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PVC Pipe Hides?


New member
I was wondering if I could use PVC pipe as a hide/climbing structure? Would I be able to paint it? Painting isn't necessary, but I'm curious. Thanks!
I found this a wile back, something I am thinking about maybe doing for my BPs since both like to climb

I have a couple pieces of I think 5 or 6 inch pvc pipe out in the garage I have been thinking about cutting up for hides too.

Any way I found those on You tube and thought they were both interesting, especially the climbing structure.
PVC hides will work fine. I use paper towel rolls. Where I work I get them all the time . Easy to replace and the snakes use them. I wouldn't paint PVC but you could cover them to blend in in some way.
PVC makes great hides, it's easy to clean, however I wouldn't paint it either. When I had tanks instead of tubs/racks I used plastic drain pipe cut length wise in half. That way the corn had a hide the length of the tank and could choose his temperature.
PVC makes great hides, it's easy to clean, however I wouldn't paint it either. When I had tanks instead of tubs/racks I used plastic drain pipe cut length wise in half. That way the corn had a hide the length of the tank and could choose his temperature.

...That's an awesome idea lol
well, I don't have a torch right now but in a few weeks I am going to try to get one.

And just so you know I ran out of gas for the chainsaw and actually finished cutting the last 2 with my Skill saw (which did work better actually).
well, I don't have a torch right now but in a few weeks I am going to try to get one.

And just so you know I ran out of gas for the chainsaw and actually finished cutting the last 2 with my Skill saw (which did work better actually).

lol, awesome. The closest thing I have is.....scissors...lmao...which I'm fairly certain will not work.
carpet cardboard tube hides

hi, I've been using the cardboard tubes off rolls of carpet to use as hides and climbing frames, if you get a hole cutter and drill out loads of 2 inch holes down the lenght of the tube your snake can slither in and out of the holes, you can leave one tube whole for the hide. The cardboard tube is soft so its not as harsh on the snakes skin and most carpet shops will willingly give you loads of it free. You can make all kinds with it, I've got 3 short lengths joined together forming a tube triangle type thing for the Bearded Dragons and they climb through it sleep on top of it.
When it gets soiled just bin it and put it in another one, I had several made but people keep nicking them for their snakes and lizards lol. I could start a business up I think haha.
I use a joiners panel saw to cut it, and use a drill hole cutter to drill 2 inch holes in. Then use a sponge sanding block to clear up the rough edges.
Anyplace that transports artwork will also have cardboard tubing of different sizes and diameters. I'm guilty of snatching up any cardboard tube I run across that's bigger than a paper towel or toilet paper roll.

It's amazing with all the creative and inventive hides made for reptiles for sale out there, what snakes really seem to prefer is anything tube shaped. Kinda like buying a toy for the cat and they prefer the box it came in! You COULD spend a lot of $$$$ but why?

My art teacher was doing a project with pvc and you can take heat gun and melt the pvc while bending it to make real cool forms! If you twisted it really good it could easily become a climbing stick. i didn't realize i could use them like this. A lot of possibilities just came to my mind. You could practicly make your own tree with them! A heat gun isn't expensive either!