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Safety/heating questions!


I have a good friend who's husband is building me a 4-tub rack (I blame this website for getting me hooked, it's completely y'all's fault!)

Any-whooo, I will be using 41qt tubs to house them in.
My question is, since I will have separate heating mats per tub, all plugged into the thermostat, is it safe to place them under these tubs? Are the temps of 84-88 degrees too high? Or are they not nearly hot enough to damage or melt the plastic in any way?

I need suggestions and tips and any other info you can throw at me- this is my first rack, and I want to make sure it's safe for my spoiled brats.

Thank you!
(Here's a link for the tubs I'm wanting to use)
It's less than body temperature. I don't think you could melt the plastic with that.

I THOUGHT that this is probably the case- I just would rather ask on here, from experienced people, then melt the tubs and hurt my snakes lol because then I would feel like a total moron.
I just wanted to make sure it would be okay to do this- Plus, their heat mats are wrapped in tin foil for easy positioning and re-usage :p

Thank you lovely!
On the other hand, I think calling myself an experienced person would be... um... exaggerating. A lot. I don't think one year with snakes qualifies me for that title! ;)
Ha haha