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I think its a shame when people are so ungrateful. Your attitude bothers my sensibility. I suspect the majority of folks on this forum that would have, if you had not been so tactless, gladly gone out of their way to help you will not in the future. I hope you figure out how to get your questions answered.....

I think what really bothers me about this is that people took the time to look up posts to link him to instead of just suggesting he do a search, and he's still complaining. People tried to help him, and he's mad because he doesn't like the way they tried to help. I think a lot of people who read this thread will decide to not waste their time trying to help him in the future.
Blutengel said:
I think this guy needs to say he feels sorry to Dean at least a hundred times to be back at neutral level ;)
Naah, he doesn't have to apologize to me. He didn't injure me in any way. If I were him, I'd probably compose a little "I started off on the wrong foot here, let's start again" post. He's a fellow corn enthusiast, and for that, we can probably cut him some slack. :)
Roy Munson said:
Naah, he doesn't have to apologize to me. He didn't injure me in any way. If I were him, I'd probably compose a little "I started off on the wrong foot here, let's start again" post. He's a fellow corn enthusiast, and for that, we can probably cut him some slack. :)

I know, was just joking around.... but if he feels like it, he can say 100 sorries to me and deserve a rep point! :grin01:
Chris Olson said:
I think its a shame when people are so ungrateful. Your attitude bothers my sensibility. I suspect the majority of folks on this forum that would have, if you had not been so tactless, gladly gone out of their way to help you will not in the future. I hope you figure out how to get your questions answered.....


Well said! :cheers:
I'll admit this guy's attitude IS something else, but I do have one slight point to make.

While trying not to dredge something back up, but do y'all remember that now infamous chat thread a few weeks ago?

About how a frustrated few asked for help because they were sick of being made to feel obligated to "help" people from Fauna about every little thing that had absolutely nothing to do with the topic the Cornsnakers were talking about at the time. I mean, seriously, who goes to a Cornsnake chat room to get real help on sallymeanders? At least this guy is on topic, cut him some slack.

I seem to remember the general concensus was, "next time, play nice and answer their assinine questions". Am I right?

And yet, to see a couple of those same people here in this thread telling this person how rude and wrong he is, how he's supposed to fit in with us, not vice versa, or heck just to point fingers and make fun. I ask you: What's the difference? The _CS in the name? :rolleyes:

Am I surpised at all of this? Nah, not really. It's all about the do as I say, not as I do....or so I've been told. Just some food for thought.

Taceas said:
I'll admit this guy's attitude IS something else, but I do have one slight point to make.

While trying not to dredge something back up, but do y'all remember that now infamous chat thread a few weeks ago?
Sure. For those of you keeping score at home, here's the link.
About how a frustrated few asked for help because they were sick of being made to feel obligated to "help" people from Fauna about every little thing that had absolutely nothing to do with the topic the Cornsnakers were talking about at the time.
I don't think that's a correct assessment. First of all, the impetus for that thread was Rich's reaction and response to those who emailed him with issues about people (generally, from Fauna) coming into chat with topics and questions not having to do with cornsnakes.

If you were made to feel "obligated" to be helpful and civil in chat, that's on you. Nobody here is obligated to respond, whether it be chat or on the forums here. Shoot, it's even easier to not respond here in the forums.

But Rich had asked in the aforementioned thread that we improve on the civility in chat, or he'll pull the plug. FWIW, that's my assessment of that thread.
I mean, seriously, who goes to a Cornsnake chat room to get real help on sallymeanders?
Perhaps the same people who post (in General Chit-Chat, as is within the rules established by the owner of this site) photos of sallymanders, lizards, arachnids, and tropical fish in www.cornsnakes.com ?
At least this guy is on topic, cut him some slack.
The topic being, as I see it, his distaste for getting links in response to questions that he has asked, as evidenced in this thread and this thread.

In other words the "topic" here, not being directly related to cornsnakes, is a "meta-discussion". A discussion about how threads/topics are discussed. That's where I see the only simliarity with the chat "meta-discussion" thread you referenced.

I seem to remember the general concensus was, "next time, play nice and answer their assinine questions". Am I right?
Bzzzt. Thanks for playing, here's a home version of our game. ;)

First of all, I don't think that there was a general concensus in that thread, since nothing was generally agreed upon. There is no chat charter, so to speak. A number of people have stated to me "hey, I see your point, but I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do in chat". So be it. That's personal liberty at work. My only response was, and still is, that I only hope it doesn't cause the loss of a privilege Rich has given us.

And just as here in the forums, nobody is obligated to respond in chat. You can respond, move to another room, not respond, or put the person on ignore.

And yet, to see a couple of those same people here in this thread telling this person how rude and wrong he is, how he's supposed to fit in with us, not vice versa, or heck just to point fingers and make fun. I ask you: What's the difference? The _CS in the name? :rolleyes:
Wow, is this a softball. The difference is obvious; chat takes place in real time, and thus, at a much faster pace than any forum. The expectations of "netiquette" are higher in forums and newsgroups than in chat. I have commonly joked about "Chat Tourette's"; you'll never see me mention that concept in a forum, since you can reply at any time. Matter of fact, one is practically expected to write a more thoughtful response in a forum or newsgroup than they are in chat.

If you tried to reply "at your leisure" in chat, you could

  1. lose context,
  2. get ribbed for being "slow",
  3. confuse readers,
  4. all of the above.
An analogy: If you're in a car in town, and you're caught behind a blue-haired old lady driving 10 mph where the speed limit is 25 mph, your reaction will be far different than if that lady is doing the same speed on the track at Daytona and you're driving at 200 mph.

Also, there is the "form" versus "content" to consider. If you whine and stamp your feet, and/or demand action, you're less likely to get a civil response, or be granted any credibility. As to this thread, I think Dean addressed this rather graciously:

Roy Munson said:
I don't know what you expected this thread to accomplish, but I'll bet that the result is that most who read it will be unlikely to reply to your questions at all in the future.
Galen did as well:

gwb8568 said:
BUT, if you would have said something to the effect of: "thanks for all the replies and links guys and gals, i check them out and still had one more question that either i couldn't find a definite answer on or all the answers were conflicting with one another".........i gaurantee you would have not received this response.
So yep, I replied in a smartarse fashion here in the forums. It's a response I've done here often to those who demand a response be formatted to their liking. It's a response that CAV practically trademarked. It's a response designed to get a chuckle, not convey information. Most people understand this.

And it's a response you apparently dont mind, as you stated in the "chat" thread:

Taceas said:
If you can act like an adult and not demand we do anything for you, or act like a dick...you're going to be accepted....
So yeah, there is a difference. The venue, and more importantly, the expectations, given the venue.

Am I surpised at all of this? Nah, not really. It's all about the do as I say, not as I do....or so I've been told.
Given the above, I think I'm quite consistent - but that's for others to decide.

Just some food for thought.

Veni, rumini, regurgi. ;)

jazzgeek said:
Sure. For those of you keeping score at home...
I started and scrapped about twelve replies to Misty's post. In the end, I figured that her post wasn't really directed at me, and that those to whom it was really directed could defend themselves adequately. For the most part it appears that you have done so. :)


Roy said:
I don't know what you expected this thread to accomplish, but I'll bet that the result is that most who read it will be unlikely to reply to your questions at all in the future.
jazzgeek said:
Galen did as well:
Galen said:
BUT, if you would have said something to the effect of: "thanks for all the replies and links guys and gals, i check them out and still had one more question that either i couldn't find a definite answer on or all the answers were conflicting with one another".........i gaurantee you would have not received this response.
I've been called a hypocrite many times on this board, but you are the first to post a concrete example. (Well, maybe Galen was first.) :grin01: I don't hold this against you. But I assure you that it was calculated hypocrisy. I'm hoping that Louis is just a little naive about forum netiquette, and that he becomes a valuable member of this forum, and that he buys $700 snakes from me later. ;)

My initial reaction to his O.P. in this thread was harsh, and-- well-- reactionary. I STILL stand by that reaction. But I don't have any internet enemies. One of the silliest concepts in the world, if you ask me. If I'm accused an using an olive branch as a crutch, then I stand (lean?) guilty (guiltily?). :D
mr. jazz.............when you get a chance, would you mind going into a little more detail on those topics. i think i still don't quite understand what is going on. :grin01:
gwb8568 said:
mr. jazz.............when you get a chance, would you mind going into a little more detail on those topics. i think i still don't quite understand what is going on. :grin01:

Did you not read the posts behind the links he provided in the text?!
Roy Munson said:
I've been called a hypocrite many times on this board, but you are the first to post a concrete example.
I assure you Dean, if you believe it to be an attempt on my part to call you out on hypocrisy, it was an unfortunate byproduct. My reason for quoting you was as an example of "grace under fire". IMO, the response was direct, civil, and to the point. I'd have repped ya, but I've got to sow my seeds to others before I can again.

But I don't have any internet enemies. One of the silliest concepts in the world, if you ask me.
Agreed. My stock response to a "threat" in situations like this is "What are you going to do, type at me?"

One man's "calculated hypocrisy" is another's "measured response in kind", I guess. :cheers:

jazzgeek said:
I assure you Dean, if you believe it to be an attempt on my part to call you out on hypocrisy, it was an unfortunate byproduct.
Oh no, Dale! I knew what you meant. I took your comments as complimentary. :) I was just trying to have a little fun at my own expense (regarding hypocrisy), but upon review, I didn't express myself very well. That's been happening a lot lately. I think I need to either post more carefully, or less frequently. Probably both. :grin01: