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Derp snake says hi.
As I am slowly starting to seriously look into getting a boa, I am starting to consider a rack system. I know that Loki would prefer the smaller, more hidden enclosure as well.

But because I'm a 14 year old kid on a budget, is there any rack system (only needs to hold 3-4 snakes) that won't break my bank? :laugh: Installed heating is a plus because I've nooo idea how to set that stuff up.

Also, could I even put a corn and a boa in the same rack since boas need more humidity than corns?
A boa is gonna be hard to put in the same rack as your corn unless you want an awful large corn enclosure. However, there are some hybrid cages like these that you could have one boa cage on top and 3 or 4 divided corn cages underneath, but they ain't cheap: http://www.boaphileplastics.com/
It can be done. I'm sure boa's have different heat requirments than your corn. You'd have to have 2 seperate t-stats. One to control the corns tub, and another to control the boas. As far as the humidity goes, you'd just have to put less holes in the boa's tub. What boa are you looking to get?

http://animalplastics.com/ economy racks are probably the cheapest. Or you could build your own...
I'm definitely not getting a red tail or anything - looking into Hog Island, Nicaraguan, Cancun, something along those lines.
Do you know what size cages those need? If it can't live in a 41-quart tub (36" by 18") then I wouldn't get a rack.
None of those are going to have much room in a 41 qt. tub. While smaller, they are still boas. And unless you like being bitten, I'd avoid the Central Americans like the plague. Nicaraguans are up there with racers in bites per handling session. They are one of the only snakes I've ever given away to someone I didn't like.
There was a species of boa that I know someone commented that it was basically like snuggling a massive boa teddy bear... I think it started with a D? Anyone know anything?
If I bought a hatchling (? if boas are born live are they hatchlings? :laugh:) would a tub be a suitable enclosure and I could go up in tub size as the boa got bigger? Obviously with airholes.
Absolutely. And Dumerils are neat. Still pretty big, by corn snake standards, but a 20 pound snake isn't a monster.

Never mind. I just cautiously broached the subject to my mom and was immediately met with a firing of "Why on earth do you want a boa?! NO!"
Aww. Darn! Well, not to be mean, but you might just want to stick with the corn(s) you have for now so you don't have to worry about them so much when you go to college. Most dorms won't allow pets, not even small caged pets. Those colleges that are nice enough to let students keep pets usually have a size limit on snakes. And the RAs DO check to see if you have pets when they do their fire safety inspections.
You could try to teach your mum about it, When i told my old dot about me getting a snake she thought i was getting some 20ft monster that would eat us all in our sleep lol.
AliCat does have a fair point though about going off to college.