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Pre-Hatch Sale! Wholesale Prices!

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New member
Limited Time Offer
We have several clutches on the way and need to sell them BEFORE they hatch.

All babies will be eating - NOT just OOE - when shipped to buyers (non-eaters are split between buyer and breeder). At least 2 babies are guaranteed from each clutch or buyer's money is refunded.

Here's what's available:

Pairing #1 Hypo het Ultra, Sunkissed X Same
Eggs any day now - $275 for 1/2 clutch

Pairing #2 Classic het Lava, Amel, Stripe, ph Anery X Same
20+ eggs due JUNE 25th! - $175 for 1/2 clutch -ON HOLD

Pairing #3 Sunkissed Bloodred X Charcoal Plasma
Eggs any day now - $250 for 1/2 clutch OR $600 for Dam & 1/2 clutch

Pairing #4 Classic het Honey Motley X Same
Reabsorbed, trying to catch 2nd ovulation- $200 for 1/2 clutch


If you are interested, but would like to wait until you see the number of eggs laid, please contact me to get on the waiting list.

Prices may increase after eggs are laid, but not for those on the waiting list.

For more details, please email me. Really want to sell these ASAP.
Wholesalers welcome!
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