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Regurging food!

FIELDS <<- that's the operative word. What's the definition of a field? A big ol' place with a heck of a lot of grass, maybe it's England but I don't really see lawn mower people trpasin across every little bit of it so theres long grass for cover, not to metnion numerous holes and burrows etc etc, also if thye LIKED open spaces then there'd be no need for hides would there? they'd just lay in the open all day. Oh well at the end of the day all we can do is give advice whether you take it or not is your choice but think of who's interests your htinking of yours or the snakes?

Maybe it's time to offer some more advice...

I was given a tip the other day. I have not tried it personally, but think it is worth a shot. I know someone who uses this method for a snake she has that used to regurgitate after every meal.

SO here goes...try taking out your snakes water just before you feed it (please wait the full 10 days after its regurge, though). After your snake eats, leave the water out for a day or two. Have you ever noticed that many snakes will gulp water down after eating? Apparently, this can make some snakes regurgitate.

As I said...I have NOT tried this before. I know some people won't agree with taking out the water, but if it helps the snake to not regurgitate, then that's what is most important. I also had this same concern, but it was pointed out to me that it is much worse for the snake to lose body fluids by regurgitating than it is for the snake to go without water for a day or two. That just makes sense to me...
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Thank you!

You're advise sounds good. And to the other one that said: You are refusing advise etc. I am not refusing anything! Read the text in my posts! There you can read: Of course I will let it rest for more than 10 days, - that means I will take the advise..not that I'm refusing, read before speak is a good thing. And of course I think about the snakes best! Why would you otherwise have snakes?! I wrote about how people have their corns about how small they keep them, Is that how to think about the snakes best?! I still want to know how you people keep your corns, adult, sub-adults, hatchlings what ever, how big enclosures do they have?
To rachel132002: Did I say that they LIKE open spaces?? No I did not as far is I know, I said snakes move over wide spaces, they can lay in the middle of cliff basking without feeling thretened, They do not have to feel thretended. If the snake knows or feels (If it sees a predator or feels vibrations) that: THIS COULD BE DANGEORUS It would not lay down in the middle of a cliff, It would lay it self on the side of the cliff near some hide. So yeah basikly you could say: Maybe they like open spaces but why would they take the risk of beeing a meal for someone? The safer they feel the further away from a hide can they move.
To: bmm: Yes I did take your advise, but you did not seam to read that in all my posts...sorry. And advises is advises, there can be many solutions to one thing.

Thanks to CornCrazy's advise!