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'PYTHON BAN' S373 - please read!


Gecko Wrangler

Please oppose S373 aka 'The Python Ban'. It would by pass the accepted USFWS process for amending the Lacey Act and legislatively add 9 species of boas and pythons to the Injurious Wildlife list. If passed as written it would threaten a viable US industry producing high quality captive bred reptiles for hobbyists, research, zoos, TV & film, museums and fashion industry. The USGS report being used as justification for these draconian measures has been characterized by independent scientists as "unscientific" and "not suitable as the basis for legislative or regulatory policies". Three independant studies have been published in 2010 that contradict the USGS report. I appreciate the difficulties Burmese Pythons may pose to South Florida, but it is a problem that is endemic only to South Florida and should be dealt with at the state level. S373 encompasses far more than Burmese pythons and will hurt my family and business. It does not address the underlying problems proponents claim. S. 373 makes no provisions for the disposition of over 2 million snakes already in captivity in the US. It will create a situation where as many as a million Americans are in possession of Injurious Wildlife and potentially subject to felony prosecution under the Lacey Act. This bill will be bad for our state, bad for jobs and sets terrible precedent by legislating science for the sake of political expedience. Please oppose S373.

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