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Random Thought-What is your snake limit?


New member
I am up to 30 animals and am starting to feel a little overwhelmed(I know a lot of you have much more than this). I love them all, but think I am going to trim down the collection. Between work, family, etc. I don't feel I have enough time to spend with them all. They all get cared for well, but it is starting to feel like a part time job, lol. I don't know how you folks with hundreds of animals do it! I think I am going to cut mine in half and just keep the higher end stuff(not counting eggs incubating)
Do the larger breeders do this full time? What is your limit..do you have one? :)
I'm just starting out with cornsnakes. I do have a limit, I just haven't quite nailed it down yet. I'm thinking 30-ish adults is my target. Of course, that will likely change once those adults make eggs and I have all the hatchlings to add to that.

Thanks for an interesting question. :) I look forward to others' responses.
johnbort2 said:
They all get cared for well, but it is starting to feel like a part time job, lol.
You don't have enough of them, then. I have 44 + 15 hatchlings, and it feels like a full-time job on top of my full-time job. But I love it, though there are definitely days when I don't feel like feeding and cleaning a dozen+ snakes.

Including the keepers from the next few years, I'm hoping not to exceed 90-100 collection snakes by 2010. :eek1:
I have 40+ animals in the house, its all the damn rodents! LOL

Only 6 snakes, soon to be seven as im getting ready to go pick up either a little amel or a snow.

There is no limit damnit, i wish there was. The only thing i may have to limit is boa purchases, i may start to run out of space soon!
Wow, Dean. I think my limit is around 10-15, 20 tops. Once I get the morphs I desire out of my F1s, I'll likely sell them (of course this is at least 3 years down the road) and get a couple of unrelated mates for my F2s.
I just started getting into snakes this spring with Joe. He has something like 18 or 19 already. I have four and one that I am waiting to pick up. I only wanted a few when I started because I wasn't going to get into breeding...just wanted a couple for my own enjoyment. But...with four and one on the way..my list of morphs I still want to get keeps growing. And now Joe has me thinking about what I would need to breed with what...so I may consider breeding down the road too. I don't think I can handle a "huge" collection, but I am sure I am going to end up with more than I intended when I started this little venture. I guess all the posts about this being an "addiction" are right on the money!
I only have, at the moment, 6 adults, 5 yearlings, 15 juveniles and 30 eggs in the incubator..

and I guess my limit for adults(this will include yearlings, keepers and subadults, in short "animals included in futur plans"..*lol*) animals will be somewhere betwen 10 and 15 for breeding and then the juveniles that comes with that..

cuz my first 15juveniles are kind of driving me alittle mad :grin01:, when pooping alot, not feeding, tipping their waterbowl and so on.. but darnet they are just so cute!! :rolleyes:
I just traded a few of mine for a gecko. The most I've had at once is 11, right now I'm at 8. I plan to pick up a couple more, but really, once I start breeding I'm going to hold back a lot, so I don't want to buy very many more. I guess in a few years if I can sell enough babies to support my hobby I might expand some. I don't know. I kind of went crazy at first, but have kind of narrowed things down to a few breeding projects that really interest me. I think that if you are feeling like it's not fun any more, you might be better off to refine your projects and let a few go.

I know a lot of people have a lot more animals than I do, but everyone's situation is different as well. I'm a 35 year old mother/homemaker/full-time student/limited $ sort of person. A few years down the road things could be very different for me. But I'd rather only have what I can deal with right now. :)
A dozen snakes here, expanding soon, hopefully my first three clutches next season, and then more clutches to come.

My limit? Dunno yet. I'm having too much fun with it so far.

Right now, I have 8 adults and 2 yearlings but when I look at the projects I want to work on I think I will end up with a number of adult snakes between 15 - 20.
How do you expect me to have a limit when I have no control? :grin01:
Right now, I'm at 70 snakes in my collection, and 75 hatchlings with 14 eggs left to go for the season.
Is it work? Yes. Does it feel like work? No. Do I plan on getting more snakes? Oh yeah. I still have some room left. :grin01:
right know I have a limit ( dont know what) ,but, in my head I want a few pairs of corns and ratsnakes , and when im older I want retics!!!
You all are insane! Maybe it just seems that way to me...but omg.

My limit seems to be two right now because of parental control, but I wouldn't want something like 40 of them anyways.

Justin, I've been meaning to tell you that your avatar scares the crap out of me everytime I see it! :eek1: :cry:
Well I'm in the three digit numbers now (100+) and if I didnt have my fiance helping me I doubt I would have that many. A few years ago when it was just me, I had about 30-40.
I agree it is a full time job on top of our full time jobs. The difference is one I dread going to everyday, one I adore coming home to everyday.
My fiance always says it best...Michelle if you didnt have your snakes, what would you do? This is my hobby and I love it, no matter how many hours I have to put in.
Limit? LOL! That is a funny word... When I got my first Corn... I was sure that was it... I talked hubby eventually into a 2nd, a 3rd was a tough sell, but I talked him into letting me buy another but was informed that, THAT was it.

LOL... now I have 6 hatchlings already planned to be purchased this summer, which will put me at 9 corns, and #10 I am saving that spot for a great looking Pewter that hopefully I will find at the Midwest Reptile Show in October. :cheers:

After that I plan to raise these and breed them, then there will be hold backs, then raising those too, and the hold backs from those ones...

Good thing the husband said that when we buy a single family home that I can have a reptile room ;) (all I'm thinking... is that best be a nice sized room) ;)
well..... my parents keep giving me limits ( i look at it as more of a challenge!:grin01:) right now i have about 10 snakes and over 30 rodents ( not including babies)) and well i have plenty of room space and time for more! by the end of this year i will be up to around 15 i think, but that depends on if i get a Tegu!
I'm not sure if I've found my limit, but I think I'm close. I'm going to have to start specializing (as if I could really only choose only a few morphs to own) and selling a few more adults to make room for the subadults and all the new hold-backs.
I am limited only by space at the moment. I have dreams, goals, and ambitions that I would like to meet. There are animals that I would like to have, just haven't been able to afford or trade for yet. Right now I have about 45 adult and subadult snakes, about 40 hatchlings, 20 or so eggs, a trio of banded geckos and a crested gecko. I will probably keep about 12 snakes this year (5 alterna, 2 MBKs, 1 annulata, and 4 guttata.) I am always looking to expand into morphs I do not have. Also always on the look out for locality alterna. And I am planning on getting a few more cresteds. I had 7 clutches this year and am hoping to have 15 or more next year. The animals do not take up to much time, mice take about 2 hours, one night a week, and about 10 minutes a day. Snakes take about 4 hours two nights a week. So if you look at it, I spend no more than a total of 15 hours directly caring for them. Of course, I spend time handling and checking on them randomly in the day, but I wouldn't consider it "work" more like pleasure, time to get your mind off the day.
My limit seems to hover around the 50 mark, excluding hatching season. Too much over that and mouse-defrosting and cage cleaning takes up far too much of my free time.
