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Rodent Pro


New member
I checked out the website from a link on one of the forums and discovered I could get 100 pinkies from them for the same price as i would get 16 from my pet store...in this case do i get what i pay for or are pinkies just pinkies
Keep in mind that shipping can be expensive, though. If you have enough snakes then buying in bulk is the only way to go; but for one or two snakes, it may not be worth it. But as far as quality goes, pinkies are not just pinkies.

My personal experience with RodentPro has not been good. I tried them twice and was disappointed both times. I have since switched to big cheese rodents and haven't looked back.
bjc7487 said:
why is rodentpro bad? I've been using them for awhile and havent had any trouble :shrugs:

Like I said, some are good, some are bad. There are numerous reports here and on Fauna of getting wrongly sized rodents, urine messed, feces, and bedding all over the bags.
The only thing I don't like about Rodent Pro is that their boxes are marked, "Perishable Meat" on them, as well as their name.... wonder what my neighbors think....

I use FeedersPlus as they are here in Florida, so shipping is cheaper that way, and they arrive in one day...
Only issue I have ever had is inconsistency in their sizes from order to order. Otherwise been very happy with them.
i've been getting my pinkies from petco and 3 pinkies cost almost 5 bux!! i want to buy off of rodentpro or another good website but i only have one snake. do u know of any website that gives u only 10 or 15 pinkies instead of 100??
tommyxivx said:
i've been getting my pinkies from petco and 3 pinkies cost almost 5 bux!! i want to buy off of rodentpro or another good website but i only have one snake. do u know of any website that gives u only 10 or 15 pinkies instead of 100??
The smallest bag I've seen is 50, but I've seen grow up packs at serpentpets that gives you a few of each size in one pack, (pinkies, fuzzys, hoppers, etc), so as your snake grows you just move up to the next size in the bag...
I've heard nothing but great things about http://www.themousefactory.com/

Mice I have bought from Rodent Pro seemed kinda small and really skinny. Like they have absolutely nothing in their gut. I get better mice from Petco.

Is your snake going to be on pinkies long enough to get rid of 100 pinkies? It's good to get them to fuzzies asap because their more nutritious. Or so I've read....
CaptBogart said:
The smallest bag I've seen is 50, but I've seen grow up packs at serpentpets that gives you a few of each size in one pack, (pinkies, fuzzys, hoppers, etc), so as your snake grows you just move up to the next size in the bag...

thank u so much captbogart..i was just searchin through the website and found a pack of 10 pinkies worth 3 bux! thnx again
Checkerbelly said:
I've heard nothing but great things about http://www.themousefactory.com/

Mice I have bought from Rodent Pro seemed kinda small and really skinny. Like they have absolutely nothing in their gut. I get better mice from Petco.

Is your snake going to be on pinkies long enough to get rid of 100 pinkies? It's good to get them to fuzzies asap because their more nutritious. Or so I've read....

I was going to ask if anyone had used mouse factory.
I know this is a little off-topic, but what do you guys pay for live pinkies, I pay $2 at my local petstore. They said they charge so much because of "the cost to raise and breed the mice" But if these online stores can crank them out at 14-25 cents a piece and still turn a profit...it kinda makes me think i'm being ripped off...badly
For one or 2 snakes it's not really cost effective to order online. No matter what size the order, shipping is probably going to be a minimum 30 bucks or so.

Your best bet is to find a local feeder breeder, or a local reptile show where you can buy whatever quantities you want, without shipping, for a much lower price than petco.

Another option would be a local pet shop that specializes in reptiles. The chain stores like Petco and Petsmart just rip you off on frozen feeders.
bjc7487 said:
why is rodentpro bad? I've been using them for awhile and havent had any trouble :shrugs:
I haven't had any problems with them either.

Is there sometimes bedding mixed in....yes.
Is there mouse droppings sometimes mixed in....yes.
Are feet and tails often broken off the pinkies....yes.
Have any of my snakes filed a complaint....no.

And all are growing at a super rate....not quite Roy Munson rate, but super all the same.:grin01:
Every one gets rinsed off before they're fed to a snake anyway. And they usually have some great sales going on too. Especially on the smaller rodents.

And as I've said in other threads, I have an advantage with them, they're at a local show every month so I get to by pass shipping cost; just have to bring my own cooler.:cool: :cool:
I to have nothing really bad to say about RodentPro. When I order, there's a comment box at the bottom, and I very specifically write in that comment box only white mice and be sure there's no feces or urine. I haven't been disappointed with any unreasonable amounts of feces or urine (c'mon, what's 1 or 2 pieces of poo?! There's more than that in the box of one live mouse when you bring it home!) in any bags. And since adding the request for only white mice, I've never received black or brown mice.

I personally think their mice are genetically enhanced or something, because on a 7-10 day feeding schedule (even for hatchlings) I am getting superb growth rates that I can't explain with simple husbandry practices. If garbage in/garbage out holds true, my snakes are NOT getting any garbage!!

Like Danny, I take advantage of Rodent Pro being at the local show. Though I pick up quite a bit more than Danny does, they only charge me for the packing and dry ice on large orders. I'd have to go back and look but I'd be surprised if it cost me and additional $10 for my last order which was 4 boxes worth of rodernts.

NOTE: For those of you who have smaller collections you could try to get some other people near you to go in on an order and split the shipping costs. That and the discount applied with larger quantity orders helps also.
tommyxivx said:
i just found out at serpentpets.com...the price for shipping and handling is 23 bux!!! bummer :cry:

That's why it is more cost effective to order in bulk. Just add the shipping cost to the cost of mice/pinks and divide by the total number of mice/pinks (this is called dollar-cost averaging--but you probably already do this anyways).

I raise my own colonies, but with many recent snake additions, my colonies have not been able to keep up, so I was forced to place an order. I ordered from RodentPro, mainly because of the sale prices and from what I had read--no major complaints (at least no more than any other company)

I received ~500 mice, weanlings, hoppers, fuzzies, pinks (basically a bag of each size). Cost of the actual pinks/mice was around $65, while shipping was ~$40.00. This came out to an average cost of around $0.21 a prey item--and you really cannot beat that.

As far as RodentPro quality goes: very little bedding, very little feces, no urine; my only complaint was the bag of weanlings had an array of sizes--pinks, fuzzies, hoppers, weanlings, and small mice--I'm not really sure what they were smoking when they packed up that bag. Everything was frozen when I received it--probably due to the 15 pounds of dry ice (that's the bulk of the shipping cost, because of the 2-day service).