I agree with what Rich and others have said about it being expensive, and we have lots of people who need our help at home. That is why I was TOTALLY against Bush spending billions of dollars (not to mention lives) going to Iraq. I expected it to end up exactly the way it is now. Saddam was a horrible person, but from what I read, the average Iraqi was better off then, compared to now.
I think our priorities are wrong. We apparently CAN afford to spend billions to meddle in Iraq and other countries, but we can't spend far less to care for our vets, homeless, and refugees from the areas we love to meddle in. And Hillary and most of the GOP candidates would love us to go spend more money and lives in Iran or other middle eastern countries. It seems like our main accomplishment there has been to destabilize the region, and to make a few people rich from their investments in private contracting companies.
Why is the conversation always about helping refugees vs helping our own poor, instead of doing all of that vs the next military misadventure that is sure to come, and we will somehow find PLENTY of money to spend on it? Why is there always plenty of money for building private prisons, often to put away non violent drug abusers, and money for military invasions, but not enough to rebuild infrastructure here, and to help the people who need it? If there was a way for the few top investors in military and prisons to make lots of money by helping the poor and the refugees, then my guess is that we WOULD prioritize those things instead of what we are doing now with the billions that we can't afford.
I guess you have to wonder just WHAT are the priorities for this country in the eyes of the people in Washington D.C. It sure doesn't seem to be the welfare of "we the people", now does it? So who pulls the strings to make those people jump? Why exactly ARE we meddling in all those other countries in the first place? Is there anywhere in the US Constitution where this sort of authority has been granted to our federal government?
Problem is, just who in the world is going to bring the members of our government up on charges of gross malfeasance? Is it an actual crime for our "representatives" to engage in unconstitutional affairs? Where are the teeth needed to bite the people who knowingly and blatantly violate the boundaries set by the US Constitution? Well, if you have laws against speeding that are not enforced, will people have any real reason NOT to drive over the speed limit? If there is no way to enforce the restrictions of the Constitution over our federal government, is there any wonder that it is ignored? Personally, I don't see any realistic way to turn this around.
It's a pretty harsh and uncomfortable bed we have made for ourselves.... And highly unlikely to get better in the future.