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re-acting to voice???

I have millions of pics of Choco! But none of him begging to come out. I was just thinking yesterday I should get some of him doing that. So I will. But here's one where I wanted to photograph him in a tree, and he was like, "Mom- catch me- I want to be with you!!!"


  • Choco 12_29_06 084_600.jpg
    Choco 12_29_06 084_600.jpg
    62.3 KB · Views: 62
I never posted this- there's a whole bunch in this series that are slightly out of focus- but it really captures his expression well- he looks like this a lot of the time.


  • Choco 044cr600.jpg
    Choco 044cr600.jpg
    47.1 KB · Views: 61
This is more of the kind of Choco pic I like:

(Love his cartoon, BTW!)


  • Chocs Daisies 009cr800jpg.jpg
    Chocs Daisies 009cr800jpg.jpg
    105.2 KB · Views: 60
georgous snake! he looks lovely!

i need to get a good camera and get some good photos of dezmond for ya to have a look at.
Nanyque said:
Your cats do the same thing? lol. It's never ending for them. It took the dumbies 2 months to realize that there was something in the first tank (it had been sitting out empty for 8 months) but now, everytime I turn around they are on one of my tanks. And now I want to breed mice. It should be interesting.

Yeah I think Cyrus wants some playmates. I have a colony of mice that cyrus enjoys sitting and watch. One time one of the mice got out(which I'm deathly afraid of) and Cyrus trapped it in a corner holding it's tail under his paw till my daughters got home 20 minutes later. Never once did he attempt to hurt it. Just sat there looking at the stupid thing the whole time...lol
Well, I have 4 snakes in my basement here and I play drums everyday as well as have band practices weekly down here and they're all healthy as can be.

I'm not sure about if they can hear or not, I know they are prone to vibrations, but as for sound? No idea.
Skazzle said:
I disagree completely, if you follow the listed sources, they lead to good research done on snakes involving their perception. Just because people "can" change things on wikipedia, doesn't mean you can immediately discount it as an extremely useful source. Most rogue alterations are detected very quickly, and many users are quick to delete un-cited information. You can think what you want about the facts, but please do not go against what I'm saying, "just because." If you want to prove something wrong go to wikipedia, look up the sources, and go do your own research. But based on reading the research already done, and being a molecular and cellular biology major for the last 3 years, I find the research extremely plausible. Here are some more.

Okay. Everyone has the right to say what they want. I accept Wikipedia as a source that needs validation from other sources. I "go against what you say" based on my own observations. Science states that, aerodynamicaly, the bumblebee should not be able to fly because it's body to too big for it's wings; but, observation tells me that bumblebees do fly. Sometimes, just because science says it so does not make it so. Only time will tell. One of your cites is from 1978, that's almost thirty years ago. Haven't they done anything new since then.

It's the same with history. History is not always right because it is written by the victor.

Sound makes vibrations in the air, snakes pick up on vibrations; my way of thinking they hear sounds. Heck, elephants pick up vocalizations of other elephants with their feet because the vocalizations of far away elephants vibrate the ground.

A piece of advice, don't limit your knowledge by what you read and what the professors teach you. I once had an instructor who told me my ceramic design could not be done. After I sucessfully complete my design he stood there in a daze because he thought it could not be done. When I asked him why he told me it could not be done he stated that his professor said it could not be done so he never tried it. Keep an open mind on everything you read and hear and find the "truth" out for yourself. And remember, truth to one person is a lie to another.
v_various said:

That is AWESOME! Choco is lovely BTW. And lastly, I wasnt trying to poop on anyones party, just putting out my opinion and what Ive read on here.
Choco, the smartest snake in the world, has added a new behavior to his repertoire. I recently bought a robot vacuum cleaner. After about two cycles, Choco figured out that if the Roomba was running, I was around. Now when I have the Roomba going, Choco comes out and begs to get out of his viv...He's a genius!

I think that he picked up the vibrations from you coming near the tank, and then when he sensed this, flicked his tongue to figure out who or what it was.