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quick question

Hmmm...lol...I do Like the reclassification of the New World rats vs. Old World, and Pantherophis sounds cool, c'mon, say it with me...Pan THER o phis...i dont like how the Obsoleta's are being reclassified by East-West orientation, however...Black, Yellow, Everglades and Deckerts would be all be Pantherophis Alleganiensis, anything west of the Appalachians but East of the Mississippi would be Patherophis Midlands and West of the Miss. would be Pantherophis Spiloides... Добрый день, CAV lol...
Actually CAV...

...the information I posted was taken from the CNAH home page, which just happens to be the Center for North American Herpetology.
The director of which is an American, living and working in America. Join your countrymen and stop being so outdated.
The original post was clearly "tongue in cheek".........

Jason B. said:
Cav, you may want to note, THE COLD WAR IS OVER.

I submit to you that just because CNN tells you the Cold War is over doesn't make it so. If you take the time to read global strategic reports, such as DEBKA, Jane's Defense Weekly and others you will become quickly aware that the former Soviet War Machine is still alive and well and proliferating both conventional and nuclear arm around the globe. Just last week they announced a deal to sell SA-300 SAMs to Syria. Just last year they announced a deal to support the further development and completion of Iran's nuke weapons program. During the invasion of Iraq, we uncovered dozens of CURRENT Russian military technologies that were expressly forbidden under UN sanctions. Oh yeah, and their president was the head of KGB operations. ;)

You keep on believing what you want, I'll keep preparing for the truth. :)

Jason B. said:
also Rusia is not in Europe it is in Asia,

Do they teach geography in MD? Russia, including the most populous Western regions are in fact European. Those territories of Russia lying west of the Ural Mountains and north of the main Caucasus watershed are considered as part of Europe. :)

Jason B. said:
since you are concerned about europeons getting involved in classification , you may also be intrested to know that Charles Darwin came up with the whole idea of classification of animals and he is well, english and england is in europe not in asia.

The word "Europe" or "Asia" was never brought up in the original post. :shrugs:

Jason B. said:
I really dont think cornsnakes care much about our ever changing classification of them or where the herpatoligist that classify them came from anyway.God forbid we give any credibility to them there foreiners.

My original point was that all the hullabaloo isn't really a problem or an issue IMO that needs "changing" and certainly doesn't warrant any additional response on my part. Now watch out Jason or I and the rest of the Son's of Liberty will classify you as a Tory Loyalist and tar and feather you in the public square! :grin01:

Skye said:
...the information I posted was taken from the CNAH home page, which just happens to be the Center for North American Herpetology.
The director of which is an American, living and working in America. Join your countrymen and stop being so outdated.

Ah, but the study was originally completed by Russian scientists, in a Russian Journal. My official duties dictate that I must be suspicious of and cantancerous toward socialists. :twoguns:

Does anyone else find it interesting that my more antagonistic posts always receive the exact response I intended?? I feel like a conductor of an orchestra. :rolleyes:
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"Stand aside, europhobe coming through!"
THats where you mentioned europe ,then went on to talk about rusians. :shrugs: I still think Rusia is in Asia (at least my atlas tell me so),but I may be wrong and will do some google searches. I'm just currious now.
I should know better then to mess with Cav :cheers:
"Europhobe" was refering to me, not the post.

Russia is in fact a part of both continents. Western Russia, including the capitol city of Moscow, is ethnically and historically European. Eastern Russia, including Siberia, is largely uninhabited and remote and once belonged to China and Mongolia. It is considered Asian. :)
Renamin thangs is a slippery slope. Do we go a changin names evertime a gene change occurs or evertime an intergrade is discovered? That shorenuf would just start ta make your head hurt!
I don't know much about DNA so could someone tell me; will they one day be able to classify all animals using DNA Making all this irrelivent?

CAv,by the way most people give thier posts a title that has something to do with the content of the post so I asumed your "europhobe" comment had something to do with the post and not just a random comment letting everyone know how you feel about europeons.
Actually a lot of genome profiling is going on. A lot of animals are currently being reclassified as a result. Interestingly, north american grey wolves, red wolves, and coyotes are all the same species. They commonly interbreed and are simply different races of the same dog with different cultures. Anyway, the researchers who did the profiling suggested they be officially reclassified as one species, but I don't think it will happen since that would mess with the whole endangered species act protection deal.