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Runt Update

Jenn, it's ok. I knew going into this that he may not make it. I've gotten very familiar with the "sometimes babies just don't make it" over the years. You do what you can and hope for the best.

On a happy note, Eos just at her second pinky head. Not sure how long it took her since I left everyone alone for about an hour and a half, but she seems to feed readily and is VERY active.
Shannon, I'm so sorry about poor Mica! I hope you don't feel that your efforts were wasted. I certainly don't believe so and I'm sure that others feel the same.

Glad that Eos is doing well. Please continue to keep us updated on her - at least until she is completely out of the woods.

Take Care!

Shannon, sorry to hear about Mica :awcrap:

You did great trying to get the lil guy to eat. Just as you said, sometimes they just don't make it.

I wish you continued luck with Eos.
Oh Shannon im sorry to hear about Mica. I'm glad Eos is still eating. Dinky didnt take his second meal. I tried to feed him the shoulder section of a pinky. I noticed that he digested his pinky head pretty fast to. Keep up with the good work and hope Eos keeps chowing down for you.
Sorry to hear about Mica's demise. At least you tried! And I'm glad that Eos is continuing to eat. Best of luck with her.
Thanks everyone :) Her next feeding will be Saturday, so I'll try to get a picture or two if I can get her to hold still long enough. She's very quick and wiggly.

Good luck Cassie. Hopefully Dinky (adorable name) will take his next meal. Maybe he felt the shoulders were too big. As big as a lump as the head gives Eos, the shoulders might be a bit much right now.
I tried to make the shoulders the same size as the head. I will try to feed him a head again tomorrow night. he might just prefer it. I thought the name was pretty good too thanks. I still cant believe how tiny he is im always afraid im going to break him.
I think the heads might just be more recognizable as a food item than other parts. A lot of snakes like to look for the head to start swallowing.