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Please Read!


New member
I was just on another forum and i found this. I had to post it here because this is much more popular than the forum i was on.
A website have started a petition against the show fear factor. Apparently on one show they were throwing none water snakes into very deep water. Watching many drown and getting stressed while people were swimming with them. corn snakes with milk and king snakes? so they are stressing at being thrown in very deep water, having humands swimming with them and having cannibal snakes with them. Its not right!!!!!
also on this programme they were throwing snakes around, breaking ribs and causing other usually fatal internal injuries.
I will now paste a copy of the petition into this window along with a link for you to sign it. please everyone sign this petition we have to stop the cruelty. thank you for taking the time to read this i realise it is a very long message...

To: Producers of Fear Factor.
This petition is to be sent to the producers of that stupid show "Fear Factor." They have thrown hundreds of harmless snakes into deep water, along with an adult burm, and drowned several of them. They have thrown snakes around while sorting them causing them to break ribs and suffer from serious internal injuries. It was obvious that those that didn't die on the show died shortly thereafter. If you are tired of seeing them throw non-water snakes into a deep tub of water and seeing several of them drown, or watch them throw around snakes and causing severe injuries, please sign this petition. I'm disgusted every time I see them try to intimidate a player or please the crowd with harmless snakes passing them off as lethal and dangerous. Their show should be taken off the air for doing this, or at least banned from using animals in their shows. Your name and email adress is required, however your email adress will not be shown to the public, having your names makes the petition have a greater impact. Comments are optional.

to sign please go to: http://www.petitiononline.com/snakes/petition.html

if this doesnt come up as a link please copy and paste it into you address bar.
What a bunch of dumb @#$%. Why would any one throw snakes even water snakes into deep water. And on top of it there were diffrent snakes species togther as well. I hope there show gets band from T.V. for doing this becuase they killed many snakes.
You have to wonder where the Humane Society is when something like this goes on in public view. It is OK for snakes to be killed for a media event, but not OK for people to want to keep them for pets?

The logic escapes me.
The ASPCA and the HSUS that govern animals used in movies do not govern reality shows such as Fear Factor. If a big movie injures a roach (as happened in Joe’s Apartment) they pay big fines but if Fear Factor kills 100 snakes oh well.

This is an interesting thread. I've seen a couple of the shows this petition is addressing. I have to say, it never occured to me that the animals were being injured until now. Obviously the snakes must have been stressed, but I'd really like to see the numbers on how many died an how many were injured. There are no links to any supporting facts. What I'd really like to know is who supplied these poor animals and let them be treated like this. They are the real problem here. Those animals should be confiscated.

I would support a petition encouraging them to stop using snakes in that way, but I don't think banning the show is really the right thing.

Just my opinion.
I'm sure I read somewhere (or saw it on tv) that animals used in tv shows are from 'agents' like human actors. Or at least that's how the movie industry works and as mentioned (by Khaman) there are very strict laws controlling the welfare of such animals. I guess reality tv is different but surely they must get their animals from some sort of company? They are the ones that these petitions should go to... I would like to find out more about this....anyone know??
Just checked the fear factor website. This is what they have to say.....

When you use live animals such as rats and snakes on the show, how do you make sure they are not hurt or mistreated?
Fear Factor always hires professional animal handlers that raise and take care of the animals. These are the same handlers that work many major TV and movie productions. When animals are involved in a stunt, the handlers are present on set at all times. They also advise producers on how to humanely and safely interact with the animals.
The first and only show that I saw they did a close up after a stunt that showed a rat snake with his jaw so skewed to the side he would have had to be put down.
The most disturbing statement I read at that link was:

However AHA has no jurisdiction over reality shows and producers state that since they have not technically broken laws, they will not adhere to AHA's Guidelines.

And that kind of attitude does warrant some kind of ban or boycott. IMO.
If I were in charge of classifiying TV shows, Fear Factor would be a -game show-, not a reality show. It has contestants competing for a prize - doesn't sound like 'reality' to me. I think a true 'reality' show would not have prizes or set goals. 'Cops' is more like a true reality show - real life on camera. 'Reality' nowadays sounds more like a cover so the producers can get away with a lot more than they could with a traditional game show. 'American Idol' isn't a reality show either - it's a talent show/contest.
There have been many petitions about this show. My wife and I signed one about a year ago. It just amazes me how our society allows reptiles to be mistreated and says nothing about it. If they were throwing cute, little bunny rabbits in a deep pool and having people swim around in them, or throwing puppies into a bucket, I don't care if these humane societies have jurisdiction over these shows or not, there would be such an outcry from the public "This show has to GO!".

It's the same thing here in Texas with the rattlesnake roundups. People actually take their kids to these as a "family event". So why should it be any different that they put this stuff on TV?

You want some interesting reading on Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup in TX, here is a link on our herp society’s page. Just click on the "Rattlesnake Roundup" button.


Thanks for listening to me rant a little,
Brian Miller
BC Reptiles
GexTheGecko said:
Thanks for all of your support.:) Hopfully if enough people sign it the cruelty will stop.

Unfortunately, I seriously doubt it. :( these big tv companies always have some sort of 'valid' excuse or explanation and there aren't enough people who seriously care about reptiles and other 'vermin' ,as they put it, to do anything about it. Saying that, I REALLY hope that Fear Factor is taken off air or at least have more strict regulations on animal welfare.
To stop the crulety more send a link to your family and friends. I want to talk to the people who are in charge of the animals.
If we can get over 4,000 signatures we will probably be able to stop this.
I used to be a semi fan of the show, but after reading all of this, not only am I going to sign it, I'm going to try to bring it to my friends attentions, the ones who still do sit there and watch. Maybe I was just blind to all of it, but once your eyes are open its hard not to see how the animals couldnt be hurt. Gah.
I have never

seen this show except for commercial previews and never intend to after reading this. I find it difficult to believe in our day and age that any group could get away with inhumane treatment of any species of life on prime time tv.
The petition is a good idea, but maybe the best idea would be to 'attack' the sponsors. Flood them with mail letting them know how the public feels about this show and that we would have to stop using their products if they continue to support a program that is so inconsiderate of life. Without sponsors the program would die.
As I said, I have not seen this show. Who are their sponsors?
What a thoroughly depressing tale! :(

I find it boggling that there isn't a government organisation that strictly regulates such behaviour, but in the absence of such a solution, gardenmum's question is the appropriate one: who are the sponsors? I know that in the US, Christian fundamentalists and other groups have succeeded in getting shows off the air by targetting sponsors. People concerned for the welfare of animals should follow the same approach. Hit them in the wallet. It always works, even when ethical considerations fly over their heads.

