sorry... good luck mate, sadly I know how you feel...I really hope s/he appears.
Lol im runnign out of pinks =P Other than that, is there anything sles i can do? I have a huge basement, so im worried shes not even in my room...
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I have a friend who has a three month old corn(so it was litttle) it got out at night and so she didn't know till morning. To top it off they had an indoor cat. Anyway she looked everywhere, and the snake ended up being on top of the dresser. It had slithered it's way up a lamp cord and was hid there. Moral of the story: don't give up hope. I hope you find him.
Another thing that sometimes works is to put some flour around the edges of the room(s) as snakes will always follow the walls when they escape.

That way you might be able to tell if shes been around and hopefully follow the tracks to where she is now

Good luck and I hope you find her soon
Pandora brings the good faith. :D

A friend of mine once lost her corn snake in an OLD home in Yellowknife. For those of you who don't know where that is, it's WAAAAY up North in Canada. Summers are beautiful (though short), but the winters there last a very long time and come with LOOOOOOTS of snow.

Anyway, 17 months later she's at work and gets a call from her mom in HYSTERICS, so she leaves thinking something really bad has happened, and when she gets home (drudging through the MANY feet of snow) she finds her mom curled up in the corner of her kitchen, holding a big spatula (cause that'll fend off the snake LOL), staring with complete fear at this snake (much larger than it was when it escaped, might I add) hissing at her from under the kitchen sink (you'd be pissy too if you got lost in an old cold house for a year and a half). :laugh: Her poor mom... but the point to this is not to panic if you can't find your snake right away. It's very likely that Trinity will eventaully move from wherever she's hiding now and come back out.

The not knowing sure does suck though, eh? Stay strong, kid. You're doing all the right things to help lure her out. :)
I'm so sorry to hear about your snake. I know how you feel. I lost my female last week for a couple of days. I found her way up in one of the hides that I had. If you can use a flash light to look for her. And triple check spots. Good luck and I hope she turns up soon.

Thanks guys. What im worried most about is her starvign to death =( or dehydrating..Iv'e placed soem water dishes, i hope thats enough... Besides my pinks, theres not much to eat. And its around 60-70 degrees in my basement at night. But I hope to God I find my little gril alive and not, well, :sobstory: ... *sigh* i still have no clue how she got out... I've torn up her tank many a times. I feel liek its all my fault... :cry: :crying: I know i should stop beating my self up abotu it but...:twohammer Lol, who would have thunk you could get os attached to a snake, sepecially i fouve only had it for about a month... God i feel so bad... Ok ill stop whining to you guys, you probably dont want to hear it. *sigh*
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Sorry to hear about your lost snake :( We went through the same thing this weekend- it's really tough! keep us posted! Good Luck
it sucks to lose a snake....

but if you look through my posts, you will see that I have not just lost one, but two snakes... and they were both almost next to where they escaped from.. It is a panicky couple days(weeks) but you will find them eventually...

I did....

good luck man
My escaped snake went drag on me!

I was going through some haloween stuff last year when I forgot to put the lid on tight enough and my little Charcoal (Ice Pick) had escaped... When I was looking for her the next day (Haloween) I freaked out when she couldn't be found...

Eventually I gave up and decided to get ready for some trick or treating with my little brothers. After preparing my best drag outfit (and I am sure scaring my little brothers) I was about ready to go out, when I noticed the little rascal was checking herself out in the mirror as I was fixing my eye lashes... She had crawled into my wig and was trying to climb from my head to the rim of the mirror and onward to freedom.

Another lesson learned...

(I think that story was humourus for more than one reason...)
Im glad you all found your snakes! I hop emy little story has a happy ending too... And one that doesnt end in a year and a hlf from now...
lol! Well that was an extreme case, but the point I was trying to make was the corn snake was found safe and sound. I actually forgot to add the fact that they have both cats AND dogs (and fish and birds and lizards (etc) including a 3-4 foot monitor that likes to roam around the house...). Quite the zoo over there. lol But I digress...

Snakes are excellent hiders, so I'm sure your Trinity is perfectly safe. Just keep putting down those pinkies and dust the edges of the carpets with flour to track her movements. If you can find a way to maybe set up some hides around a portable room heater (set up in a way that Trinity cannot burn herself on it - or another source of heat), with a little luck one morning next week you'll look under a hide and there she'll be! :D

Give it some time, and try not to worry. Keep us posted. :)

Michael: OMG!! HAHAHAHAHA! That's brilliant! And add to the fact that it was halloween... Maybe you should have left her there and gone as Medusa. LOL
May I ask what kind of enclosure your snake was in when it vanished? I'd like to know because I live in an apartment complex and I dread the thought of one of my snakes disappearing. (I've basically sent out a Money Order to Rich Zuchowski at SerpenCo last Saturday and am waiting for confirmation thaqt he got it and that my snakes are on the way.) I basically bought some of those Rubbermaid plastic shoebox containers. The lids have little locks on the sides that clamp shut. I wish I could provide a picture of it, but my Digital camera isn't working and I have to buy another one. Suffice it to say bit the little clamps are about 5 in. long and they seem to keep the lids on pretty tightly.