paragraphs are your friend!
Nice input, any thoughts other than paragraphs?
Hybrid snakes in a person's collection is comparable to dogs in a person's house. Neither were intended to replace their wild counterparts in any sort of conservationist way. Neither are domesticated designer morph corn snakes designed or bred to be replacements for their wild counterpart locality snakes. Dogs have been bred with Jackals....
Breeding a hybrid corn in no way diminishes the gene pools diversity in the hobby field given that the corn snake that is used to make a hybrid can still be bred to a pure corn of any local or designer morph that one wishes to breed it to. In fact, one could argue that hybrids increase genetic diversity as it allows for the introduction of new patterns, color morphs, temperament, etc. to be introduced into the gene pool.
How one looks at a group of animals whether it be through the creationist "kinds" or the more scientific "species" concept... can influence how one perceives hybrids as well as to whether we consider them right or wrong as many do look towards their religious beliefs consciously or subconsciously when deciding whether something is okay. Sometimes a thought pattern is so ingrained or a way of seeing things is so ingrained that we never really stop to see or reflect on how or why we believe the way we do about another subject.
The methods used to create hybrids are no more strange or absurd than artificial insemination used to create turkey breeds that can no longer breed without the aid of such insemination. Many animals are bred with artificial insemination. Some consider this artificial insemination as helping the process along when to dogs, horses, etc. will not mate willing with one another for whatever reason.
Again, one can look at this through the baraminology viewpoint that all horses are horses and all dogs are dogs... but this is not really so anymore than one can say that dogs can replace their wild wolf counterparts in the wild. Dogs should never be used in any conservationist view to replace lost wolf populations and neither should designer corn snakes or hybrid corn snakes be used to do such.
However, one could use the baraminology or religious viewpoint of creationists to say that all snakes are snakes and they all evolved from the one original kind. This would mean that any breeding of a corn snake to one of its more distantly related relatives could indeed be perceived as breeding back to that original purity represented by the original snake (kind) as defined by creationists who believe god created all animals by poofing them into existence along with man.
So, perhaps hybridizers are breeding back towards the original pure kind. Hybrids should perhaps be noted for being one step closer to that original kind or purity thereof.
Either way you slice it, hybrid snakes, designer morph corn snakes, or domesticated dogs.... none of them are meant to be used in a conservationist way to replace their wild counterparts and none of these designer animals are being bred to do so.