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Rosy Boas at expos?


Hopeless Addict...
Hi, guys! Well, it's finally happening! After seven long years of waiting I'm finally able to get my first snake! It almost happened back in 2010 (when I first joined this forum- sheesh, seems like so long ago!) but unfortunately things didn't work out... So hopefully this time will be different! *crosses fingers*

Anyway, unfortunately (I say that with sarcasm, of course) with all this time now to skulk around the forums and drool over other forum member's snakes I happened to stumble across an old thread a few days ago where Nanci had commented with a picture of her beautiful rosy boa, Noah.

I'm now seriously conflicted. After seven years of wanting a corn snake and being one month away from going to my first reptile expo... one look at Noah the Boa has me tearing my hair out trying to choose between the two.

So, my question is, how common are rosy boas at expos? I'm going to what I think is a smaller local expo (I haven't found much info on it yet) at the end of October so I wanted to see if it was plausible that there may be some there since from what I've read they aren't as popular.

Also, how much do anery rosy boas usually cost? I just love the blue on these snakes so before I go crazy I wanted to see if it was even something I could afford.

Sigh. Well, thank you for any help on this matter! I hope I posted this in the right place since it isn't truly corn snake related. :) I just love this forum so I figured I'd ask here.
I have no idea how popular Rosy boas are in your area but I'd imagine that it's possible there might be a few, although likely not a great variety of them. I'm not totally up on the prices for Rosy boas but it's going to depend on the locality they are, if they have a locality assigned to them and then on what particular morphs they are. Most I have seen are between $65 to $200. I think there aren't any over $500, but I could be wrong on that.

Both snakes make great pets and you will likely be happy with either! However getting one of each would solve the dilemma of choosing!
the one anery rosy boa I found of faunaclassifieds (sister site to here) listed her as het for snow (same as het albino) and she was listed for $400. On another classifieds site there were some 2014 locality anery rosy boas going for $750. You might find cheaper at the show, you might not. The 2 shows I've been to this year and the annual shows I went to in 2010, '11, and '13 were predominantly ball python morphs. I recall some rosy boas, but only mutts (= non-locality) and albinos. I'd definitely expect the same in FL.
Wow- I was just at the FIRE show in Lakeland, Florida, and one vendor had a _ton_ of Rosy Boas, all locality-labeled, including aneries, albinos and snows.

Maybe take a look at Sean Niland's website, VMS Herp- and see what he has? He's a super-reputable breeder.

Wow, I wish I could remember who the vendor was.
I have no idea how popular Rosy boas are in your area but I'd imagine that it's possible there might be a few, although likely not a great variety of them. I'm not totally up on the prices for Rosy boas but it's going to depend on the locality they are, if they have a locality assigned to them and then on what particular morphs they are. Most I have seen are between $65 to $200. I think there aren't any over $500, but I could be wrong on that.

Both snakes make great pets and you will likely be happy with either! However getting one of each would solve the dilemma of choosing!

Hahaha! Tavia, if only it was as simple as choosing one of each! The problem is, which was the problem back in 2010, that my mother does NOT, in any way shape or form, like snakes or any other reptile really at all. If I could have one of each kind of snake I wanted I would definitely have a Western Hognose, corn snake and rosy boa currently living in my bedroom. :D I decided to wait on the hognose for when I'm living on my own since I don't think my first snake should be one that, if I'm not careful, could cause a reaction/swelling if bit. I know they aren't prone to biting but if I want her to come around to liking them I have to choose carefully, right? Lol!

the one anery rosy boa I found of faunaclassifieds (sister site to here) listed her as het for snow (same as het albino) and she was listed for $400. On another classifieds site there were some 2014 locality anery rosy boas going for $750. You might find cheaper at the show, you might not. The 2 shows I've been to this year and the annual shows I went to in 2010, '11, and '13 were predominantly ball python morphs. I recall some rosy boas, but only mutts (= non-locality) and albinos. I'd definitely expect the same in FL

Yeesh! If that was for locality then I would have to look into the non-locality ones...or look harder online for some. Well, I'll just hope to be lucky come the end of October! Thank you very much for your help!
Wow- I was just at the FIRE show in Lakeland, Florida, and one vendor had a _ton_ of Rosy Boas, all locality-labeled, including aneries, albinos and snows.

Maybe take a look at Sean Niland's website, VMS Herp- and see what he has? He's a super-reputable breeder.

Wow, I wish I could remember who the vendor was.

Ah! Nanci! I was wondering if you would end up seeing this thread! Just my luck though that I didn't end up getting my stuff together earlier and live farther north!

I checked VMS Herp after reading your post and he should have some posted for sale hopefully by the end of October if I read right! Something to definitely look forward to and keep an eye on as a possibility, especially if he's recommended.

Overall, I just don't know if I should wait and go to the expo to look for my snake or just buy one online and pay for the shipping. Especially in the case of rosy boas since they don't seem to be as common. I mean, I'm pretty sure I can find a decently priced corn snake at the expo that would be cheaper than getting one online due to shipping but I a unsure with a rosy if it would end up being roughly the same price as online, especially since I want an anery.

Decisions, decisions! Hahaha, I have Noah to thank for all of this... xP Hope she is doing well!
It wouldn't hurt to go to a show and see if you even like them, in person. That was what did me in- some vendor at a show handed me a big adult and it was instant love. BUT I knew I wanted a locality, but I couldn't decide which I liked best, and then maybe a year or two later I saw Noah at Daytona and I had to have him.
Maybe you could show pictures of both to your mom and see if she likes or even dislikes less the look of one over the other? Even better if you could get her to see or hold one in person, that might thaw her out a bit towards them. My mom isn't a huge snake fan but she actually likes the Rosy boas over pretty much all our other species.
It wouldn't hurt to go to a show and see if you even like them, in person. That was what did me in- some vendor at a show handed me a big adult and it was instant love. BUT I knew I wanted a locality, but I couldn't decide which I liked best, and then maybe a year or two later I saw Noah at Daytona and I had to have him.

That is true... I've never seen a Rosy Boa in person but I do read a lot that they are squishy (I love squishy things)! I think I'm partly just anxious to get my snake before anything happens. :p

I do like the looks of a San Felipe locality and of course any rosy that's anery. I love blues to bits and the rosy boas faces are just so cute!

As an aside question and this is probably a very silly question, do vendors at expos let people hold snakes who have never held one before? I would assume that they would if they let people hold their snakes. The reason I ask is that I've read that I should hold the snake to check overall health before buying but I've never been able to hold one before. The closest I've gotten is just touching! Heh.
Maybe you could show pictures of both to your mom and see if she likes or even dislikes less the look of one over the other? Even better if you could get her to see or hold one in person, that might thaw her out a bit towards them. My mom isn't a huge snake fan but she actually likes the Rosy boas over pretty much all our other species.

I've already tried that. :D She doesn't like any of them really but it's mostly whatever is the smallest one size-wise that she likes. I will try to see if she would hold one at the expo but I wouldn't hold my breath. She's VERY stubborn in regards to snakes since this is about... a 35 year old grudge? She's had bad experiences with them so it's a bit harder than most.

I do hope to change her mind about them someday though!
It really depends on the vendor and sometimes on how busy they are. Some vendors don't like to allow the visitors to an expo to handle their animals because that can transfer disease. If they are super swamped, they may not want to have to supervise the person holding the animal and keep an eye on the rest of their table as well. Most vendors keep anti bacterial gel on their tables, it's polite to use it before asking if you can handle anything.

If they think you are at least semi serious about buying an animal, they are going to be way more likely to let you get some out and hold them too.

But a lot of time vendors will let you hold certain of their animals and are glad to get new people to interact with reptiles, whether a sale from that person is likely or not.
Really just depends on the vendor.
It really depends on the vendor and sometimes on how busy they are. Some vendors don't like to allow the visitors to an expo to handle their animals because that can transfer disease. If they are super swamped, they may not want to have to supervise the person holding the animal and keep an eye on the rest of their table as well. Most vendors keep anti bacterial gel on their tables, it's polite to use it before asking if you can handle anything.

If they think you are at least semi serious about buying an animal, they are going to be way more likely to let you get some out and hold them too.

But a lot of time vendors will let you hold certain of their animals and are glad to get new people to interact with reptiles, whether a sale from that person is likely or not.
Really just depends on the vendor.

Okay, good! I thought it would be something along these lines but I just wanted to make sure before I did anything that would be considered rude. :)
You've never held a snake before? Well, a rosy is a lot less likely to jump out of your hands than a baby cornsnake. Maybe you should practice with something like a ball python ;-) Too bad you live so far away- you could get snake handling lessons. But seriously, I wouldn't ask to hold any baby cornsnakes- but an adult corn, or any rosy boa, should be fine.
You've never held a snake before? Well, a rosy is a lot less likely to jump out of your hands than a baby cornsnake. Maybe you should practice with something like a ball python ;-) Too bad you live so far away- you could get snake handling lessons. But seriously, I wouldn't ask to hold any baby cornsnakes- but an adult corn, or any rosy boa, should be fine.

Yeah, I'm a complete amateur in that regard! I have all the information but none of the experience. :p Whole reason I grew to love snakes was because two teachers I had kept snakes in their classroom and I would spend all year trying to get the chance to hold one! Lol. Just never worked out between the shedding and feeding schedules etc. Closest I'd gotten with both teachers was touching their sides for a few seconds. Heh!

Would it be bad to say though that I tried practicing with my cat's tail? LMAO. She kept smacking me with it that I decided to grab it in retaliation and pretend it was a snake. She was NOT enthused. Not in the least. :D She was kind enough to forgive me later when she came in for her middle of the night cuddle session which included stepping on my face trying to get comfortable.

I would definitely love to have snake handling lessons with a ball python or better yet Noah the Boa! ;) It would be awesome to see her in person if she looks that good in a photo. I just never seem to live in a place close to anything I'd like to go to!
I'm always interested in pretty snake photos! It's usually what I spend 99% of my time on the internet perusing through, really. Lol! :)

They are definitely a gorgeous family! I thought they looked really cute with their black stripes, reminded me of cute little slithery skunks- in a complimentary way of course! Esme's eyes were especially bewitching too! Did any of the babies have the same eyes as Esme from the 2012 hatchlings? I've wondered if snakes inherited eye color from the parents except for the obvious cases where morphs came into play like albino and stuff. :D
The babies' eyes ended up being kind of a mix of Esme's and Sebastian's, they are all somewhere in between the colors of the parents.
Yeah, I can see what you mean looking at Emma's eyes. Interesting stuff to be sure!
We didn't get to see them but I guess there was a pair of some kind of anery Rosy boas at the local Expo this weekend, a friend that was vending told us about them, I'm not sure what locality they might have been but the vendor friend was telling us they were the most awesome Rosys he'd ever seen. We ended up getting a pair of Ghost San Felipes from the vendor that had them but the aneries must have already sold by the time we made it to his table because we didn't see them, I was very disappointed about that, although I also probably didn't need the temptation either!