Mice! They taste so nice!
I have to say, if I resorted to trying the vapours, there's no way on earth I'd risk my snakes getting scalded being in a bag next to a cup of boiling liquid
Change is always fought by those who want things to stay the same.
If it works, it works, if it doesn't it doesn't. Sounds to me like there are more people who have used this method, that say it works, than those who have used it and say it doesn't.
Change is always fought by those who want things to stay the same.
If it works, it works, if it doesn't it doesn't. Sounds to me like there are more people who have used this method, that say it works, than those who have used it and say it doesn't.
I mean, you’re putting the snakes in bags and boiling a cup of water and putting it next to them. What if one of those snakes move in that bag and tips that thing of water? I’ve seen tons of snakes move a bag.
I mean you’re putting the snakes in close contact, as well, which opens up a whole new can of worms. To me, it seems reckless, and quite unsafe.
I have to say, if I resorted to trying the vapours, there's no way on earth I'd risk my snakes getting scalded being in a bag next to a cup of boiling liquid
I have to say, if I resorted to trying the vapours, there's no way on earth I'd risk my snakes getting scalded being in a bag next to a cup of boiling liquid
That's exactly what I was thinking. Cedar kills insects, but I wouldn't put a snake with mites in a tub full of cedar chips, no matter how many anectdotal treatment stories I saw.Both of these things occurred to me as well. If I'd brought it up rather than David, would you be jumping all over me?
It has been my experience that even some "reptile" vet's, like stated earlier, go with a much more conservative view.
Also, Since reptiles are not as well studied as other animals (had a long conversation about this with a Biologist at my school) I think that if someone is willing to try something new, and keep a good record of it, then it is worth a try.
Isn't Oren doing something that many people think is crazy with trying DE to get the Crypto out of a couple of his snakes systems?
Also, David, If I started a fund to focus on getting rid of RI in such a way that it would save you a trip to the vet, and a lot of money in the long run. Would you donate to that as well? It is my understanding that snakes get RI more than Crypto.
While I agree that taking the snakes to the vet would have been the best idea. The OP decided to try something else first, and it seems to be working for now. I believe that with more observation we will see whether or not it has cured the RI or just hidden it.
P. I think that setting it up in such a way with a small fan going from one tub with the mixture, pumping it into the tube with the snakes, would be a safer delivery system.
reckless bootleg interwebz treatment.
I am going to wait to see what Lenny finds in his searches, before I condemn the OP for trying something new. Things are too busy for me to look up all the possibilities myself.
Also, I doubt that dusting roaches with calcium/D3 and Nutribac is really all that new. In fact, I am pretty sure that one of the local Pet Stores around here does it. In my opinion it seems like a pretty good practice, keep those lizards healthy.
But Aaron, He's been doing this for 10 years..a whole decade...like since he was.....8 years old!!
OK Nanci, but he has said it himself that he was doing this since he was 8.
I am pretty sure he did anyway.
And your point is??