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Random Thought-What is your snake limit?

Before I lost my snake room I was upwards of 50 snakes. SInce I sold off a binch I am down to 20 adults, and a bunch of hatchlings that are getting ready to go out the door. Once I was forced to downsize my collection, I kept only my stripes, along with a few guys that are my dauhgters pets. With the baby on the way I am sure that even 20 are goint to seem like a lot!
I think by the end of this year we'll be around 20 adult corns. The snakes however are not where the work comes in...we breed Beardeds too...that alone takes hours, however that is my boyfriend's job...I have two jobs and he gets to stay home with the reptiles! NOT FAIR! But I can't imagine having the corns, kings, milks, pythons, and beardeds to take care of after working all day. I guess it just comes down to how much time you are willing to give to them.
I've got another 2 on order, so that will take me up to 9 corns and 1 ratsnake. They are far too addictive.........so I've decided that will be it for this year. Unless I cave and get a male Christmas hypo, but that's definately it, must resist, must resist.....
I only have one, but have worked out a system for future acquisitions. Working on the assumption that any snakes I buy will have an average lifespan of 20 years, if I limit myself to one new snake a year, in 20 years time I'll have 20 snakes, and after that, the collection should stay that size. Obviously some species will last longer than 20years, some may well die at 15, but hopefully I will stick to this system and end up with "twentyish". As an artist, and with an ongoing illness that prevents full time work, I feel that a larger collection, though nice, wouldn't be practical financially.
I've had Ripley for two and half years, so next year I'm planning on getting a pair of desert/Russian sand boas, eryx milliaris, and after that I'll keep an eye out for a nice Miami corn. I'm fussy, and won't settle for less than orange saddles with a greyish background, so I could end up waiting years for that perfect snake.

lefty_mussolini said:
How do you expect me to have a limit when I have no control? :grin01:
Right now, I'm at 70 snakes in my collection, and 75 hatchlings with 14 eggs left to go for the season.
Is it work? Yes. Does it feel like work? No. Do I plan on getting more snakes? Oh yeah. I still have some room left. :grin01:

I think Trevor makes a good point here - does it feel like work? No... until I feel like caring for my beauties is work I'll continue to add to my collection and make my evil plans.... For me, it's therapy - I have SO much in my life that is demanding, difficult, overwhelming and sometimes, heartbreaking. At the end of the day I look forward to walking into my snake room, cleaning, handling and photographing them. I love them !!!

I have a total of 46 snakes, mostly corns. I am also fostering 2 for a member here for the summer and am expecting 10 hatchlings from Richs out of the egg sale...hooray. I think I'll be comfortable at this number... or thereabouts somewhere .... <evil laugh>

So, long explanation short -- I think it's based upon each individual to determine how many is too many. The important thing (IMHO) is that you figure this out and don't overwhelm yourself and get burnt out.

We only have 3. I've had newts, iguanas, and an anole (as a child). Finally getting to indulge more of my herpophilia. My daughter "has" a yearling ball python. I just got my son a baby blizzard and myself a creamsicle. Everytime my hubby deploys to Iraq we get pets behind his back. Well, these we don't have to housebreak, get microchips for, or break from barking at everything (& I mean EVERYTHING).

The question of how many is space, money, and time and energy for the kids, hubby, and school. I would very much like to have bearded dragons or Chinese water dragons. A black-headed Australian python. Hmm.. a Dumeril's ground boa. My best friend has a lovely one with an almost peachy colour. He is really gorgeous. Um, more ball pythons, of course, would be nice. Definately a rhino iguana. More corns (the kids and I have worn out Kathy Love's books looking at the photographs).

We have a whole downstairs/rec room that's huge, but I don't know if I'd want them down there. Also, I'm paranoid about the heating and thermostats. (I've been in a house fire so I'm absolutely no fun. No toaster ovens, no holiday lights...)

My friends have almost 300 herps. Yep, you read that right. Don't see how they do it. They been given some incredible specimens. Nothing "hot," but everything from A-Zed.

Wait, you asked what is the limit, not wish list... Um, that depends on if hubby is in Baghdad, what the money situation is, and how much time I have. :cheers:

Oh, my dad sent me some news about rabid kittens at a PetsMart and real-life Snakes on a Plane.

Rabid kittens... Ick. Aren't they all? :eek1:

--Carrie, Army Wife, Knitter, and Indentured Servant for a Wiener Dog
Hmm, at the moment, I've only got 1/4 of a snake (I put a deposit down on one). So I don't even own a whole snake, never mind 30 or 40. Which 1/4 of the snake do I own? That's what I want to know. I guess I'd rather have the head end. :)

I'd also like to get a ball python, and I might want to get my 1/4 of a snake 1/4 of a girlfriend one day, but I wouldn't know what to do with all the eggs.

I guess I'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll just have a couple pets. Or maybe I'll get into it to the point where I need to upgrade apartments...
Being quite new to the hobby I thought one was going to be my limit. Then I started breeding my mice, now I am in the process putting up a second viv in the hopes of a Charcoal (Anery type b???) in the near future. I know i will not have more than 3 or 4 in the next five years, I just dont have the space to dedicate to that many snakes, and we do not plan to move from this apartmenttill we can buy a house which will be at least that long. Perhaps when my kids start getting grown I will devote a spare room to them then my collection will grow..
I know how you feel. I started off with a (fiancé imposed) limit of 2 which soon became 3 and then was about 10 within a year. I now have about 25 adults and sub-adults and when you count the plethora of hatchlings I have at the moment the ranks swell to a fair bit over 100.

I too am feeling a little overwhelmed and would like to give them all a bit more individual attention.

Last year when I had 8 adults and 35 hatchlings, I new each one of them and could tell you when each one last ate off the top of my head (yes, even the hatchlings). This year, I haven't even counted all of the hatchlings and still have them in clutch tubs, 4 weeks on.

I feel like things will only become more crazy in the future and when I try to cut down to a list of 15 adult keepers as a maximum, I just can't sell off this one cos it's the only one with this gene, and I'd be a fool to sell of that one because she's such an awesome producer and has great hets...you get the picture!!!

Todays a feeding day for all the big ones and I honestly feel like I can't be bothered with it but it's a chore that must be done....I never thought I'd get bored with feedings!!

I wonder how the bigger breeders (100+ adults) feel??
Yea, I didn't count hatchlings...I will have about 30 of those... Since posting this, I have cut the numbers a bit. I had a lady that is into boas trade me a couple nice boas for some of my breeding and non-breeding(not old enough) colubrids. So, I traded 13 for 4, so now I only have 21 plus the hatchlings. One of the things is that most of the ones I have now all eat the same size feeders, which helps.

Right now I have 24 keeper cornsnakes (plus 39 hatchlings floating around here, which I don't count), ranging from 2006 hatchlings to 2000 adults.

I also share my home with 8 boas, 18 leopard geckos, 3 western hognoses, 3 bearded dragons, a savannah monitor, a nile monitor & a grey tree frog.

We did recently put a stop to our boa purchases after Gracie arrived (look out for her photos shortly, she's a DOLL), I think 8 6x2 cages is quite enough. :)

11 of the leopard geckos here were handed off to me Tuesday night (don't EVEN get me started on that story... :sidestep: ). I have 3 to pick up this weekend (that I actually got in a trade for web design work). So then it'll be 21 Leopard geckos. Until these guys are rehabiliated & rehomed, I have reached my limit with Leos.

The cornsnakes are a bit of an argument between my fiance and I. He doesn't understand my draw to them (but loves the boas, hogs & monitors). He really doesn't want me to get anymore (shhh...4 more are coming next week... ;) ). :shrugs:
Well I'm up to 4 adults, 6 sub-adults (1 ball) 12 hatchlings ,8 adult lep geckos and 4 hatchlings 10 eggs. I cant wait to get more! my wife used to nag but since i built a rack she seems less bothered not that it ever really stopped me from getting what i wanted. I plan on focusing on stripes and getting some cresties, balls and maybe thinning out some leopards and trading some hatchlings. So i guess the answer to the question is i don't know yet. :shrugs:
When I got my first corn in September of last year, my limit was...one. My husband is not thrilled about things with no shoulders. The lizards were OK with him; even the 4 foot red tegu. But snakes? Nah!

I now have 29 corns, not counting the eggs that are pipping as I type (another 14, hopefully)...and two rosy boas.

Oh, yeah...the mother of the eggs just laid a second clutch!

Limits??? We don't need no stinking limits!
LizardMom said:
The lizards were OK with him; even the 4 foot red tegu.
If you could post a pic of the tegu in General Chit-Chat, I'd appreciate it. I think tegus are great animals.

Love the sig, btw. Anyone who quotes Groucho gets my respect. :cool:

I honestly never planned to breed. I picked up whatever I liked over the last couple years. Then I started breeding last year and I realised that I need more room for corn projects so I'm parting with some spare critters. Space and the amount of work are my limiting factors. I have around 90ish (with this seasons babies). My plan to make more room was to part with a few kings, a hoggie and maybe one or two others. Somehow I've gotten into a few trades and I'll be bringing in more than are going out. *scratches head* I don't know how that equates into creating more room. LOL At least it goes with my project plans!
i got my first snake 11 months ago and now have my 5th im more oworried about it becoming an uncontrollable addiction :eek1:
My limit is as many snakes as I can cope with and enjoy.
I can't give you an exact number because I honestly don't know at what point I will have had enough.
When I no longer enjoy my snakes, that's when I draw a line.
Hmmm... 6 adults, 46 hatchlings at the moment. Four of the hatchlings will be keepers, so 10 are mine. I'm about to add another corn snake and a very special rat snake to the collection by September, so that's 12 snakes, plus one bearded dragon. I never intended to have more than half a dozen, carefully planned, over the 10 years I've been keeping so far.

My limit is not my husband's limit (he's not the snake nut, btw, I am!). He keeps on finding bits of furniture we can get rid of in order to build more vivs... :cheers: